Friday, October 14, 2016

cOmb-oVer ePistle

Famous First Words: let's live suddenly without thinking... e e cummings
Welcome to Be Bald and Be Free Day! --Billy is eating breakfast one morning and gets to thinking about things. “Mommy, why does daddy have so few hairs on his head?” he asks. His mother says, “He thinks a lot” pleased with herself for coming up with such a quick answer to Little Billy’s question. Or she is until Billy thinks for a second and asks, “So why do you have so much hair?”
..........It's only a machine that makes money.........Bob Marley …..Slave Driver
Having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing seems to me to be one of the most basic principles that you can adopt to contribute to individual and world peace.
It is a drizzly Friday morning. The sky is an even gray without texture or variance and it extends to the earth with water handing in the air rather than falling in drops to the ground. It gives a dreamlike quality to the world, woods with indistinct borders and muted green lawns dotted with red smudges and gold spots. The temperature (54°F) is pleasant and there is little wind to press it home. Sounds of motor vehicles near and distant fill the soundtrack. Birds are sleeping in, I guess, but the soothing splash of water across the rocks in the fountain is also part of the morning. Aromas of wet foliage and damp soil waft up carrying with them a hint of moist dog. A breeze wanders by and knocks real water drops from the yellowing tree leaves and Puck declares himself ready to leave the yard; afterall, he's sure it is free of squirrels. Our rooms are warm and smell of coffee and pancakes, I think, from upstairs. And now I sit with hot, artificially sweetened unleaded coffee – mmuummmmm – and I get to write to you.
Have a hairy weekend, ePistliers.
Bill is so bald you can see what's on his mind. / Bill is so bald he got brain-washed in the shower.
..........Babylon, you throne gone down, gone down........Bob Marley …..Rasta Man Chant
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to Rescue from Gillian's Island
^ How many years after the last Gilligan's Island episode was the movie made?
^^ How many years after the first Gilligan's Island episode did the movie take place?
^^^ Who actually rescues the castaways?
^^^^ What was the name of the boat they were cast out of?
^^^^^ All of the castaways made it to the rescue; how many can you name? (character or actor or double for both)
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 100% of librarians on airplanes aren't being rude, they're just maxed out on inane conversation with strangers.
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it. Submitted by pl of ks
Moonbeam: Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in. --Katherine Mansfield
Bill is invited to a costume party. He rushes to the costume shop. He tells the shop owner that he wants a costume that will hide both his bald head and his wooden leg. The store owner goes to the back of the store, and returns with a pirate costume. “This will cover your head with a bandanna, and your wooden leg will look just like part of your costume.” “That’s not going to work,” said Bald Bill. “I asked for a costume that covers both my baldness and my wooden leg.” The store owner apologizes, and returns to the back of the store. He returns a few minutes later, carrying a monk’s habit. “This long robe will cover your wooden leg, and your bald head will seem to be just part of the costume.” Bald Bill is irate. “I said I wanted a costume that would cover both my baldness, and my wooden leg!” The store owner apologizes again to Bald Bill, and returns to the back of the store. He returns with a jar of molasses and a hockey stick, which he hands to Bald Bill. “What am I supposed to do with these?” Bald Bill asks. The store owner replies, “Pour this molasses on your head, remove your wooden leg, and use the hockey stick for balance. You’ll almost look like a caramel apple.”
George (Lucas) owns my likeness so every time I look into a mirror, I have to send him a couple of dollars. --Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking
..........Never make a politician (aaa-aaah) grant you a favor........Bob Marley …..Revolution
Something to Think About of the Week: We are made from mother earth and we go back to mother earth. --Proverb
Big Hello: Aloha - Hawaiian
Week of the Week: World Rain forest Week (October 10-16) – The latest “Sounds of the Rain forest” CD was not as relaxing as I hoped. The first half was birds chirping, the rest was just chainsaws and bulldozers.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Time Eddy II – (October 14-16, Wichita, KS) Doctor Who Convention

