First Words: Rights, privileges and franchise
secured...Constitution of the State of New York
is the Week of the Young Child (April 16-20). You know when your
smoke alarm goes off and is super loud and annoying and you can't
figure out how to turn it off. That's what it's like having a
gonna do the pony 'til mama get mad at us.........Bo Diddley …..Mama
Don't Allow No Twistin'
Ways to Promote Peace #5: Don't engage in violence of any kind.
is a gorgeous Friday morning. Little puffs of cloud and jet trail
drifting very slowly across a dreamy blue sky. Birds of every size,
shape, and sound fill the yard and the bush and the feeders and the
trees in the little wood across the street. The little wood has the
only trees that a big enough and old enough to be bare and wintery
looking. A tiny golden finch sits on a limb and looks me over before
trusting the feeder. Puck is silently walking the perimeter and
sniffing out any trouble that may be lurking under the porch on in
the neighbor's yard. There are no squirrels near but I can see them
high up in a tree behind the house across the way. Perhaps they are
building nests or maybe they are just enjoying the view of this
beautiful day. The is the skree, skree of a starling scout
warning that there is a dog in the yard as she flies on to scout the
little wood. The flowering pear finally flowered surrounds itself in
a perfume of floral and spring. Overhead a prop plane drones towards
the south. Puck and I take a few more deep breaths of the cool
(39°F) morning air and head back to the house. And I raise my cup
of carefully doctored, sweetened, creamed Moose Munch to you, Good
your weekend never grows up, ePistliers.
toddler's pretty particular about which color apple she gets, for
someone who's just going to make me peel the whole thing anyway.
out front of a doctor's office makin' people sick.........Bo Diddley
…..Signifying Blues
Questions: Happy Birthday to the Underground Railway !!
What was the Underground Railway (UR), anyway?
About how many slaves are estimated to have escaped on the UR?
What happened in 1850 to make the UR more dangerous?
What professional jargon was used as code on the UR?
When did the UR shut down?
Thing I Read of the Week: Department of Justice Confirms: if
indicted, Trump will be tried as an adult. --Submitted by ma of va
Library Statistic of the Week:
spend on average 17 hours a year waiting for webinar organizers to
get the audio to work
four year old is crying because my two year old's farts keep waking
him up. That's my life, folks, good night.
carburetor will eat up the road.........Bo Diddley …..Ride On,
we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a
perspective, not the truth.
--Marcus Aurelius
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: Ekamowir
omo - Nauruan (Micronesia)
of the Week: Spring Astronomy Week
(April 16-22) --Black
holes are most commonly found in black socks. / An astronomy major
had a part time job working in the university’s off-campus housing
office. One day, a fellow student, upon entering the office in
thought about the morning lecture, asked, “What is an astronomical
unit?” To which the astronomy major replied, “One really big
making meals for toddlers, I find it best to throw whatever you make
directly in the trash and give them a piece of cheese.
his prayers with his shotgun cocked.........Bo Diddley …..The Great
UR was an informal network and had many routes. Most routes went to
northern states and after 1850, to Canada. Others went south to
Mexico or the Caribbean.
It is Friday, April 20, 2018. The moon will be first quarter on
Monday and is in Cancer. It is Chinese Language Day
at the UN. It is also International Cli-Fi Day, National Cheddar
Fries Day, National Pot Smokers Day, and National Teach Children to
Save Day.
those born on this day are Marcus Aurelius (121), Edward IV (England,
1442), Philippe Pinel (1745), Napoleon III (1808), Adolf Hitler
(1889), Harold Lloyd (1893), Joan Mirรณ
(1893), Alan Reed (1907), Lionel Hampton (1909), Pat Roberts (1936),
George Takei (1940), Ryan O'Neal (1941), and Jessica Lange (1949).
