Friday, July 29, 2016

eLevatored ePistle

Famous First Words: Your Passion. Our Purpose.  --Southern California Golf Association Website
10 ways to celebrate Talk In An Elevator Day!  Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead with your palm muttering, "Shut up, dammit, all of you just shut UP!"
..........The light of love comes stealing.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise
Love loves to love.  It's nothing personal.  --Mooji
It is a beautiful Friday morning.  The 66°F is perfect for walking or sitting in the backyard.  The sky which is overcast and white with only jet trails leaving tatters across its seemingly seamless roof.  Birds are up early and in great numbers to greet this lovely scene and only temporarily silenced by the trash truck making its rounds.  The world smells deliciously of damp soil and wet grass squishes underfoot.  People are up and about walking dogs and jogging.  Puck can't find any problems and so he sits on the deck landing watching the day roll on.  I have brought my decaf to the outside so I can stand at the fence and watch other people rushing off to work while I sip sweetened tartness and take deep breaths of humidity (95%).  It is only the delightful thought of writing to you that brings me back inside at all.
May your weekend only go up, ePistliers.
Peek into your purse or briefcase and ask, "Got enough air in there?". / Stand facing the wall and count slowly.
..........You who have dreams.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Stout Hearted Men
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday Olympic National Park
^ Where is Olympic National Park located anyway?
^^ Olympic lies around the beautiful calm waters of which lake?
^^^ Hood Canal is the longest what in the United States?
^^^^ Which Olympic Park beach is known for the fabulous ocean view and spectacular sunsets?
^^^^^ Sol Duc offers the visitor what relaxing activity?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 27% of librarians fix their own work computers and don't tell library IT.
Moonbeam: Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.  --Don Marquis
Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. / Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
..........Now I ain't callin' this life perfect.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Lordy, What a Sweet World
Something to Think About of the Week: The place you are looking for is the place from which you are looking.  --Mooji
Big Hello: Mandi - Friulian (northern Italy)
Lawrence March for Justice: Click Here for pictures of the Black Lives Matter's March for Justice held July 22nd in Lawrence, KS. 
Week of the Week: National Moth Week (July 23-31) --The moth ate a hole in the carpet so he could see the floor show. / What do you call a moth that won't leave you alone? Moth-erly.
Quote of the Week: Fear doesn't make us safer.  It makes us weaker.  --Justin Trudeau
Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Madam Secretary. / Talk to your invisible dog: "Sit, boy, Good dog".
.......... Lightly granted by Allah..........Sigmund Romberg  .....One Flower Grows Alone
^ Olympic National Park is on Washington's Olympic Peninsula in the Pacific Northwest. The park sprawls across several different ecosystems, from the dramatic peaks of the Olympic Mountains to old-growth forests.
Almanac: It is Friday, July 29, 2016.  The moon will be new on Tuesday and is in Gemini.  It is Lasagna Day, National Chicken Wing Day, Rain Day, and System Administrator Appreciation Day.  In Gilroy, CA it is the weekend of the  Garlic Festival and in Norway it is Olsok Eve Festival (1030).  Because it is the fourth Friday it is also National Talk in An Elevator Day.
Among those born on this day were Alexis de Tocqaueville (1805), Alica Roosevelt (1861), Rasputin (1871), Don Marquis III (1878), Benito Mussolini (1883), Sigmund Romberg (1887), William Powell (1892), Isidor Isaac Rabi (1898), Clara Bow (1905), Dag Hammarskjold (1905), Professor Irwin Corey (1914), Richard Egan (1921), Mikis Theodorakis (1925), Nancy Kassebaum (1932), Elizabeth Dole (1936), and Peter Jennings (1938).
On Friday, July twenty-ninth the Spanish Armada sank (1588), the first sugar plantation in Hawaii began operations (1935), the Southern California Golf Association formed (1899), the first transcontinental phone link was made (NYC to SF, 1914), Disney's Steamboat Willie was released (1928), Olympic National Park was established (1938), the 14th modern Olympic games opened (London, 1948), the International Atomic Energy Agency was established (UN, 1957), Jack Paar's Tonight show premiered (1957), the Space Act and NASA were signed into law (1958), Help staring the Beatles premiered (1965), the Greeks chose a republic over a monarchy (1973), Pioneer 11 transmitted images of Saturn and its rings (1978), Bonnie Prince Charlie married lady Diana (1981), and the last Playboy Club in the US closed (1988).
Tonight's Sky, July 29: The Delta Aquarid Meteor shower offers slow and bright meteors, worth waiting for a glimpse of one or two. The waning Crescent Moon will offer dark skies for better viewing.  August Planets: Morning: Uranus and Neptune / Dusk: Mercury and Venus / Evening: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.
This Week: Saturday, July 30 - Friendship Day, National Dance Day & Father-in-Law Day.
Tonight's Sky, July 30: Due east at 11:30 pm is the Great Square of Pegasus, about one third of the way up into the sky.
Sunday, July 31 - Uncommon Instruments Awareness Day and World Ranger Day
Monday, August 1 - Lughnasa, Rounds Resounding Day and Spider-Man Day
Tonight's Sky, August 1: Looking at the handle of the Big Dipper high in the northwest, follow its curve or “arc” to the bright star Arcturus high in the west
Tuesday, August 2 - National Coloring Book Day and National Night Out
Wednesday, August 3 - Watermelon Day
Thursday, August 4 - Coast Guard Day, India Pale Ale Day, and Social Security Day
Night Sky, August 4: The new crescent moon is near Mercury and Venus, and also the bright star Regulus.
Announce the obvious:  5th Floor.  Man in a blue suit getting off.  Woman in a straw hat entering.  /  Meow occasionally.
..........wants to be free..........Sigmund Romberg  .....The Fireman's Bride
^^ Lake Crescent is a deep, glacially carved lake with pristine waters in the middle of Olympic Park.
Funniest thing I read of the Week:  Considering we've produced things like Donald Trump and the Kardashians, I'm a little surprised other countries haven't built a wall around us already.   --Submitted by pm of ks
Moonbeam: If you decide you don't have to get A's, you can learn an enormous amount in college.  --Isidor Isaac Rabi
Peace Joke of the Week