Doctor, my hair keeps falling out; can you give me anything to keep it in?” “Sure, here's a paper bag”. / Hurricane Matthew's winds were so strong, Bald Bill had a wind swept scalp.
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. --Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking
..........Why not help one another on the way........Bob Marley …..Positive Vibration
^The final Gilligan's Island episode aired in April of 1967; the movie was aired on television on October 14 & 21 of 1978.
Almanac: It is Friday, October 14, 2016. The moon will be full (Corn) on Sunday and is in Aries. It is Be Bald and Be Free Day, National Family Bowling Day (or Kids Bowl Free Day), and World Standards Day. Because it is the second Friday it is also World Egg Day .
Among those born on this day were James II (1633), William Penn (1644), Elwood Haynes (1857), Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871), Katherine Mansfield (1888), Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890), e.e. cummings (1894), Lillian Gish (1896), C Evertt Koop (1916), Roger Moore (1927), Ralph Lauren (1939), and Harry Anderson (1952).
On October fourteenth the Battle of Hastings made William a conqueror (1066), Mary, Queen of Scots, went to trial (1586), Henry Blair became the first black man to obtain a US patent (corn planter, 1834), Germany withdrew from the League of Nations (1933), Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) was formed (1939), Rev Sun Young Moon was released from prison (1950), Peace Corps was first suggested by JFK (1960), Martin Luther King, JR won the Nobel Peace Prize (1964), Koufax pitched his second shutout of the series (against the Twins, 1965), Apollo 7 telecast the first programming from a spacecraft (1968), the first movie from a television program aired (Rescue from Gilligan's Island, 1978), Bob Marley gave his last concert (1980), Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize (1986), and the International Olympic Committee began staggering winter and summer games (1986).
This Week: Saturday, October 15 – Bridge Day, National Grouch Day, & National Swap Costumes Day
Night Sky, October 15: Full Moon. Uranus reaches opposite to the sun (it rises at sunset).
Sunday, October 16 – National Feral Cat Day & Dictionary Day
Night Sky, October 16: Brilliant Venus stands out low in the southwest during evening twilight.
Monday, October 17 – Black Poetry Day, Mulligan Day, & Wear Something Gaudy Day
Night Sky, October 17: Saturn passes into Scorpius
Tuesday, October 18 – Hard Boiled Guy/Girl Day & World Menopause Day
Night Sky, October 18: As the month progresses, Jupiter rises a little earlier so that by month's end (still at magnitude -1.7), it rises some two and a half hours before the Sun.
Wednesday, October 19 – Information Overload Day & Evaluate Your Life Day
Thursday, October 20 – Conflict Resolution Day & Spirit Day
Night Sky, October 20: 20th Venus passes close to Delta Scorpi.
Bill yelled at his barber, “Why did you take off so much hair?” The barber replied, “I wish, nature beat me to it”. / I'm not bald, I'm just taller than my hair.
You've heard that religion is the opiate of the masses, well, I've took massive amounts of opiates religiously. --Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking
..........Brainwash education to make us the fools........Bob Marley …..Crazy Bald-heads
^^ The story picks up 15 years after the original shipwreck (April, 1964).
Next Funniest thing I read of the Week: Bright yellow t-shirt with large green block letters: READ BOOKS NOT T SHIRTS --submitted by mu of ks
Moonbeam: Drugs don't work in patients who don't take them. --C. Everett Koop
Joke I Made Up of the Week: Why is everyone so outraged with Dumpf's grabbing women's pussies. If he had said “mandatory trans-vaginal ultrasound”, the GOP would pass it into law.
Late Night Snacks: Over the weekend, a 102-year-old woman got herself arrested so she could check that off of her bucket list. Now, it all seems like a cute story until you learn that the arrest was for triple homicide. --Conan O'Brien / The New York Times revealed today that Tim Kaine travels with six harmonicas in his briefcase. He carries so many because they’re constantly getting slapped out of his hands. --Seth Meyers / We're just four weeks away from Halloween: people pretending to be somebody else, going door-to-door for handouts, or as that's also called, running for president. --Jimmy Fallon / Assange says he has secret information about both Donald Drumpf and Hillary Clinton, and that information may drastically change people's views of these candidates. Americans replied, “Wait, it's going to make us like them?” --James Corden / Denim is now the state fabric of California. Our state bird, I don't know if you know this, is Chuck Norris. So he will never be endangered because he cannot be killed. --Jimmy Kimmel /But here's the thing, as a real estate developer, he was able to use that loss to wipe out more than $50 million a year in taxable income over 18 years. Well, when life gives you lemons, don't pay taxes. --Stephen Colbert
Barbecue may not be the road to world peace, but it's a start. --Anthony Bourdain
Is Bill getting taller, at his age? No, it's just his head sticking through his hair. / Bill, “I want a hair cut, please.” Barber, “Certainly, which one?”
Recently, I googled myself without a lubricant. --Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking
..........Don't tell no lie........Bob Marley …..Natural Mystic
^^^ The castaways were swept off the island by a tsunami and picked up by the coast guard when they set their raft on fire.
Worthless Fact of the Week: Mary, the only surviving legitimate child of King James V of Scotland, was six days old when her father died and she acceded to the throne and became Mary, Queen of Scots. She spent most of her childhood in France while Scotland was ruled by regents, and in 1558, she married the Dauphin of France, Francis.
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: “Presidential” now means bad porn. --Rev. Billy & the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir.
Weird Word of the Week: Cli-fi – a shortening of the term climate fiction. Cli-fi: dystopian fiction about the effect of climate change on human life.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Improvise nursing pads when breastfeeding. A Stayfree Maxi Pad makes an excellent substitute for nursing pads. Cut two circles from the panty liner, and use the adhesive strip to adhere the absorbent pads inside the bra cups.
Zookeeper Bill worked with polar bears. They loved him because his head was a great, white, bare, place. / Men have three basic hair styles: parted, unparted, and departed
Now, if you can get Paul (Simon) to write a song about you, do it. --Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking
...........You're in Jamaica: C'mon and smile........Bob Marley …..Smile Jamaica
^^^^S.S. Minnow was the name of the boat.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Champion – to support the cause of, defend. Macbeth Act III Scene I (Macbeth: And champion me to the utterance! Who's there!)
Amazing Thing on the Internet of the Week: The size of Hubble's Deep Field image in relation to the rest of the night sky. --Submitted by fb of az
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck reporting for the news channels on Hurricane Matthew in the case of the Blowing Bloodhound.
It's not baldness; it a cure for dandruff. / Bill doesn't call it a bald spot, he calls it a haircut with a hole in the middle.
Things were getting worse faster than we could lower our standards.--Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking
..........Don't you complicate your mind........Bob Marley …..Wake Up and Live
^^^^^ The castaways were Gilligan (Bob Denver), Skipper (Alan Hale, Jr) , the Professor (Russell Johnson), Thurston (Jim Backus) & Lovey (Natalie Schafer) Howell, Ginger (Tina Louise) and Mary Ann (Dawn Wells).
Month of the Week: October is National Reading Group Month – My book club can drink more than your book club. / I tried to form a gang once, but it turned into a book club.
Famous Kansans: Murderer Edward J. Adams was born in Hutchinson in 1887. He murdered seven people–including three policemen—during a period of around 14 months, and wounded at least a dozen others. At age 34, Adams was surrounded and killed by police in Wichita.
Today's Peace of History: Today's Peace of History, October 14, 1979: The first national gay and lesbian march for civil rights in Washington, D.C., drew over 100,000 demanding an end to all social, economic, judicial, and legal oppression of lesbian and gay people.

