Friday, February 23, 2018

ePistle Take Out

Famous First Words: Pretty, huh?....Pinocchio (Disney's movie, that is)
Curling Is Cool Day: Curling...all the excitement of skipping rocks plus the majesty of sweeping the floor at 27° F. / What do you call a curler with insomnia? Sweepless
..........mind it's strictly rhythm..........Dire Straits …..Sultans of Swing
50 Ways to Promote Peace #29: Volunteer at a domestic violence shelter
It is a cold (33°) Friday morning. The sky is a universal gray with only a hint to texture from grayer grays under the thick upper level. Ploppy drops of water fall from eaves and down drainpipes; it sounds like wind playing some strange instrument made of rosebush stalks and small stones. Birdsong comes to us now and again, from the little wood across the street and from a murder of crows flying high overhead. But there are no birds at the feeders. From the bare limbs of redbud hang tiny drops of water that shine like diamonds. Those limbs support a lone bird, large and black with a bar of yellow across the wing. She is silent and very still. Puck chased the only squirrel into the neighbors yard and now lectures him at great length and with much gusto. The ice is melting around grass blades and fence posts leaving a lacework of crunch. A step on it snaps – more a feel than a sound – and leaves a fractured footstep of white snow. Underneath the ground is not frozen but muddy and squishy. There is little traffic and the sound of distant machinery seems muted. Finally, Puck's paws complain of cold and we return to our warm rooms. The smell of brewing Moose Munch with a hint of left over mint fills our lungs. It makes me feel comfortable and at home. But the best part, so far anyway, is sitting down with a cup of sweet goodness and a chance to write to you.
Hope your weekend rocks, ePistliers. much of a sport than twirling around on the ice in a tutu. / I understand Swiffer is sponsoring the curling team./ If a man makes fun of "women's sports", ask him about curling.
..........I got a dragon at noon.........Dire Straits …..Angel of Mercy
Trivia Questions: Guantanamo became our (the US') responsibility 115 years ago today.
^ What is the rent we pay to Cuba for the base?
^^ Which song is favored as torture for the prisoners at Gitmo?
^^^ More or less, how much does it cost to keep a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay?
^^^^ What concessions does Gitmo make for prisoners who are Muslim?
^^^^^ Altogether about how many people are there at Guantanamo Bay?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Schrodinger's Immigrant: Simultaneously stealing your job and too lazy to work. --Submitted by both sd of ks and sb of ak
FYI of the Week: TAKE OUT – Curling - removal of a stone from the playing area by hitting it with another stone.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: If it allows them to read, 48% of librarians pick a longer commute.
Curling...prepare yourself for disappointment. / Curling Shakespeare: Sweep, you fat and greasy citizens. --As You Like It
..........said let it rock and let it roll.........Dire Straits …..Tunnel of Love
Moonbeam: Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody. --Samuel Pepys
Something to Think About of the Week