Late Night Snacks: The Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood. The Democrats want to stop Donald Drumpf from preventing access to birth control. They compromised, and now, Planned Parenthood will hand out pictures of Donald Drumpf as birth control. --Jimmy Fallon / Last night was night three of the Republican Convention, and if you thought the first two nights were exciting — then you really need to get out more. --James Corden / President Obama said to drink water, stay out of the sun, and check on your neighbors. Can you imagine checking on your neighbors in Los Angeles? And Donald Drumpf tweeting, “The sun is the worst. Hot, lazy, stupid, the sun is a big fat loser.” --Jimmy Kimmel / Verizon has purchased Yahoo and plans to merge it with AOL. Verizon said its goal is to become the RC Cola of the internet.  --Conan O'Brien / It takes a lot of balls to call your opponents divisive when your own party is tearing itself in half because they nominated a sociopathic 70 year old toddler.  --Samantha Bee / Ivanka Drumpf introduced her father tonight says he is color blind and gender neutral — which means that Drumpf cannot use the bathroom anywhere. --Seth Meyers / What I don't understand is, yeah, we knew but there was supposed to be a floor fight. Bikers chain-whipping the Rules Committee. Ted Cruz trying to cut out Reince Priebus' eyeball with a broken bottle. We were promised excitement! But none of that happened. They voted. He got it. That's it. --Stephen Colbert
Throw everything away, forget about it all.  --Mooji
If the elevator is full, you can moan, "Oh, not now, not motion sickness". / If the elevator is silent ask, "Whose beeper is that?"
..........Avenge the patriotic gore..........Sigmund Romberg  .....My Maryland
^^^ Hood Canal is the longest fjord in the US and one of the 4 main basins of Puget Sound.
Worthless Facts of the Week: Pioneer 11 discovered around Saturn two new moons (almost smacking into one of them in September 1979) and a new "F" ring. The spacecraft also discovered and charted the magnetosphere, magnetic field, and mapped the general structure of Saturn's interior.   Images at:
Weird Word of the Week: Rhopalic - text in which each word contains one more letter or syllable than the one preceding it.  "I do not know where family doctors..."
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:  The only way Trump is making America great again is by inspiring Jon Stewart to come back to TV.  --Sumbitted by pt of ks
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Relieve a cough.  Mix 3 to 4 tablespoons lemon juice, one cup honey, and one half-cup Star Olive Oil.  Heat for five minutes.  Then stir vigorously for two minutes.  Take one teaspoon every 2 hours.
Make small bets with other passengers like how many times you can flip a coin between floors. / Start a sing-a-long.
...........When all that's within me feels dry.........Sigmund Romberg  .....The Desert Song
^^^^ Kalaloch Beach, located 35 miles south of Forks, Washington, is a wide and sandy stretch along the Pacific coastline. Kalaloch Beach, which means "good place to land", is one of the most visited areas of Olympic National Park. It is a safe haven for thousands of sea creatures.  Sunsets on the beach are a park must see.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Birthplace - the place where a person was born.  Coriolanus  Act IV Scene IV:  (Coriolanus)
Third Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: People think I'm crazy because I talk to my dogs.  What am I supposed to do? Just ignore them when they ask me a question? --Submitted by sd of ks
Fake Animal Fact of the Week: Bees speak with a lisp.
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck posing as one of the NY City Library Lions in the case of Tevye's Tibetan Mastiffs.   Check it out they look like lions.  

