Friday, November 5, 2021

The Only ePistle

 Famous First Words: Red hair occurs naturally in roughly one to two percent of the population... --Red Hair Day Website

It is Play Monopoly Day! Monopoly is fun but it has some really old stuff that isn't valid anymore. There's free parking, a luxury tax, and rich people can actually go to jail. / My mom and I used to play with 2 Monopoly boards side by side. We called it Steropoly.

..........Pledging their love to the ground.........Roy Rogers …..Tumbling Tumbleweed

In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People. ― Eugene Victor Debs

It is a busy Friday morning and I haven't actually taken time to look outside. The new fridge arrives between 12 and 4 pm and we need to clear the rest of the stuff out of the old one into a cooler filled with the ice we've kept in the freezer compartment to help keep the milk cool. Then we need to move it out so we can mop the floor where it stood before we put something new in that spot. (I hope this is not the highlight of my day) There is weather here; it is 39°F. I'm looking forward to ice cubes in my near future.

I hope our weekend floats like a autumn leaf, ePistliers

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true. --Submitted by INRITH

What's the opposite of monopoly? Polypoly. / My dad made a village of Monopoly hotels under the spice rack in the kitchen. He says it Subherbinn

..........And we're rolling, rolling, rolling on the river..........Ike & Tina Turner …..Proud Mary

Trivia Questions: It's Wiggle Jiggle Jell-O Day

^ Do you have any idea what the original 4 flavors of Jell-O were?

^^ Which state's residents eat the most Jell-O?

^^^ Would you care to guess what percentage of Jell-O is sugar?

^^^^ Care to guess how many households in the US have Jell-O in their home?

^^^^^ How many of Jell-O's current 22 flavors can you name?

Big Hello: Namaste – Gujarati

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Guilt – the gift that goes on giving. --Erma Bombeck

Max Picture of the Week: Max as Rio's Blu

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: Library staff write 90% of the submissions found in the library's suggestion box.

Last night my brother got all his properties taken away and he was thrown in jail. He resisted, refused food and drink, and then he began digging the mortar from the brings. We'll never play Monopoly with him again. / It was a rainy day so I asked my daughter if she wanted to play Monopoly. Then I took all the toilet paper in the house and hid it in the master bathroom.

..........You got to make the morning last….......Simon & Garfunkle …..59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)

Moonbeam: There is no man more dangerous, in a position of power, than he who refuses to accept as a working truth the idea that all a man does should make for rightness and soundness, that even the fixing of a tariff rate must be moral. --Ida Tarbell

Meditation Seed of the Week: If you could go back in time and un-invent something; what would you erase?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Karma is a bitch? Oh, no, honey,,,,karma is a classy and wise elder that will calmly sit you down and serve you a tea you later realize was laced with the same poison you served others for years.

Week of the Week: National Fig Week (1-7) –The apple went out with the fig because he couldn't find a date. / I could have sworn I saw a fig flavored altoid, turned out to be a fig mint of my imagination.

Remember in Monopoly, when some insufferable kids couldn't agree who was banker, they'd refuse to play completely? They are the ones behind the government shutdown threat. / I once played Monopoly with an ex secret service agent. He kept holding the money up to the light to check for counterfeiting.

..........Come on, baby, what you waitin' on.........Ike & Tina Turner …..Baby, Get It On

^ The original jello flavors were strawberry raspberry, orange, and lemon

Almanac: It is Friday, November 5, 2021. The moon was new yesterday and is in Scorpio. It is Firewood Day, Guy Fawkes Day, National Love Your Red Hair Day, National Medical Cannabis Day, Play Monopoly Day, Wiggle Jiggle Jell-O Day, and World Tsunami Awareness Day. Because it is the first Friday it is also Fountain Pen Day, Love Your Lawyer Day, National (Football) Jersey Friday, and National Medical Science Liaison Awareness & Appreciation Day.

Among those born on this day were Eugene Debs (1855), Ida Tarbell (1857), Will Durant (1885), Joel McCrea (1905), Roy Rogers (1911), Natalie Schaeffer (Lovey Howell, 1912), John McGiver (1913), Vivien Leigh (1913), Moe Biller (1915), Ike Turner (1931), Art Garfunkel (1942), Elke Sommer (1942), Sam Shepard, (1943), and Tatum O'Neal (1963).

On November fifth the Gunpowder Plot was discovered (1605), El Salvador's war for independence began (1811), Honduras declared independence (1838), Susan B Anthony was fined for trying to vote ($100, 1872), Susan B Anthony was arrested for tying to vote (1875), Selden received a patent for an automobile (1895), the first transcontinental air flight arrived in Pasadena (1911), Britain annexed Cyprus (1914), the Supreme Court outlawed segregated housing (1917), the Maryland Court of Appeals ordered University of Maryland to admit a black student (Donald Murray, 1935), the Monopoly Game was launched (1935), FDR won an unprecedented 3rd term (1940), JFK was elected to the House of Representatives (1946), th Nat King Cole Show premiered (1957, the BART opened (1973), Ella Grasso became the first woman elected governor (1974), and George Harrison released "Gone Troppo" (1982).