I knew I couldn't pretend I had hair once people starting calling me Captain Picard. / Wasted energy is trying to tell a hair-raising story to a bald man.
If my life wasn't funny, it would just be true. --Carrie Fisher Wishful Drinking
..........Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery........Bob Marley …..Redemption Song
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. (Only a fraction of the people will find this funny) --Submitted by bm of ??
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle October 14, 2016, cOmb-oVer ePistle: Online at: Good news and Bad jokes. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Boring Discussion of Software of the Week: I have been sending out the ePistle in the font: Comic Sans – because I really like it. But when it displays on smart phones and pad, etc. (perhaps only Apples products, perhaps not) it doesn't have Comic Sans and so it changes it to some (small) curly font that nobody can read on their phone or pad. So I have switched to Times New Roman (which I don't care for) because it seems to hold its shape better. Hope this helps.
Moonbeam: Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it. --William Penn
Cost of War: Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 10/13/16: $751,144,185,097.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 10/6/16: $750,512,336,951
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 10/13/16: $819,885,182,067.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 10/6/16: $819,866,715,349.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 10/13/16: $11,826,514,174.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 10/6/16: $11,729,398,614.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 10/13/16: $131,999,311,571.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 10/6/16: $131,458,943,907.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 10/13/16: $1,718,444,037,477.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 10/6/16: $1,717,124,424,775.
God of peace, bring your peace to our violent world: peace in the hearts of all men and women and peace among the nations of the Earth. --Pope Benedict XVI
..........Feel like dancing, dance 'cause we are free........Bob Marley …..Roots, Rock, Reggae
Are you really that bald or is your neck just blowing a bubble? / Poor Bill; he spent all day fixing his hair and then forgot to bring it with him.
Famous Last Words: We're wonderful one times one. e e cummings If Everything Happens
May Peace guide your pushaway
And Joy greet your grasshoppers
prairie mama
Parting Shot:

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