Ask each passenger getting on if you can push the button for them. / Clutch a baby blanket and ask each passenger, "Are you my mother?"

..........Bound for trouble from the start.........Sigmund Romberg  .....Lover Come Back
^^^^^ Sol Duc Hot Springs offers three mineral hot spring soaking pools and one freshwater swimming pool. Temperatures vary between the pools, allowing you to find the perfect one to relax and soak in.
Month of the Week: August is Happiness Happens Month  -- When I see ads on TV with smiling, happy housewives using a new cleaning product, the only thing I want to buy are the meds they must be on.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Tatsu-Con (Buffalo, NY) - 3 day anime & gaming convention where fans unite to explore their creativity and imagination.  

Famous Kansans: Candy Loving, Playboy playmate (1/79) was born in Oswego in 1956.
Today's Peace of History, July 29, 1972: The US Supreme Court ruled the death penalty to be cruel and unusual punishment.
Say "Ding" at each floor. / Draw a little square on the floor and announce that it is your personal space.
..........Ein zwei drei vier..........Sigmund Romberg  .....The Drinking Song (from The Student Prince)
Masthead of the Week:   fRiday ePistle July 29, 2016.  Online at:  The Peaceful Side of Humor. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith.  1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS  66046
Moonbeam: When you IQ rises to 28, sell.  --Prof. Irwin Corey
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/28/16: $743,739,755,410
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/21/16: $743,065,081,716
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/28/16: $819,668,778,337.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/21/16: $819,649,059,944.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/28/16: $10,688,479,612.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/21/16: $10,584,763,954.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/28/16: $125,667,069,411.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/21/16: $125,089,981,013.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/28/16: $1,702,980,921,578.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/21/16: $1,701,571,828,579.
You already are the peace you are looking for.  Be still and know that.  --Mooji
..........Yet I keep on longing..........Sigmund Romberg  .....One Alone
Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button. / Announce in a demonic voice: I must find a more suitable host body.
Famous Last Words: It is that decadence that produced the Kardashians and this year's Hugo awards.   --Christine Smith  Fear in the Time of the 2016 US Presidential Election
May Peace push your buttons
And Joy carry you up
prairie mama

Absolutely the final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Ban Pre-Shredded Cheese  Make America Grate Again.

Friday, July 22, 2016

pIcene ePistle

Famous First Words: Sì: corre voce che... Giuseppe Verdi, Aida

Welcome to Pie Approximation Day (22/7).  If you ask a scientist what pi is, he'll tell you it equals 3.14159. If you ask a mathematician, he'll tell you pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter. If you ask an engineer, he'll say "Pi? Well, it's about 3, but we'll call it 4 just to be safe." But if you ask a kid, he’ll ask if he can have ice cream with it.

..........This old world still looks the same.........Eagles  .....Tequila Sunrise
If you long for peace, act in peace and harmony.  If you want the world to change, start with the person in the mirror. 
It is a muggy Friday morning (78°F / 82%  Humidity).  There are a few thin clouds veiling the rising sun, the rest of the sky is blue and clear.  The birds are out early singing and eating and flying around.  A cardinal at the feeder calls and is answered by a cardinal unseen in the little wood across the street.  The world is still green dotted with orange and pink lilies and golden black-eyed-susans and deep blues from the trash cans at the end of each driveway.  Puck has declared the yard free of furry pests and is lying prone on the deck landing watching that jogger incase she should veer through our corner.  The world smells of dryness and heat, dusty and close, but daunted by the sheer amount of water in the air.  Finally we return to our rooms, dry and cool, smelling of brewing coffee.  Puck retreats to his chair for an early morning nap while I doctor coffee, muting the bitterness with artificial sweetener and thickening it with cream.  AND now I get to write to you.  what a morning!
Hope your weekend gives you endless joy, ePistliers.
3.14 percent of sailors are pi-rates.
Mike Pence: Sarah Palin without the charisma.
A RNCinCLE in Time --#RNCinCLE
..........It's so damn hot I can't stand it............Don Henley  .....Garden of Allah
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Alex!
^ Any idea where Alex Trebek was born?
^^ Where or when or in what field did Alex attend college?
^^^ Alex's 1st US game show was called The Wizard of Odds.  Do you remember/know anything about it?
^^^^ Trebek's first really successful US show was High Rollers.  About how long did he host that?
^^^^^ Do you know anything about Trebek's personal life?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Every 1.7 seconds a librarian somewhere in the world makes a cup of tea.
Moonbeam: Tell me, was it you or your brother who was killed in the war?  --William Archibald Spooner
Consider a pizza with a radius z and thickness a.  The volume is pi*z*z*a.
Pence: how long before Trump leaves him for a younger, prettier running mate?
Speaker line up at the RNC: It's a veritable Who's That.  --Jessi Klein
..........It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you..........Eagles  .....Desperado
Something to Think About of the Week: Find that place which is effortlessly at rest within itself.  Be there. - Be one with that.  --Mooji
Big Hello: Moin - Frisian (Netherlands, Germany)
Week of the Week: National Ventriloquism Week (July 13-16)

