First Words: All persons are by nature free and independent...
Constitution of the State of Nebraska
National Pizza Day !! Warning: This could get very cheesy, very
fast. Waiter, will my pizza be long? No, ma'am, it will be round.
can't sleep a wink, it is true.........Ernest Tubb …..Walking The
Floor Over You
Ways to Promote Peace #35: Sign a peace pledge
have been sick. I've been so dizzy that I can't keep food down and
so that's why this is late and why it doesn't have a real
introduction. I'm up at the moment and tryting to decide whether to
go to the doctor. Sorry!
your weekend is a supreme, ePistliers.
pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself. /
Joan fixed the broken pizza with tomato paste.
darling, I can't stand it when you look at me that way.........Carole
King …..I Feel the Earth Move
Questions: Happy Birthday, Volleyball !
Where was the game of Volleyball invented?
How is a point scored in Volleyball?
Any idea how long a game was according to the original rules?
How about now?
When was the first international volleyball championship held, more
or less?
Thing I Read of the Week: Kids of the 1980s--We may have had
stupid hair, but we didn't eat tide pods. ~~Maybe or only because
they did come into the market until 2012.
Library Statistic of the Week:
of library dress codes require staff to wear quirky socks.
as geometric teaching tool – Has circular shape, comes in a square
container, is eaten in triangles. / I called a local pizza parlor the
other night as asked, “Do you do takeaways?” They said they did,
so I said “what's 23452 music 345?”.
hope I've brought you back across the line..........Carole King
…..Fantasy End
Anyone can win unless there happens to be a second entry. --George
to Think About of the Week:
Hello: Kia ora -
Māori https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm
Thing on the Internet of the Week:
Robin Morgan's eulogy for Ursula Le Guin
of the Week: National School Counseling
Week (February 5-9) --OK, but if sentient robots don't rise up and
enslave humanity, what sort of careers might you be interested in?
– the circle of life – a slice a day keeps the sad away. / Would
you like your pizza cut into 6 or 8 slices. 6, please, I could never
eat 8.
the sun shining golden, shining right down on me..........Carole King
…..Way Over Yonder
was invented in the United States by William Morgan, an instructor at
the YMCA in Holyoke, Mass. He invented the game by combining
basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball.
It is Friday, February 9, 2018. The moon was last quarter last
Wednesday and is in Sagittarius. It is National Stop
Bullying Day, National Pizza Day, Read in the Bathtub Day, and
Toothache Day.
those born on this day were Ali Sjir Neva'i (1441), William Henry
Harrison (1773), Samuel J. Tilden (1814), George Ade (1866), Amy
Lowell (1874), Alban Maria Johannes Berg (1885), Brain Donlevy
(1901), Dean Rusk (1909), Carmen Miranda (Maria do Carmo Mirandad Da
Cunha, 1909), Ernest Tubb (1914), Brendan Behan (1923), Roger Mudd
(1928), Carole King (Klein, 1942), Alice Walker (1944), Gary Franks
(1953), and Andrew Meltzoff (1950).
February nineth Russia and Poland signed a peace treaty (Treaty of
Andrussovo, 1667), the American Indian Society was organized (1822),
Tennessee voted against sucession (1861), Nebraska became the 37th
state (1867), Falstaff
premiered (1893), volleyball was invented (1895), War Daylight
Savings Time went into effect (1942), trade unions merged into the
ALF/CIO (1955), GI Joe character was created (1964), Satchel Paige
became the first negro league player elected to the baseball Hall of
Fame (1971), the Salt Lake City Olympics opened (2002), Ralph
Ellison’s novel “Invisible Man” won the National Book Award
(1952), Martin
Luther King met with President Johnson to discuss black voting rights
(1965) and Astronaut Bernard Harris became the first black man to
take a space walk (1995).
Sky, 2/9:
9 pm the Big Dipper stands straight up on its handle in the
northeast. In the northwest, the W of Cassiopeia also stands on end
at about the same height.
Art on the Internet of the Week:
Weaving silk. A really fun program to play around with...
Here's one I made.
Week: Saturday, February 10 –
All The News That's Fit To Print Day
February 11 – International Day of Women & Girls in
Science & National Inventors Day
Sky, 2/11: Sirius,
the Dog Star, blazing high in the southeast after dinnertime is the
brightest star of Canis Major. In a dark sky with lots of stars
visible, the constellation's points can be connected to form a
convincing dog profile. He's currently standing on his hind legs;
Sirius is on his chest. But through the kind of light pollution
where most of us live, only his five brightest stars are easily
visible. They form a short-handled meat cleaver. Sirius is the
cleaver's top back corner, its blade faces right, and its handle is
down below. ~~A dog with a meat cleaver...sleep tight
February 12 – NAACP Day & Paul Bunyan Day & Darwin
February 13 – Mardi Gras
difference between this pizza and your opinion. People ask for the
pizza. / My heart says pizza but my head says extra cheese.
you have to do is call and I'll be there, yes I will.........Carole
King …..You've Got a Friend
One scores
points by grounding the ball on the other team's court.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: If you see someone buying
candy, popcorn, and soda at the movies, that person is a drug dealer.