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Cat Valentines: I tolerate you so much! --submitted by sd of ks
Big Hello: lǫkwe – Marshallese (Micronesia)
Week of the Week: National Engineers Week (February 18-24) – Fake Engineer Statistics: 71% of engineers don't trust the first answer their calculator gives them.
Curling...throwing stones is okay, but all that sweeping is too much like housework. --Maxine / I should exercise more. Is there WII curling?
..........Turning all the night time into the day.........Dire Straits …..Walk of Life
^ The United States has leased Guantanamo Bay from Cuba for $4085 a month, but Cuba has only cashed one check in the past 5 decades
Almanac: It is Friday, February 23, 2018. The moon is first quarter today and it is Gemini. In addition to being Curling is Cool Day, it is Digital Learning Day, Diesel Engine Day, Iwo Jima Day (flag raised), National Dog Biscuit Day, National Tile Day, Single Tasking Day, and Women in Blue Jeans Days. In Brunei it is National Day and in Guyana it is Republic Day (1970). Because it is the fourth Friday it is Skip The Straw Day.
Among those born on this day were Paul II, (1417), Samuel Pepys (1633), John Blow (1649), Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1734), Emma Willard (1787), Istvan Ferenczi (1792), William E B Du Bois (1868), Karl Jaspers (1883), William L Shirer (1904), Margaret Farrer (1914), Tom Wesselman (1931), Peter Fonda (1940), Johnny Winter (1944), and Too Tall Jones (1951).
On February twenty-third the Humane Society of Massachusetts incorporated (1792), Haydn's 94th Symphony in G premiered (1792), William III was proclaimed king of England (1689), the College of Apothecaries was organized as the US's first pharmacy school (1821), Boston incorporated (1822), Texas seceded (1861), Mississippi was re-admitted to the union (1870), Alabama became the first state to enact antitrust laws (1883), the first college student government was established (Bryn Mawr, 1892), Cuba leased Guantanamo to the USA (1903), the US acquired control of the Panama Canal Zone ($10 million, 1904), the first transcontinental airmail arrived in NYC (from San Francisco, 1921), Disney's Pinocchio was released (1940), the Salk vaccine was first used on a mass scale (Pittsburgh, 1954), demolition began on Ebbets Field (opened 1913, 1960), Charlies Finley signed a 4 year lease to keep the A's in KC (1964), the 25th amendment was ratified (presidential succession, 1967), Wilt Chamerlain became the first NBAer to score 25,000 points (1968), the Holy Eucharist was first given by women (1970), and Dire Straits began their first US tour (1979).
Night Sky, 2/23: First-quarter Moon (3:09 am EST). For North America this evening the Moon shines left or upper left of Aldebaran, and farther upper right of Orion. The Moon occults Aldebaran in daylight or twilight.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Escapade 2018: The Slash Slumber Party! (2/23-25, Los Angeles) ...Escapade is a weekend-long con attended mostly but not exclusively by women, all of whom are slash fans of many fandoms and flavors.
'Nother Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Ronald Reagan was surrounded by Secret Service agents when he was shot. I guess they just needed a few armed math teachers. --submitted by ra of ks

Actual Science Convention of the Week: The RAAS: Emerging Interactions with the Microbiome, Immune and Nervous System (February 18023, Ventura, CA)
This Week: Saturday, February 24 – National Dance Day & Forget Me Not Day & World Bartender Night
Sunday, February 25 – Brotherhood Sunday
Night Sky, 2/25: Under the feet of Orion, and to the right of Sirius now, hides Lepus the Hare. As with Canis Major, you can connect Lepus's dots to make it look like what it's supposed to be. He's a crouching bunny, with his nose pointing lower right, his faint ears extending up toward Rigel, and his body bunched to the left. His brightest two stars, Beta and Alpha Leporis, form the front and back of his neck.
Monday, February 26 – Museum Advocacy Day & National Cupcake Day
Tuesday, February 27 – International Polar Bear Day & Travel Africa Day
Wednesday, February 28 – Pink Shirt Day & Floral Design Day & National Tooth Fairy Day
Night Sky, 2/28: Sirius blazes high in the south on the meridian by 8 or 9 pm now. Using binoculars, examine the spot 4° south of Sirius: directly below it when on the meridian. Four degrees is somewhat less than the width of a typical binocular's field of view. Can you see an irregular little patch of gray haze? That's the open star cluster M41, about 2,200 light-years away. Sirius, by comparison, is only 8.6 light-years away.
Thursday, March 1 – National Black Women in Jazz and the Arts Day & Peace Corps Day & Pig Day
Curling...just about the only winter sport you can compete in and win while drinking massive quantities of beer and lighting up whatever it is you like to smoke. / Curling the bible: He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone. (John 8:7)
..........There's a bird up in a tree sitting up high.........Dire Straits ….. Water of Love
^^ At Guantanamo Bay the children’s song “I Love You” by Barney the Purple Dinosaur is used as a form of torture.
Third Funniest thing I read of the Week: A Neighborhood Watch sign really means “you are being judged by old people and cats”.
Moonbeam: Only as an individual man can become a philosopher. --Karl Jaspers
Classic Late Night Snacks: Organizers for the Sochi Olympics have had trouble filling seats for the biathlon. This is because Vladimir Putin is warning people away from any event containing "bi." --Conan O'Brien, 2/10/14 / Before the games, a lot of people were worried that hotels in Sochi wouldn't be ready. For the most part, things seem to be working well. The only problems occur when people try to do something crazy like, you know, open a door. --Seth Meyer 2/10/14 / One Sochi elevator has two up buttons. If you want to go down, you have to stand on your head. --Jimmy Kimmel 2/10/14 / We're halfway through the Winter Olympics. The American speed skaters say there's a reason their times are off. They're blaming it on their suits, and I thought maybe I should do that. It was my suit. --David Letterman / At the Olympics, the Russian men's hockey team was knocked out by Finland. Vladimir Putin was said to be furious. He was yelling, waving a sword around, threatening to send people to Siberia. Then the game started. --Craig Ferguson