Quote of the Week: In all of American history there has never been a major party candidate against whom Trump would be the lesser evil. #RNCinCLE  --Danny Zuker
The Pi-thon is the official animal of Pi Approximation Day.
Pence: because Trump needed a candidate even more unlikeable than himself.
The Republican National Convention: Drumpf's D-List Convention Extravaganza.
..........We've got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pi(e).........Don Henley  .....Dirty Laundry
^ Alex was born in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada to Lucille Lagacé and George Edward Trebek.
Almanac: It is Friday, July 22, 2016.  The moon will be last quarter on Tuesday and is in Pisces.  It is Fragile X Awareness Day, National Penuche Fudge Day, Rat-catchers Day, Spooners (Spoonerism) Day, and Pi Approximation Day (22/7).  In Poland it is Liberation Day (1944) and Swaziland celebrates the king's Birthday. 
Among those born on this day were Philip the Handsome (1506), Gregor Mendel (1822), William Archibald Spooner (1844), Emma Lazarus (1849), Edward Hopper (1882), Gustav Hertz (1887), Raymond Chandler (1888), Alexander Calder (1898), Robert Dole (1923), Margaret Whiting (1924), Orsen Bean (1928), Yuri P Artyukhin (1930), Oscar de la Renta (1932), Alex Trebek (1940), George Clinton (1941), Sparky Lyle (1944), Bobby Sherman (1945), Albert Brooks (1947), Don Henley (1947), and Willem Dafoe (1955).
On July twenty-second the second Roanoke Island colony was established (1587),
the City of Albany was chartered (NY, 1686), Cleveland was founded (OH, 1796),
the 5th modern Olympics closed (Stockholm, 1912), Kerensky became Russian PM (1917), Caterina Jarboro sang Aida and became the first negro prima donna in the US (1933), Wiley Post completed the first round-the-world solo flight (1933), Jane Matilda Bolin became the first black female judge (NYC, 1939), Poland adopted its constitution (1952), Sonny Liston KOed Floyd Patterson (1963), Aretha Franklin was arrested for disturbing the peace (Detroit, 1969), and Venera 8 landed softly on Venus (1972).
Tonight's Sky: The Big Dipper, found dangling by its handle in the northwest, is known by a number of other names. In England, as well as parts of eastern Europe, it is called the Plough, lowering into the north each fall to till in the crops.  July Planets: Dawn: Mercury / Evening: Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter / Night: Uranus and Neptune.
This Week: Saturday, July 23 - Gorgeous Grandma Day and National Day of the Cowboy
Sunday, July 24 - National Tequila Day and National Thermal Engineers Day
Tonight's Sky: Look for a W-shape in the north-northeast this evening, which forms the basis of the throne for the Queen, Cassiopeia. It is tipped on its back during the summer.
Monday, July 25 - Carousel Day aka Merry-Go-Round Day and Red Shoe Day
Tonight's Sky: The bluish-white star Vega is nearly overhead, while the brilliant pale-orange Arcturus is about half way up from the horizon in the west. Between, about two thirds of the way from Arcturus up to Vega, a bow-tie shaped pattern of stars can be found, outlining the figure of Hercules.
Tuesday, July 26 - One Voice Day
Tonight's Sky: the trio of Mars, Saturn, and the red star Antares have pulled closer together, seen in the south-southwest near 9:30 this evening.
Wednesday, July 27 - Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day and Walk on Stilts Day
Tonight's Sky: The southern end of the Milky Way is rich with various types of objects because it is the center of our galaxy, though binoculars or telescopes are needed. Looking at the red star Antares, ordinary binoculars will show a fuzzy object to its right – a cluster of stars, where hundreds, perhaps thousands of stars are all close together.
Thursday, July 28 - Lumberjack Day and National Refreshment Day
When you take a bovine and divide its circumference by its diameter you get cow pi.
Pence: when Palin is too effective and Newt is too likeable.
Just In: Chester Cheetah will be a keynote speaker at the RNC 2016.  --@Masonmarley08
..........Eager for action and hot for the game..........Eagles  .....Life in the Fast Lane
^^ In 1961, Alex graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in philosophy.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: Is Quentin Tarantino directing 2016?  Because that would explain everything.   --submitted by sb of ak
Moonbeam: He looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food. --Raymond Chandler
Late Night Snacks: New documents reveal that when Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear, the woman he sent it to was a cleaner, not a prostitute as previously thought. You know, because otherwise it would have been weird.  --Jimmy Fallon / The mayor of Rio is pleading with Nintendo to release Pokémon Go in Brazil just in time for the Olympics. He’s even introduced Rio’s own Pokémon character, "Zikachu.  --Conan O'Brien / A new report says that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice recently rejected an offer from Donald Drumpf to be his running mate. When Drumpf's people asked why she rejected the offer, she said, "For the last time, I'm Whoopi Goldberg."  --Seth Meyers / Donald said he wanted his entrance to be like his plans for the economy: foggy and mysterious.  --James Corden / A number of key Republicans are skipping the convention. Jeb Bush, instead of traveling to Cleveland, spent the night home crying. --Jimmy Kimmel / You may not know this but you're not supposed to see the candidate before the nomination, let alone on the first night. That's like the bride not only being seen on her wedding day but jumping out of the cake at the bachelor party.  --Stephen Colbert / How messed up must the Republican convention be if Sarah Palin won’t attend?  --Samantha Bee
Love, peace, joy, and harmony are the best vitamins in the universe.  --Philip Arnold
In Alaska, where it gets very cold, pi is only 3.00.  After all, everything shrinks in the cold.  They call it Eskimo pi.
Pence: His 47% approval ranking beats Christie's 26% approval rating
Tom Brady plus Tim Tebow minus common sense equals Scott Baio.
..........But I think it's about forgiveness.........Don Henley  .....Heart of the Matter
^^^ The Wizard of Odds was an American game show that aired from July 1973 to June 1974 in which people from the studio audience vied in a number of rounds, primarily games revolving around statistical questions.  ~~I was unable to find a sample question.
Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: You Matter.  Until you multiply yourself times the speed of light squared.  Then you Energy
Worthless Facts of the Week: The 5th (1912) Olympics were known as the "Swedish Masterpiece".  Electronic timing devices and a public address system were used for the first time.
Weird Word of the Week: Quinion - a book binding technique that consisted of 5 sheets, folded and gathered.  ..late 19th century
Peace Joke of the Week:

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Polish lacquered metal.  Use a few drops of Star Olive Oil on a soft cloth.
When you divide the circumference of our sun by its diameter you get pi in the sky.
Pence: Duck Dynasty's white sheep.
Speaker List at the RNC: A who's who of has-beens. --Shelita Buffet
...........You call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye.........Eagles  .....The Last Resort
^^^^ High Rollers aired from July 1974 off and on until June 1976 when it became more permanent (76-88).  Trebek hosted through the off and on and the permanent series until June 1980.
Last Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:  Is your refrigerator running?  If it is, I might vote for it.  --Submitted by jm of ks
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Besmirch - damage a reputation in the opinion of others.  Hamlet  Act 1 Scene 3 (Laertes)
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Ro-Con: celebrating all things geek and wonderful.  (Mystic, CT)
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck looking kind of uncomfortable while testing the pea for a princess in the case of Diane's Dachshunds.
The worst thing about getting hit in the face with pi is that it never ends.
Pence: his boring-ness legitimizes Trump's crazy.
Speaker line up at the RNC: Calling this the "B List" would be kind. Here
..........Well, it's a cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold Post, postmodern world.........Don Henley  .....They're Not Here, They're Not Coming
^^^^^ Alex is married to Jean Currivan Trebek, his second wife.  He has two children, Matthew and Emily.
Month of the Week: July is Sandwich Generation Month  --A ham sandwich walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve food here." / Shh, do you hear that? It's the sound of a sandwich not being made.
Famous Kansans: Vicki Lynn Lasseter, Playboy playmate of the month in 2/81, was born in Iola in 1960.
Today's Peace of History: July 22, 1988: 500 US scientists pledged to boycott Pentagon germ-warfare research.  