Night Sky, 11/5: Here it is early November, but Deneb still shines right near the zenith as the stars come out. And brighter Vega is still not far from the zenith, toward the west. The third star of the "Summer" Triangle, Altair, remains very high in the southwest (high upper right of Jupiter and Saturn). They seem to have stayed there for a couple months! Why have they stalled out? What you're seeing is the result of sunset and darkness arriving earlier and earlier during autumn. Which means if you go out and starwatch soon after dark, you're doing it earlier and earlier by the clock. This counteracts the seasonal westward turning of the constellations.

Image of the Week: Lawrence KS newly elected City Commissioners ~~Multiple local sources believe that the last Black person to run for the commission did so in 1969, meaning it has been more than 50 years since Lawrence has seen a Black candidate, let alone a Black commissioner.

This Week: Saturday, November 6 – Bison Day & National Nachos Day & National Play Outside Day

Daylight Savings Time Ends – Fall Back

Sunday, November 7 – Employee Brotherhood Day & Notary Public Day & Zero Tasking Day

Night Sky 11/7 : I don't know why I always get confused trying to find the open cluster NGC 7789 in Cassiopeia, a.k.a. Caroline's Rose, with a finderscope or binoculars. I mean it's right there a simple, short star-hop from the bright end of the Cassiopeia W. Maybe it's because it's a very dim, smooth glow despite being respectably large; the cluster is rich with stars but they're all very faint

Monday, November 8 – Abet and Aid Punsters Day & Dunce Day & World Orphans Day

Tuesday, November 9 – World Freedom Day & National Young Readers Day

Wednesday, November 10 – Area Code Day & Sesame Street Day & World Science Day for Peace and Development

Night Sky, 11/10: Jupiter and Saturn continue to shine in the south during the evening, 15° apart in Capricornus. Jupiter is the bright one at magnitude –2.5. Saturn, to its right or lower right, is mag +0.6. In twilight they're just beginning to tilt. As evening advances they tilt more steeply as they move westward. Saturn sets around 11 or midnight daylight-saving time, Jupiter about an hour later.

Thursday, November 11 – Armistice Day & Origami Day & Red Lipstick Day

I just found a monopoly game but the rules are missing. What are the chances? / I was investing in Monopoly games until I realized that there is no real money in it. / In the new Sherlock Holmes themed Monopoly the board is exactly 12 inches. The game is afoot.

..........One and one-half wandering Jews….......Simon & Garfunkle …..Hearts and Bones

^^ The people in Utah love their Jell-O! The state has an entire holiday week dedicated to the jiggly treat, and it’s even Utah’s official state food.

Preantepenultimate Funnest Thing I Read of the Week: I need that kind of coffee that's so strong when I take a sip, my ancestors wake up. --Submitted by cf

Moonbeam: Rockefeller and his associates did not build the Standard Oil Co. in the boardrooms of Wall Street banks. They fought their way to control by rebate and drawback, bribe and blackmail, espionage and price cutting, by ruthless ... efficiency of organization. --Ida Tarbell

Video of the Week: Excerpt from The Nat King Cole Show (1957) ..It's A Good Day & I'm Gonna Write Myself a letter.

Ollie's Very Own Picture of the Week: Ollie as an astronaut

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: That's right, cheating. Turns out bridge is much more than that card game the white women were playing in The Help. ...Cheating at bridge seems very complicated; and, If I'm gonna cheat at team-sports I'm doing it the old fashioned way by taking steroids and getting jacked. Because I don't think Mildred from next door is going to say anything when I slam my cards down with the force of 10 Mildreds. --Negin Farsad Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 11/30/21

While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. ― Eugene V. Debs

When they asked me to help design the first Monopoly board, I thought I'd give it a Go. / Never in my life have I seen so much corruption, bribery, blackmail, jealousy, theft, fraud, deception, and outright bloodshed. I don't know why I even play Monopoly with senators.

..........Boom-shaka-laka-laka.........Ike & Tina Turner …..I Want To Take You Higher

^^^ Did you know this jiggly dessert is made with nearly 90% sugar? (This explains why you might not want to eat dessert every day!) But without the sugar, Jell-O would be colorless and have no flavor or smell.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A wrong note played timidly is a wrong note. A wrong note played with authority is an interpretation.

Collective Nouns of the Week: A Conjunction of Grammarians and a Erudition of Editors

Puzzle of the Week: Think of a two-word (8,4) phrase you might see on a laptop computer menu. Remove five letters. What remains, in order, is a three-word (1,2,4) phrase you might see on a restaurant menu. What phrases are these? --NPR Sunday Puzzle 10/31/21

I've been playing Bonopoly this evening. It's like Monopoly, but the streets have no names. / When it comes to board games about buying real estate...Hasbro really has a monopoly.