Not So Late Night Snacks: Basically, on the gubernatorial ballot in Kansas is one 16-year-old, five 17-year-olds and a dog. So at the moment, Kansas law has no age restriction on candidates running for statewide office - which explains why the current comptroller is just a zygote who showed an early aptitude for accounting. Nobody knew this was a problem, and then these six teenagers figured it out. They all filed to run. They're running on platforms as varied as marijuana legalization and marijuana even more legalization. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me.
50 Ways to Promote Peace #28: Reduce your carbon footprint.
Curling...It's serious business, eh? / Curling remains steroid-free, apparently steroids ruin the taste of beer.
..........of toulouse and dauphine.........Dire Straits …..The Planet of New Orleans
^^^ Guantanamo Bay spends $800,000 per year on each detainee.
Worthless Fact of the Week: On February 23, 1893, Rudolf Diesel received a patent for his diesel engine. Instead of gasoline, this engine burns fuel oil and uses compressed air in the cylinder instead of a spark to ignite the fuel.
Weird Word of the Week: Yedsirag – head man, foreman
Wicked Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The 2 white actors in Black Panther also played Gollum & Bilbo Baggins. Meaning, they are the two Tolkien white guys of the movie. --Submitted by abf of ks
Worthlesser Fact of the Week: The USA men's curling team will play Sweden for the gold medal on Saturday afternoon. The Korean team plays the Swedish team for gold in women's finals on Friday evening. Canada took gold, Switzerland took silver and the Olympic Athletes from Russia won bronze in mixed doubles.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Make a stress ball. Fill a Trojan Condom with sand or flour, and tie a knot in the open end. Canada it's a sport; in the US it's a snack food. / You know you're having a bad game when the sweepers burst into laughter as you release your rock.
...........We've got to move these colour Tvs.........Dire Straits …..Money for Nothing
^^^^ Guantanamo Bay provides its Muslim prisoners with a copy of the Quran, a chess set, and an arrow pointing towards Mecca.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Swagger – walk or behave in a very confident , arrogant or aggressive way. A Midsummer Night's Dream Act III, Scene 1 Puck: What hempen home-spuns have we swaggering here, so near the cradle of the fairy queen?
Christine Update: I finally got over my dizziness. I went to the chiropractor who adjusted my neck and I stopped being so dizzy I could hardly walk immediately and over the course of 4 days, it went away completely. I was amazed. But mostly, I just sit around feeling not dizzy.
Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Apparently, he's as faithful to the country as he is to Melania.
Science on the Internet of the Week: Dry Ice Bubble – an experiment you can try at home:
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck pulling a dramatic pose in the case of the Modeling Moyen.
The curling team had a garage band on the side; it was called Asweep at the Wheel. / Their hit song was Sweeping Beauty. / I won an Olympic gold medal in curling but the only job I'm qualified for is maid.
..........rain come down wash away my tears.........Dire Straits …..Hand in Hand
^^^^^ Around 2,000 troops and civilians are stationed at Guantanamo to staff the prison. There are currently 80 detainees, which amounts to roughly 25 staff members to one detainee held.
Month of the Week: February is Love The Bus Month –Bus: a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it than when your are in it. / Eels get around town on the octobus
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota --Bison, elk, and other wildlife roam the rolling prairie grasslands and forested hillsides of one of America's oldest national parks. Below the remnant island of intact prairie sits Wind Cave, one of the longest and most complex caves in the world. Named for barometric winds at its entrance, this maze of passages is home to boxwork, a unique formation rarely found elsewhere.
Rumination of the Week: There were 4 million 13-year old kids in the USA in 2010. They turn 18 this year. The midterms are in 250 days. Spread the word. Get Registered. Register everyone you know. Fight back. --Submitted by rhb of ks
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: People defending the 2nd amendment seem awfully scared of teenagers armed only with the 1st amendment. --Submitted by dr of oh
Today's Peace of History, February 23, 1982: Wales declared itself a nuclear weapons-free zone. Its last nuclear power plant, Wylfa at Anglesey with two reactors, was shut down completely in 2015.
Curling...And if hell freezes over, I'll curl there too. / The Israel Curling team's motto is taken from Isaish 14:27: I will sweep with the besom of destruction.
..........I wish I'd never been tattooed.........Dire Straits …..Fade to Black
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle February 23, 2018, ePistle Take Out. Online at: Peace and Stones. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: No class or group or party in Germany could escape its share of responsibility for the abandonment of the democratic Republic and the advent of Adolf Hitler. The cardinal error of the Germans who opposed Nazism was their failure to unite against it. --William L Shirer
Cost of War: Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 2/22/17: $798,926,562,826.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 2/8/17: $797,963,235,911.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/22/17: $821,281,680,217.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/12/17: $821,253,525,681.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/22/17: $1,818,230,988,701.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/12/17: $1,816,219,195,003.
50 Ways to Promote Peace #27: Hang Tibetan prayer flags.
..........In my peace of mind..........Dire Straits ….Ticket to Heaven
The Olympic committee banned head shots from hockey and tequila shots from curling. / When proposing to his girl friend the curling stone promised he wouldn't take her for granite.
Famous Last Words: ...the assurances of its consideration. --Lease of Guantanamo
May Peace cast your rock
And Joy sweep its path
prairie mama