April twentith Halley's Comet's was recorded for the 8th time (295),
New York adopted it's constitution
(1777), the Territory of Wisconsin was created (1836), the first
detective story was published (Poe's Murders
in the Rue Morgue, 1841), Harriet Tubman
started the Underground Railroad (1853), Robert E Lee resigned his
commission in the Union army (1861), the San Francisco Bar
Association was organized (1872), Marie & Pierre Curie isolated
the element radium (1902), the Louisiana Purchase Exposition opened
in St. Louis (1904), Halley's Comet was recorded for the 29th time
(1910), Fenway Park opened (1912), the Balfour Declaration was
recognized (1920), and the NFL legalized coaching from the bench
Sky, 4/20:
evening the dark limb of the crescent Moon will occult 4th-magnitude
multiple star Nu Geminorum for parts of the southern U.S. and points
Fiction Convention of the Week:
RavenCon 13 – The Con of Opportunity returns to Williamsburg,
Science Convention of the Week:
Statistics and Data Science Conference 2018 …
advance research activities and academic programs in the “21st
Century Statistics” whose foundations include Probability,
Statistics, Computation and Data Analysis.
Week: Saturday, April 21 –
Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day & Kindergarten Day & National
Yellow Bat Day
Sky, 4/21: The
Lyrid meteor shower should be weakly active from about midnight
tonight until the first light of dawn Sunday morning. The Moon,
nearly first quarter, sets around 1- 2 am local time. The shower may
produce about a dozen meteors visible per hour for a watcher under an
excellent dark sky.
April 22 – Earth Day & Girl Scout Leaders Day &
Global Selfie Earth Day (NASA)
April 23 – Impossible Astronaut Day (Dr Who) & Movie
Theater Day & Talk Like Shakespeare Day
April 24 – World Day for Animals in Laboratories
Sky, 4/24: Saturn
is at aphelion and, in fact, farthest it's been from the Sun (by a
trace) since 1959.
April 25 – Denim Day & Secretary's Day & DNA Day
Sky, 4/25: After
dark, Leo walks horizontally across the meridian high in the south.
His brightest star is Regulus, the bottom star of Leo's Sickle. The
Sickle forms his front leg, chest, mane, and part of his head.
April 26 – Audubon Day & Hug An Australian Day &
Lesbian Visibility Day
can't judge sugar by lookin' at the cane.........Bo Diddley …..You
Can't Judge A Book
estimate that about 100,000 slaves escaped using the UR network.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: US Foreign Policy: Shoot
First & Attack Those Who Ask Questions Later.
It is not truth that matters but victory. --Adolf Hitler
Night Snacks: The National Enquirer paid
$30,000 for a story about President Drumpf having a love child but
then buried the story. The Enquirer said, "We did it to protect
the child from finding out his father is Donald Drumpf."
--Conan O'Brien / But see, this is the genius of Donald Drumpf. How
can he let our enemies know what he’s doing when even he doesn’t
know what he’s doing? Meanwhile, his White House press secretary,
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was asked about this today. She said all
options are on the table. Then she pretended to be a table. Until
everyone went away. --Jimmy Kimmel / The president has been very
busy. This morning he tweeted that an attack on Syria could happen
"very soon or not so soon at all." When asked if he's using
a Magic 8-Ball, Drumpf said, "Ask again later." --Jimmy
Fallon / President Drumpf had dinner with Republican congressional
leaders last night. “Are you gonna finish that?” they asked about
his presidency. --Seth Meyers / It’s being reported that a former
doorman at a Drumpf building in New York was paid $30,000 to keep
quiet about a rumor that Drumpf fathered an illegitimate child with
his housekeeper in the 1980s. A secret illegitimate child. I don’t
believe it. Finally, something Drumpf didn’t want to put his name
on. --James Corden / And Donald Drumpf is ready to take drastic
action against everyone investigating him, no matter who. One Drumpf
friend told Vanity Fair, "I could see him having a total
meltdown and saying, '(bleep) it, I'm firing all of them.' This is
very dry tinder. If someone strikes a match to it, you could see it
catching fire." "Dry Tinder," by the way, is how Mike
Pence met his wife. --Stephen Colbert
So Late Night Snacks: Well, this is the thing
I don't quite - all you hear about Facebook is that everybody lies on
it, right? Like, they make their lives look more interesting...And
all the stuff that...And now everyone's upset because, you know, this
company stole all this data or has their hands on all of this data.
But none of it is true, so who cares? --Tom Bodett Wait,
Wait, Don't Tell Me
Ways to Promote Peace #4: Create a peaceful affirmation/mantra
a toddler while carrying a comb is a lot like approaching a human
while carrying a chainsaw. / My four year old just exclaimed to me
“leave me alone for a bit!” Excuse me? Leave YOU alone? I
haven't taken a piss alone in 4 years.
can start off slow with a love that is true.........Bo Diddley
Slave Act of 1850
it more difficult for slaves to escape. The law allowed for slaves to
be returned to their masters even though they were in a free state.