Ah, Pence and Pensibility?, no...Pence and Prejudice.
..........Kinds words when times are sad..........Eagles  .....I Wish You Peace
Fake Animal Fact of the Week: A newly born kitten has the equivalent absorbency of a car sponge.
Masthead of the Week:   fRiday ePistle JULY 22, 2016.  Online at:  The peaceful side of humor. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith.  1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS  66046
Not Quite funny-est Thing I Read of the Week: I asked the librarian for a book about Pavlov's dog and Schroedinger's cat.  She said it ran a bell but she wasn't sure if it was there or not.  --Submitted by dg of oh
Moonbeam: I am never going to write for the sake of writing.  --Emma Lazarus
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/21/16: $743,065,081,716
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/14/16: $742,398,020,515
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/21/16: $819,649,059,944.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/14/16: $819,629,564,342.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/21/16: $10,584,763,954.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/14/16: $10,482,236,870.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/21/16: $125,089,981,013.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/14/16: $124,519,500,737.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/21/16: $1,701,571,828,579.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/14/16: $1,700,178,768,045.
Do you know that our soul is composed of harmony.  --Leonardo da Vinci
..........Too many blessings, too little appreciation.........Don Henley  .....My Thanksgiving
And who was it that rid the town of Hamelin of mathematicians? The pi-ed pi-per, of course.
Famous Last Words: ...half the total number of Deputies being present.  --Constitution of The People's Republic of Poland.
May Peace be always with you
And Joy never come to an end
prairie mama

Absolutely the final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I don't want to brag or make anybody jealous, but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school.  --Submitted by ma formerly of oh

Friday, July 15, 2016

rEtro ePistle

Famous First Words:  Charles the Second, by the grace of God...  --Charter of the Royal Society 1662  ~~Deja vu  It was Charles  II who initiated the Charter of Rhode Island just last week.
Barry Goldwater, looking back he seems almost reasonable.  "They told me that if I voted for Goldwater, we'd be at war in Viet Nam within a year.  Well, sure enough, I voted for Goldwater and now a year later we're at war with Viet Nam.  Thing is, Johnson won.
..........I see no sense in this crying and grieving.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Different Drum
In spite of our differences, we all dance to the same beat.  --World Peace Through Technology  Organization
It is a fine Friday morning.  There is no trace of cloud in the azure sky and the dew has left diamond blink on every blade of grass.  The bird song has settled from dawn anthem to soft rock sound track with distant machinery as backup.  The temperature (65°F) is perfect and there is no breeze to detract from its perfection.  The 98% relative humidity, on the other hand, doesn't enhance it.**   Puck is quietly sitting on the deck landing surveying the neighborhood with a steely gaze, only popping up to bark at the lone jogger passing by.  I linger in the cool of the morning under the shade tree watching the rising sun steal dewdrops from the lawn.  But the call of coffee and friends draws us back indoors, to the smell of brewing coffee, the taste of it down the throat and, of course, to you.
Partying in the pursuit of weekend fun is no vice, ePistlers.
** How can it be 98% relative humidity and not be raining, not looking like it might rain, not having a cloud in the sky?  How?
Website of the Week:  Here are pictures from the Black Lives Matter LFK** vigil held Sunday, July 10th in South Park.  At least 400-500 people attended.  It was great.  Pictures thanks to Ailecia Ruscin of Oh Snap Photography:
**Lawrence F*cking Kansas  ~~I like this name.  At the height of the mid-twentieth century human rights movement distinction was made between the two worlds that live inside one another as America and Amerika.  We called the town River City to distinguish altitudes of consciousness.  LFK fits quite well in that context.
Goldwater bumper sticker: In your heart you know he's right.  Johnson bumper sticker: In your guts, you know he's nuts.
..........And a dime's worth of lard.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Morning Blues
Trivia Questions: Juno spacecraft meet Jupiter, the planet
^ What position is Jupiter from the sun?  (Earth is third)
^^ Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, any idea how large?
^^^ How bright is Jupiter compared to other planets in the system?
^^^^ By whom or when was Jupiter first seen and recorded?
^^^^^ Jupiter's year is as long as 11.8 Earth years, how long is it's day?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 24% of library meetings are cancelled because someone needs to take a cat to the vet.
Moonbeam: Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.  --Clement Clarke Moore
Hubert Humphrey talks so fast that listening to him is like trying to read Playboy magazine with your wife turning the pages.  --Barry Goldwater
..........I say I'll move the mountains.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Crazy He Calls Me
Something to Think About of the Week: Get outside. Focus on the abundance of summer light. Commit it to memory.  Focus also on summer’s heat. Commit that to memory. Experience summer’s coolness: water, breezes, early mornings, late evenings or nights.  More
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Ancient City Con, July 15-17, Jacksonville, Florida.  Organized Play