Last Laugh

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

ePistle Etouffee 2018

Famous First Words: Throw me something, mista...
Merry Mardi Gras!!! What do you call a hamburger covered in beads? A French Quarter Pounder. / Today is Fat Tuesday but it's also National Pancake Day...coincidence? I think not.
..........and we got something to say..........Monkees …..Theme Song
50 Ways to Promote Peace #32: Talk to kids about peaceful virtues early on.
Ready? Catch!! llllllllllllllllllllllllllllldddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffpp
It is a bright, beautiful Tuesday morning. The clouds and jet trails are stretched into lumpy lines like giant bead strands across the sky from north to south. The breeze and the 31°F temperature promise warmth and cheer. The sound of distant motors is soften by birdsong and, of course, Puck yapping at squirrels. Both the birds and the squirrels remain unseen. The tufts of decorative grass wave their pompoms in the wind to celebrate the day and add to the festive feel of Mardi Gras. The air does not move the bare tree limbs; they stand still in the morning, pillars of no-nonsense nature. But Puck and I take in a few more deep breaths and return to our rooms, to the smell of brewing coffee and stale incense. He settles onto my pillow for a morning nap and I take a long sip of sweetened bitterness. Now I get to sit here and throw virtual beads to you, what a day!!
Hope your Mardi Gras is fat and textured, ePistliers.
New Orleans just published a new JK Rowling book; it called Fantastic Beads and Where to Find Them. / Fat Tuesday? I'm dealing with Fat February.
..........I'm so hungry all the time.........Peter Gabriel …..No Self Control
Trivia Questions: Happy International Condom Day!
^ What, if any, are the medical reasons someone would be unable to use a condom?
^^ More or less, what is the date of the earliest known illustration of a man using a condom?
^^^ What is the ballpark figure for the percentage of sex in the US that is condom-protected?
^^^^ About how many condoms are used in the US each year?
^^^^^ Considering HIV, how much safer is sex with a condom?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I don't understand “getting ready for bed”. I'm always ready for bed.
NOTICE: No ePistle this coming Friday...see you again on the 23rd
Mardi Gras Cams: Watch the action live:
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 67% of librarians passive aggressively use a coworker's passive aggressively labelled office supplies
The biggest problem with jogging during Mardi Gras is ice falling out of your drink. / Around here we don't hide crazy; we parade it in the street and hang beads on it.
..........Here in status symbol land.........Monkees …..Pleasant Valley Sunday
Moonbeam: The rich, by unfair combinations, contribute frequently to prolong a season of distress among the poor. --Thomas Malthus
Something to Think About of the Week:

Big Hello: Namaskar – Marahi (Western India)
Week of the Week: National Marriage Week (February 7-14) --A woman inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Husband wanted." Next day she received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine."
I found a joke that said Mardi Gras is the only acceptable time to wear body glitter and not be mistaken for a stripper. But it's obvious to me this person has never been to an anime convention. / "It has been said that a Scotchman has not seen the world until he has seen Edinburgh; and I think that I may say that an American has not seen the United States until he has seen Mardi Gras in New Orleans." — Mark Twain
..........another day older and deeper in debt..........Tennessee Ernie Ford …..16 Tons
^ There is no medical reason why someone can’t use a condom. Even people with latex allergies can use them — there are latex-free condoms made of polyurethane and polyisoprene.
Almanac: It is Tuesday, February 13, 2018. The moon will be new tomorrow and is in Aquarius. It is Mardi Gras aka Fat Tuesday aka Paczki Day aka Shrove Tuesday, World Radio Day (UNESCO), Desperation Day, Employee Legal Awareness Day, Get A Different Name Day, Galentine's Day, International Condom Day, and Madly in Love With Me Day. Because it is Mardi Gras it is also International Pancake Day and Pancake Day.
Among those born on this day were Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (1682), Thomas Malthus (1766), William Strang (1859), Bess Truman (1885), Grant Wood (1892), Tennessee Earie Ford (1919), Chuck Yeager (1923), Dorothy McGuire (1930), George Segal (1934), Carol Lynley (1942), Peter Tork (Thorkelson, Monkees, 1942), Stockard Channing (1944), Peter Gabriel (1950), and Penelope Ann Miller (1963).
On February thirteenth St. Augustine, FL was founded (1566), Tycho Brahe sketched the Tychonic Solar System Model (1678), the Marquis de Sade was arrested without charge (1777), the University of Georgia opened (1st US state university, 1795), there were flour riots in New York City (1837), Strauss' Blue Danube premiered (1867), the moving picture projector was patented (1895), King Tut's tomb was opened (1924), and the Woman's Marine Corps was created (1943).
Night Sky, 2/13: Mercury & Neptune are extremely difficult to see while Uranus is merely difficult to see.
This Week: Wednesday, February 14 – International Book Giving Day & League of Women Voters Day &, oh, yeah, St Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 15Lupercalia & Susan B Anthony Day & National Cum Drop Day
Night Sky, 2/15: Partial Solar Eclipse visible in the southern hemisphere.
Friday, February 16 – Kyoto Protocol Day & National Caregivers Day & World Information Architecture Day
Saturday, February 17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day & World Human Spirit Day & World Whale Day
Night Sky, 2/17: Venus is slightly difficult to see rising at nearly 8 am and setting around 7 pm.
Sunday, February 18 – Battery Day & Best Friends Day & **Pluto Day
Night Sky, 2/18: Mars is easy to see rising around 2:30 am and setting around noon. **Discovered on this date in 1930
Monday, February 19 – Best Friends Day & Chocolate Mint Day & Presidents Day
Night Sky, 2/19: Jupiter is perfectly visible rising at around 1 am and setting around 11 am
Tuesday, February 20 – Love Your Pet Day & Northern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day & World Day for Social Justice
Night Sky, 2/20: Saturn is visible rising around 1 am and setting at 1:30 pm.
Wednesday, February 21 – International Mother Language Day
Thursday, February 22 - Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day & Discover Girl Day & National Chili Day
Emma Watson made a Mardi Gras movie, it's called Beauty and the Beads. / "It's Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Everybody has Mardi Gras fever. I was watching the 'Today' show earlier and Tom Cruise was lecturing Matt Lauer about jambalaya." — David Letterman
..........Oh, and our good times start and end.........Monkees …..Daydream Believer
^^ Condoms have been around a long, long time. The earliest known illustration of a man using a condom is a 12,000–15,000-year-old painting on the wall of a cave in France
Next Funniest thing I read of the Week: Any parade of Donald Trump that doesn't include tar, feathers, and a rail is a waste of marching.
Moonbeam: I deplore any action which denies artistic talent an opportunity to express itself because of prejudice against race origin. --Bess Truman
Late Night Snacks: President Drumpf's legal team is now reportedly trying to put the brakes on a looming interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. According to the failing New York Times, Drumpf's lawyers are worried he could be lying too much to investigators, and they base this concern on... everything he's ever said and done over the course of his life. --Jimmy Kimmel / In San Diego, a Girl Scout is in trouble for selling cookies outside a legal weed dispensary. However, the girl isn’t worried, because she is now worth $200 million. --Conan O'Brien / Some more news out of Washington. The government is spending $24 million to replace two refrigerators on Air Force One. Until then, they’re keeping perishables cold by putting them between Donald and Melania. --Jimmy Fallon / If Drumpf refuses the interview, Robert Mueller could subpoena him to testify before a grand jury. Which would be OK with Drumpf, provided it was the grandest jury, the most luxurious jury of all the juries. --James Corden / Doritos is reportedly looking into launching a so-called lady-friendly chip that doesn’t crunch as loudly. Because there’s no more appropriate snack for the #MeToo era than a chip that tells women to be quiet. --Seth Meyers / We're still dealing with the fallout of the infamous Republican memo written by House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes. Republicans hyped this dud for weeks, and the central argument of the memo is that the FBI was biased when they got a warrant to wiretap former Drumpf adviser Carter Page. Nunes says the FBI relied exclusively on the Steele dossier and never disclosed to the judge that the dossier was paid for by Drumpf's political opponents. Now, if true, that's a pretty damning charge. Spoiler alert: Not true. Turns out, the partisan nature of the dossier was mentioned in a footnote. Nunes should learn how footnotes work. He's about to become one in history. --Stephen Colbert