The final destination became Canada.
Fact of the Week: The
Territory of Wisconsin was an organized incorporated territory of the
United States that
existed from 1836, until 1848, when an eastern portion of the
territory was admitted to the Union as the State of Wisconsin.
Word of the Week:
Griffonage – scribble or scrawl The
verb is recorded in French from the sixteenth century, but it arrived
in English only in the early years of the nineteenth, clearly as a
direct borrowing.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:
English is a difficult language. It can be understood through
thorough thought, though. --Submitted by ma of ks
Uses for Common Products:
Make children's clothing flame retardant. Mix together 9 ounces of
20 Mule Team Borax and 4 ounces of boric acid in one gallon of water.
If the article is washable, soak in the solution after final
rinsing, then dry. If the garment is not washable, spray with the
solution. This solution, recommended by fire departments, may wash
out of clothing and should be used after each washing or dry
cleaning. http://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/20muleteam.html
my toddler would rather eat than what I prepare 1) An unroasted
coffee bean 2) a small rock she found on the ground 3) her own foot.
found her right here in the windy city.........Bo Diddley …..Diddley
language was adopted as secret
codes use
by agents, station masters, conductors, operators, stockholders and
all of those involved in saving slaves. Coded
song were
used by slaves.
Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Zany – amusingly
unconventional and idiosyncratic Love's Labour's Lost
Act V, Scene II Biron: Some carry-tale, some please-man, some
slight zany...
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Don't
piss off old people. The older we get, the less “life in prison”
is a deterrent.
Experiment You Can Do At Home:
Build a soap powered model boat.
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck staring sternly at a feline gang member in
the case of the Angry Anatolian.
Brothers were out of plain bagels so my three year old is picking 3
billion sesame seeds off her breakfast.
and handsome and a teasin' tan.........Bo Diddley …..500% More Man
history of the UR goes back to the 1780s and became known as such in
the 1830s. It reached its height in the 1850s and ended in 1863 when
the Emancipation
of the Week: April is Adopt A Ferret
Month --How many
California ferret owners does it take to change a lightbulb?
Thousands. First they have to write to their representatives, educate
others, obtain support, etc. then have a bill proposal pass through
various committees before the government will allow the bulb to be
changed. / What did the grape say when the ferret stood on it?
Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Went
to the Air and Space Museum but there was nothing there.
Beautiful Thing in the State of Wisconsin:
Apostle Islands … 21
islands and 12 miles of mainland, plus Madeline Island. Along
windswept beaches and cliffs, visitors experience where water meets
land and sky, culture meets culture, and past meets present.
Peace of History, April 20, 1969: Citizens
of Berkeley, CA, created the People's Park out of a parking lot.
son asked what it was like to be a parent so I begged him to make me
chicken nuggets and then held on to his leg so he couldn't move.
flat tires, didn't give me no warnin'.........Bo Diddley …..Cadillac
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle April 20, 2018, Toddlin' ePistle. Online at:
Generic Tag Line. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct.
Lawrence, KS 66046
is an art of no little importance to administer medicines properly:
but, it is an art of much greater and more difficult acquisition to
know when to suspend or altogether to omit them.
--Philippe Pinel
of War:
of 4/19/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,813,565,582,699.
of 4/12/18 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,811,578,630,061.
of 4/19/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $821,442,570,350.
of 4/12/18 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $820,092,349,640.
of 4/19/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $582,327,608,137.
of 4/12/18 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $580,630,461,317.
of 4/19/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $287,683,527,130.
of 4/12/18 Veterans Care since 2001: $287,597,851,344.
of 4/19/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,505,319,076,475.
of 4/12/18 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $4,499,900,091,536.
Ways to Promote Peace #3: Write to your government (local and
gonna turn me outta my mind.........Bo Diddley …..Diddy Wah Diddy
is mostly just informing kids how many more minutes they have of
Last Words: ‘de nier ce qui est, et d’expliquer ce qui
n’est pas.' --Rousseau via Poe Murders In The Rue Morgue.
Peace keep you wondering
Joy keep you seeking
Laugh: From the April 14, 2018 March For Science
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