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Even White People are sick of other white people's racist Bullsh*t.  --Submitted by rhb of ks
Big Hello: Bonjour - French (France and Quebec)
Week of the Week: Rabbit Week - (July 15-21) 

Quote of the Week: After this week, maybe we should lower the flag to three feet off the ground.  When we get our shit together we can raise it to half-mast.  --Lewis Black
Nixon was the most dishonest individual I have ever met in my life.  He lied to his wife, his family, his friends, his colleagues in the Congress, lifetime members of his own political party, the American people, and the world.  --Barry Goldwater / I wouldn't trust Nixon from here to that phone. --Barry Goldwater
..........Here I go, breaking all the rules.........Linda Ronstadt  .....It's So Easy
^ Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Almanac: It is Friday, July 15, 2016. The moon will be full (Buck) on Tuesday and is in Sagittarius.  The United Nations has declared this World Youth Skills Day  (A/RES/69/145).  It is also Be A Dork Day, Gummi Worm Day, and National Pet Fire Safety Day.  In Brunei they celebrate the Sultan's Birthday and in Japan it is Bon Festival aka Feast of Lanterns aka Black Ship Day (1853).  Also Pakistan reveres Mohammed's Ascension.
Among those born on this day were Inigo Jones (1573), Rembrandt (1606), Clement Clarke Moore (179), Thomas Bulfinch (1796), Mother Cabrini (1850), Iris Murdoch (1919), Harrison Birtwistle (1934), Alex Karras (1935), Linda Ronstadt (1946), and Kathy Kreiner (1956).
On July fifteenth the Royal Society was chartered (1662), the San Francisco Merchant's Exchange opened (1867), Commodore Perry arrived in Japan (1893), the first Buddhist temple in the US was established (LA, 1904), the first airport hotel opened (CA, 1929), the first transatlantic helicopter flight took off (1952), Paul McCartney got a speeding ticket (1963), Goldwater was nominated for president (Republican, 1964), the first close ups of Mars were displayed (1965), One Life to Live premiered (TV, 1968), and US troops left northern Iraq (1991).
Tonight's Sky: The southern skies host the Moon, accompanied by the ringed-planet Saturn just below and a little left.  July Planets: Dawn: Mercury / Evening: Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter / Night: Uranus and Neptune.
This Week: Saturday, July 16 - Celebration of the Horse Days (July 16-17) and Hot Dog Night
Night Sky, July 16: High in the east-southeast at 10:30 are three bright stars which make up the Summer Triangle. The highest and brightest is Vega, lower and to the left is Deneb, and lowest and more toward the south is Altair. Altair comes from an Arabic word meaning the “flying or soaring eagle
Sunday, July 17 - World Snake Day and Yellow Pig Day
Monday, July 18 - National Get Out of the Doghouse Day
Night Sky, July 18: High in the east-northeast is the star Deneb, the tail of Cygnus, the Swan. Deneb is Arabic for “the tail”, though Arabs described this region as the “chicken”
Tuesday, July 19 - Anne Hutchinson Memorial Day
Night Sky, July 19: The Full “Buck” Moon runs lows across the southern skies
Wednesday, July 20 - Space Exploration Day and National Lollipop Day
Thursday, July 21 - Legal Drinking Age Day
Of his running mate William Miller: It took great courage to accept the Republican Vice Presidential nomination in '64, to live one heartbeat away from political oblivion.  --Barry Goldwater
..........I gotta get down to the sea somehow.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Rock Me on the Water
^^ Jupiter is two and a half times more massive than all the other planets combined.  It is 142,984 km around at the equator and has a mass of 1.90x10^27kg (318 Earths).
Next Funniest thing I Read of the Week: More cops were killed last night than Americans died in the Benghazi attack.  So I expect congress will get right on it. --Oliver Willis

Moonbeam: The impressions of childhood are never obliterated.  --Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini,