Not So Late Night Snacks: Now, I personally I am all for the power to imprison people if they do not clap for you. But when you think about it maybe it is not in Donald Trump's best interest to set the bar for treason so low. --Peter Sagal Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
50 Ways to Promote Peace #31: Research influential peace promoters in history.
Be sure to enjoy the trademark beverage of New Orleans named for the deadly storm surges that frequently decimate the city. / No one knows what's in the FEMA-tini but it doesn't catch up with you until sometime next month.
..........The land here is strong.........Peter Gabriel …..The Rhythm of the Heat
^^^ One in four acts of vaginal intercourse is condom-protected in the US. It is one in three among single people.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The Tychonic Solar System Model has the sun, moon, and stars circle a central Earth while the 5 planets orbit the sun. (1678)
Weird Word of the Week: Wittol – somebody who knew he was a cuckold, especially somebody who was untroubled by the situation. 1400s.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Prevent large sausages from splitting. Place large sausages inside Trojan Condoms to prevent them from splitting open when cooking. Just make sure the pot does not boil dry.
Not sure if it's Mardi Gras or just a day in the Senate. / Don't worry, the Ash Wednesday ashes will cover up that tattoo you don't remember getting on your forehead.
...........Tentatively you put up the signs.........Monkees …..Counting on You
^^^^ 450,000,000 condoms are sold in the US each year.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Summit – the highest point of a hill or mountain Hamlet Act 1, Scene IV Horatio: or to the dreadful summit of the cliff that beetles o'er his base into the sea,
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Planet Comicon – Kansas City (February 16-18)...Guests include everyone from Zach Callison (Steven Universe) to Alice Cooper (yes, the Alice Cooper).
Actual Science Convention of the Week: BC-MIT Number Theory Seminar ...parabolic induction of representations of the general linear group... (M.I.T. February 13, 2018)
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck flirting for beads in the case of the Cajun Cavalier
Beware: A Cajun hot tub usually contains lobster. / In honor of Fat Tuesday, I'm wearing this shirt that makes me look fat.
..........Shutters on the windows, no light at all.........Peter Gabriel …..Wallflower
^^^^^ When it comes to HIV,using a condom makes sex 10,000 times safer than not using a condom.
Month of the Week: February is Haiku Writing Month –
help me, I am trapped
in a haiku factory
save me, before they
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: UFO Welcome Center, Bowman, South Carolina. The center, designed to attract and accommodate extraterrestrial visitors, consists of two stacked, saucer-shaped structures made of scrap wood and metal. ~~Sorry, South Carolina, you brought it on yourself. Besides I couldn't find any websites with wonderful pictures of Hilton Head Island.
pppppppppppppppppp ~~pppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: First remove Trump, then throw a parade. --submitted by rhb of ks
Today's Peace of History, February 13, 1920: Andrew "Rube" Foster, who is hailed as the “Father of Black Baseball” organized the first baseball league for African-Americans, the Negro National League in Kansas City, Missouri. The NNL operated successfully until 1931.
Things to avoid while at Mardi Gras – Tattoos that say Beignets Rule, anti-Saints remarks and fake Cajun accents / You know, it's also National Pancake Day and I intend to spend it hopping from one IHOP to the next.
..........You guys are crazy.........Peter Gabriel …..Down the Dolce Vita
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle February 13, 2018, ePistle eTouffee 2018. Online at: Peace, Love, and virtual Beads. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can't, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don't give up. --Chuck Yeager
Cost of War: Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 2/12/17: $797,963,235,911.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 2/8/17: $797,612,518,097.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/12/17: $821,253,525,681.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/8/17: $821,243,275,577.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/12/17: $1,816,219,195,003.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/8/17: $1,815,486,798,706.
50 Ways to Promote Peace #30: Try hard not to judge others.
..........Not a trace of doubt in my mind.........Monkees …..I'm a Believer
Pi Day is like Fat Tuesday without the beads./ My friend came home from Mardi Gras with 100 strings of beads. I came home with 4 and all of them are rosaries.
Famous Last Words: on cha frec na na na na. Blue Danube Waltz
May Peace compose your music
And Joy write your lyrics
prairie mama