There is no other explanation for that type of income. --
A friend who is near and dear may in time become as useless as a
relative. --George Ade
Night Snacks: It's come out that President
Trump's director of communications, Hope Hicks, may have partially
obstructed justice. Trump sid he's furious with Hicks because he
hired her to fully obstruct justice. --Conan O'Brien / Sunday is
also the Kitten Bowl on the Hallmark Channel. It will feature the
Little Long Tails going up against their rival, a red laser pointer.
-- Jimmy Fallon / President Trump yesterday praised Chicago Cubs
co-owner Todd Ricketts' appointment as the RNC's new finance
chairman, calling him a great addition. Yeah, great if you want to
win one election every 108 years. --Seth Meyers / In fact, Trump's
state of the union was the least-watched first state of the union in
25 years. Which is impressive - I mean, they're all pretty
unwatchable. It's amazing, really. But 45.6 million people did
watch which is nearly one person for every standing ovation the
Republicans gave him throughout the speech. --James Corden / Here's
one unusual thing we found out right before the speech - the first
lady traveled to the speech in a separate car. I guess Melania
didn't want anything from the Burger King drive-through. --Stephen
So Late Night Snacks:
It (the
state of the union speech) was so long it was like Lord
of the Rings
but all the orcs were wearing suits. --Helen Hong, Wait,
Wait, Don't Tell Me
Ways to Promote Peace #34: Respect your environment
on the whole , it was a very good year for the
undertaker..........Carole King …..Smackwater Jack
Originally, a
volleyball match was composed of nine innings with three serves for
each team in each inning, and no limit to the number of ball contacts
for each team before sending the ball to the opponents' court.
Facts of the Week: Most
of East Tennessee's Confederate soldiers - including a slight
majority of the officers - did not own slaves and most of the
region's largest slaveholders remained Unionist. Slavery
had little political support in East Tennessee. Neither did
abolition. Racial attitudes of whites common to the 19th century
prevailed in the region.
Word of the Week:
Volleyballene – a hollow sphere of 60 carbon atoms and 20 atoms of
scandium. This produces a shape made up of pentagons and octagons
that looks a bit like an ultra-miniature volleyball. At the moment,
it exists only as a computer design.
Uses for Common Products:
Make a slingshot. Construct a slingshot from a Y-shaped tree branch
and a Trojan Condom. http://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/trojan.html
~~How often have I found myself in desperate need of a slingshot
and no time to go buy one but with a pocket full of condoms.
is a combination of magic and pizza. / People say “If you want
loyalty, get a dog.” but my dog would abandon me in a dark alley
for a pizza crust, so maybe loyalty has layers. --Elizabeth Hackett
you just have to wish to make it so.........Carole King …..Up on
the Roof
regular tournament play, teams end a volleyball match by winning two
out of three sets. A set is won by the first team to score 25
Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Submerge – cause to be
under water Anthony and Cleopatra
Act II, Scene V Cleopatra: So half my Egypt were submerged and
made a cistern for scaled snakes!
Fiction Convention of the Week:
GalaxyFest 2018 (February 9-11, Colorado Springs, CO) --preeminent
around-the-clock multi-genre, pop culture comic con across the region
Science Convention of the Week:
2018 Australian Citizen Science Conference (February 7-8, Adelaide)
Australian Citizen Science Association invites you to join us as we
bring together citizen science practitioners, participants, thought
leaders, and decision makers for the Australian Citizen Science
Conference 2018 #CitSciOz18
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck disguised as R2D2 in the case of the robot
are two kinds of people in the world: people who love pizza and
liars. / I just hate it when I'm trying to eat a salad and it
accidentally falls into the trash and then I have to eat pizza
if you don't go in for far-off places..........Carole King
…..Spaceship Races
The first World Volleyball Championships were held
in 1949 for men and 1952 for women.
of the Week: February is Sweet Potato
Month –What did the cucumber say to the sweet potato? Stop your
Beautiful Thing in the State:
Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown, Rhode Island. Hiking
and native birds are a great combination. Norman Bird Sanctuary is
arguably the best place to go for bird watching in state and its
located in charming, coastal Middletown.
Peace of History, February
9, 2002:
10,000 people, organized by Gush Shalom (peace bloc in Hebrew), a
coalition of Israeli peace groups, marched in Tel Aviv against the
Ariel Sharon government's increasingly brutal attacks on Palestinian
civilians during the continuing occupation of territory beyond
Israel’s recognized 1967 borders.
can't turn water into wine, but I can turn pizza into breakfast. /
Unless you are a pizza, the answer is yes, I can live without you.
would be so fine to see your face at my door...........Carole King
….. So Far Away
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle February 9, 2018, dEep dIsh ePistle. Online at:
All this and pizza too. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800
Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
To insure peace of mind ignore the rules and regulations. --George
of War: Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as
of 2/8/17: $797,612,518,097.
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 2/1/17: $796,902,932,532.
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/8/17:
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/1/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/8/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/1/17:
Ways to Promote Peace #33: Have a plan for dangerous situations of
all types (being mugged, house fire, etc.)
let it rain, let it snow.........Ernest Tubb ….I'll Get Along
one thing I learned about pizza jokes...it's all in the delivery.
Last Words: La risata final. --Verdi Falstaff
Peace brew your sauce
Joy grace your toppings
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