Late Night Snacks: Donald Trump met with 200 House Republicans who were described as "nervous." And following the meeting, many of them were described as "Democrats."  --Conan O'Brien / Now Trump might be getting a boost in the polls because sources say Trump is vetting Chris Christie as a potential running mate. Christie would definitely help Trump win voters in New Jersey, who are anxious to get rid of Chris Christie.  --Stephen Colbert / A new Quinnipiac University poll has Trump and Clinton almost tied. This is the first tie for Donald Trump that wasn't manufactured in China.  --Jimmy Kimmel / The Pokémon craze just seems to be getting bigger. In fact, I read that even members of Congress have been trying to catch Pokémon in the U.S. Capitol. Meanwhile, Pokémon were like, “Oh my God — I just caught a congressman at WORK!  --Jimmy Fallon / Pundits are saying that new British prime minister, Theresa May, is following in the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher, known as "The Iron Lady," with some in the media calling May "dull as porridge," "extremely dependable," and "not humorous." Said Hillary Clinton, "Ugh, I would kill for reviews that good." --Seth Meyers
Whether the borders that divide us are picket fences or national boundaries, we are all neighbors in a global community  --Jimmy Carter
Barry Goldwater - a great eighteenth-century American.  --David Frost / Republicans claimed that the GOP is on the way back.  And who knows, one day it may even go forward.  --David Frost.
..........That I need you by my side.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Rescue Me
^^^ Jupiter is the 4th brightest object in the solar system.  Only the sun, the moon and Venus are brighter.
Third Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:   --submitted by bm of ga
Worthless Fact of the Week: James Paul McCartney, 21 year-old musician, of 20 Forthlin Road, Allerton, Liberpool, was fined £25 and disqualified from driving for 12 months. 
Weird Word of the Week: Paroeniological - the study of proverbs.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean pearls. Rub a dab of Star Olive Oil over pearls, cleaning each pearl individually.  Wipe dry with a chamois cloth.
Barry Goldwater once was denied entry to a country club golf course -- he replied, "I'm only half Jewish! Can't I play nine holes?"
...........Raindrops falling on a broken rose.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Faithless Love
^^^^ The ancient Babylonians were the first to record their sighting of Jupiter around 7 or 8th century BCE.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Beached - to run or haul a boat or ship up onto the shore.  A Midsummer Night's Dream  Act II. Scene I  (Titania)
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If only a uterus could shoot bullets, apparently, then it wouldn't need to be regulated.  --Submitted by rhb of ks
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck feigning sleep in the case of Norbert's Newfoundland, a breed requiring 12 to 19 hours of sleep a day.  ~~I suspect this is because there isn't much else to do in Newfoundland.

Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater had been travelling up and down the US often in the company of their wives, electioneering for the Presidential campaign.  One afternoon their planes met in Chicago and the two couples had to walk across the runway to the next plane, crossing each others' path on the way.  "Don't talk to them", said Goldwater to his wife.  Peggy did her best to hold her tongue, but as Lynda Bird passed close she could not help whispering in her ear, "Last night I slept with the future President of the United States."  "Godammit," Lady Bird complained, "Lyndon will do anything for a vote".

..........But I can't seem to find my way over.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Many Rivers to Cross
^^^^^ Jupiter turns on its axis once every 9 hours and 55 minutes.  This is the shortest day of all the planets in the solar system.
Month of the Week: July is National Ice Cream Month --What do you call a person who can sit on an ice cream cone and identify the flavor?  A smartass
The Not Quite Funny-est Thing I Read of the Week: The USA is having so many disasters and tragedies you'd almost think it was built on thousands of ancient Indian burial grounds.   submitted by arh of mo
Famous Kansans: Tara Dawn Holland was born in Overland Park in 1972 and became Miss America in 1997.
Today's Peace of History: Today's Peace of History, July 15, 1919:  Following World War I, the U.S. War Department announced that it had classified more than 337,000 American men as "draft dodgers."
I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass.  --Barry Goldwater
..........Working 'til the sun don't shine.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Blue Bayou
Masthead of the Week:   fRiday ePistle, July 15, 2016.  Online at:  Up for No Good. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith.  1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS  66046
Moonbeam: We can only learn to love by loving.  --Iris Murdoch
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/14/16: $742,398,020,515
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 7/7/16: $741,197,738,054
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/14/16: $819,629,564,342.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 7/7/16: $819,610,455,817.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/14/16: $10,482,236,870.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 7/7/16: $10,381,762,649.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/14/16: $124,519,500,737.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 7/7/16: $123,960,448,873.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/14/16: $1,700,178,768,045.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 7/7/16: $1,698,813,465,974.
Make this World a Place of Peace.  --International Day of Peace
..........Let's say farewell with sigh.........Linda Ronstadt  .....Good-Bye
It's a great country, where anybody can grow up to be president...except me. --Barry Goldwater
Famous Last Words: order excellent.  --Bulfinche's chapter on Dionysus and Ariadne
May Peace calm your nerdilia
And Joy cheer your dorkiness
prairie mama

Absolutely the final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: well, saw.