Last Laugh:

Friday, February 9, 2018

Deep Dish ePistle

Famous First Words: All persons are by nature free and independent... Constitution of the State of Nebraska
Happy National Pizza Day !! Warning: This could get very cheesy, very fast. Waiter, will my pizza be long? No, ma'am, it will be round.
..........I can't sleep a wink, it is true.........Ernest Tubb …..Walking The Floor Over You
50 Ways to Promote Peace #35: Sign a peace pledge
I have been sick. I've been so dizzy that I can't keep food down and so that's why this is late and why it doesn't have a real introduction. I'm up at the moment and tryting to decide whether to go to the doctor. Sorry!
Hope your weekend is a supreme, ePistliers.
Every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself. / Joan fixed the broken pizza with tomato paste.
..........Oh, darling, I can't stand it when you look at me that way.........Carole King …..I Feel the Earth Move
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Volleyball !
^ Where was the game of Volleyball invented?
^^ How is a point scored in Volleyball?
^^^ Any idea how long a game was according to the original rules?
^^^^ How about now?
^^^^^ When was the first international volleyball championship held, more or less?
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Kids of the 1980s--We may have had stupid hair, but we didn't eat tide pods. ~~Maybe or only because they did come into the market until 2012.
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 17% of library dress codes require staff to wear quirky socks.
Pizza as geometric teaching tool – Has circular shape, comes in a square container, is eaten in triangles. / I called a local pizza parlor the other night as asked, “Do you do takeaways?” They said they did, so I said “what's 23452 music 345?”.
..........And hope I've brought you back across the line..........Carole King …..Fantasy End
Moonbeam: Anyone can win unless there happens to be a second entry. --George Ade
Something to Think About of the Week

Great Thing on the Internet of the Week: Robin Morgan's eulogy for Ursula Le Guin
Week of the Week: National School Counseling Week (February 5-9) --OK, but if sentient robots don't rise up and enslave humanity, what sort of careers might you be interested in?
Pizza – the circle of life – a slice a day keeps the sad away. / Would you like your pizza cut into 6 or 8 slices. 6, please, I could never eat 8.
..........Is the sun shining golden, shining right down on me..........Carole King …..Way Over Yonder
^ Volleyball was invented in the United States by William Morgan, an instructor at the YMCA in Holyoke, Mass. He invented the game by combining basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball.
Almanac: It is Friday, February 9, 2018. The moon was last quarter last Wednesday and is in Sagittarius. It is National Stop Bullying Day, National Pizza Day, Read in the Bathtub Day, and Toothache Day.
Among those born on this day were Ali Sjir Neva'i (1441), William Henry Harrison (1773), Samuel J. Tilden (1814), George Ade (1866), Amy Lowell (1874), Alban Maria Johannes Berg (1885), Brain Donlevy (1901), Dean Rusk (1909), Carmen Miranda (Maria do Carmo Mirandad Da Cunha, 1909), Ernest Tubb (1914), Brendan Behan (1923), Roger Mudd (1928), Carole King (Klein, 1942), Alice Walker (1944), Gary Franks (1953), and Andrew Meltzoff (1950).
On February nineth Russia and Poland signed a peace treaty (Treaty of Andrussovo, 1667), the American Indian Society was organized (1822), Tennessee voted against sucession (1861), Nebraska became the 37th state (1867), Falstaff premiered (1893), volleyball was invented (1895), War Daylight Savings Time went into effect (1942), trade unions merged into the ALF/CIO (1955), GI Joe character was created (1964), Satchel Paige became the first negro league player elected to the baseball Hall of Fame (1971), the Salt Lake City Olympics opened (2002), Ralph Ellison’s novel “Invisible Man” won the National Book Award (1952), Martin Luther King met with President Johnson to discuss black voting rights (1965) and Astronaut Bernard Harris became the first black man to take a space walk (1995).
Night Sky, 2/9: By 9 pm the Big Dipper stands straight up on its handle in the northeast. In the northwest, the W of Cassiopeia also stands on end at about the same height.
Making Art on the Internet of the Week: Weaving silk. A really fun program to play around with... Here's one I made.