...........'Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp........Simon & Garfunkle …..Sound of Silence

^^^^ Three out of every four American families have Jell-O in the cupboard. It’s budget-friendly, too, which makes it a great option for any family.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Everything will kill you, so pick something fun.

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: ConJuration (5-7, Atlanta GA) A Weekend of Magical Experiences

Name That Poet of the Week: But ash new or ash old, is fit for a queen with crown of gold...

Actual Science Conference of the Week: International Conference on Oil and Gas (11/4, Boston MA) The ICOG conference is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Oil and Gas.

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Airplane Mode + A la mode

The weird thing about the game Monopoly is that only one company makes it. / Being a High School Teacher is the equivalent of being a millionaire in Monopoly.

..........Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken.........Ike & Tina Turner …..What's Love Got To Do With It

^^^^^ Current Jell-O Flavors: Apple. Apricot, Berry Blue, Black Cherry, Black Raspberry, Blackberry, Blackberry Fusion. Bubble Gum, Celery. Cherry. Cherry Lemonade, Chocolate, Coffee, Cola, Concord Grape, Cotton Candy, Cranberry, Cranberry-Strawberry, Fruit Punch, Grape, Green Apple, Italian Salad, Lemon, Lemon-Lime, Lime, Mango, Maple Syrup, Margarita, Melon Fusion, Melon-Berry, Mixchief Grape, Mixchief Juice, Mixchief Soda Pop, Mixed Vegetable, Orange, Orange-Banana, Orange-Pineapple, Passion Fruit, Peach, Piña Colada, Pineapple, Pineapple-Grapefruit, Plain, Raspberry, Raspberry Mango, Root Beer, Seasoned Tomato, Sparkling Berry, Sparkling Mandarin Orange, Sparkling White Grape, Strawberry, Strawberry Daiquiri, Strawberry Punch, Strawberry-Banana, Strawberry-Kiwi, Triple Chocolate, Tropical Fruit, Tropical Fusion, Watermelon, Watermelon Candy, Wild Strawberry, Wild Raspberry.

My Own Writing of the Week: Stringman and I were an item for several years. Even before we became an item, he taught me about the "golly gee whiz" phenomenon in science fiction. He took me to my first science fiction convention (BYOB 5, KCMO, 1975). He wasn't a writer but he was a voracious reader. He remained a friend through everything, even moving on; he remains a friend to this day.

I met him when he was a graduate student. He had been a philosophy undergraduate and he introduced me to Husserl and phenomenology and other pre-post-modernist philosophies. He ended up in science as a electron microscope tech. --from The Philosopher

Poet of the Week: The Firewood Poem --Celia Congreve

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Starting your day off with a morning run is a great way to make sure your day can't get any worse. --Submitted by INRITH

Today's Peace of History: November 5, 1974: Ella Grasso became the first US female governor who was not related to the previous governor.

ABBA used to play monopoly in the green room while touring. That's where the got the inspiration for Take A Chance On Me. / I suspected my spouse of cheating and now I've found proof...Monopoly money hidden in the couch cushions.

..........Every day's an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines.........Simon & Garfunkle …..Homeward Bound

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, November 5, 2021, the Only ePistle Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS

Moonbeam: We were raising our standard of living at the expense of our standard of character. --Ida Tarbell

Cost of War:

As of 11/04/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,929,364,113,594.

As of 10/28/21 Military Costs of War since 2001: $2,928,137,021,076.

As of 11/04/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,088,503,551,196.

As of 10/28/21 Homeland Security Costs since 2001: $1,087,875,029,694.

As of 11/04/21 State Department War on Terror Costs since 2001: $162,765,230,181.

As of 10/28/21 State Department War on Terror Costs since 2001: $162,186,600,706.

As of 11/04/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,013,723,337,709.

As of 10/28/21 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,012,107,090,895.

As of 11/04/21 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,109,544,306,428.

As of 10/28/21 Veterans Care since 2001: 2,097,292,625,207.

As of 11/04/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,303,903,023,489.

As of 10/28/21 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $7,287,602,671,976.

A privately owned world can never be a free world and a society based upon warring classes cannot stand. ― Eugene V. Debs,

Famous Last Words: Joy cometh with the morning. --Eugene V Debs Statement to the court on his conviction. 9/18/1918

..........Keep smiling until then.........Roy Rogers …..Happy Trails

When I was a kid my older brother dared me to take a bite out of the Monopoly board. It was a little gamey./ Scrabble, monopoly, and cluedo were sitting around the bedroom feeling sorry for themselves. They hadn’t been played with in a long time and were feeling particularly frustrated and listless. They wanted something to do but just didn’t know what to do and so sat there with a mood on, not feeling happy at all. Betty and Bill came into the room and Bill picked up monopoly and started dealing money. Betty asked him what he was doing and he replied; “Playing bored games”

May Peace permeate your board

And Joy engulf your game

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

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