This Week: Saturday, February 10 – All The News That's Fit To Print Day
Sunday, February 11 – International Day of Women & Girls in Science & National Inventors Day
Night Sky, 2/11: Sirius, the Dog Star, blazing high in the southeast after dinnertime is the brightest star of Canis Major. In a dark sky with lots of stars visible, the constellation's points can be connected to form a convincing dog profile. He's currently standing on his hind legs; Sirius is on his chest. But through the kind of light pollution where most of us live, only his five brightest stars are easily visible. They form a short-handled meat cleaver. Sirius is the cleaver's top back corner, its blade faces right, and its handle is down below. ~~A dog with a meat cleaver...sleep tight
Monday, February 12 – NAACP Day & Paul Bunyan Day & Darwin Day
Tuesday, February 13 – Mardi Gras !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The difference between this pizza and your opinion. People ask for the pizza. / My heart says pizza but my head says extra cheese.
..........All you have to do is call and I'll be there, yes I will.........Carole King …..You've Got a Friend
^^ One scores points by grounding the ball on the other team's court.
Next Funniest thing I read of the Week: If you see someone buying candy, popcorn, and soda at the movies, that person is a drug dealer. There is no other explanation for that type of income. --
Moonbeam: A friend who is near and dear may in time become as useless as a relative. --George Ade
Late Night Snacks: It's come out that President Trump's director of communications, Hope Hicks, may have partially obstructed justice. Trump sid he's furious with Hicks because he hired her to fully obstruct justice. --Conan O'Brien / Sunday is also the Kitten Bowl on the Hallmark Channel. It will feature the Little Long Tails going up against their rival, a red laser pointer. -- Jimmy Fallon / President Trump yesterday praised Chicago Cubs co-owner Todd Ricketts' appointment as the RNC's new finance chairman, calling him a great addition. Yeah, great if you want to win one election every 108 years. --Seth Meyers / In fact, Trump's state of the union was the least-watched first state of the union in 25 years. Which is impressive - I mean, they're all pretty unwatchable. It's amazing, really. But 45.6 million people did watch which is nearly one person for every standing ovation the Republicans gave him throughout the speech. --James Corden / Here's one unusual thing we found out right before the speech - the first lady traveled to the speech in a separate car. I guess Melania didn't want anything from the Burger King drive-through. --Stephen Colbert
Not So Late Night Snacks: It (the state of the union speech) was so long it was like Lord of the Rings but all the orcs were wearing suits. --Helen Hong, Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
50 Ways to Promote Peace #34: Respect your environment

..........And on the whole , it was a very good year for the undertaker..........Carole King …..Smackwater Jack
^^^ Originally, a volleyball match was composed of nine innings with three serves for each team in each inning, and no limit to the number of ball contacts for each team before sending the ball to the opponents' court.
Worthless Facts of the Week: Most of East Tennessee's Confederate soldiers - including a slight majority of the officers - did not own slaves and most of the region's largest slaveholders remained Unionist. Slavery had little political support in East Tennessee. Neither did abolition. Racial attitudes of whites common to the 19th century prevailed in the region.
Weird Word of the Week: Volleyballene – a hollow sphere of 60 carbon atoms and 20 atoms of scandium. This produces a shape made up of pentagons and octagons that looks a bit like an ultra-miniature volleyball. At the moment, it exists only as a computer design.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Make a slingshot. Construct a slingshot from a Y-shaped tree branch and a Trojan Condom. ~~How often have I found myself in desperate need of a slingshot and no time to go buy one but with a pocket full of condoms.
Life is a combination of magic and pizza. / People say “If you want loyalty, get a dog.” but my dog would abandon me in a dark alley for a pizza crust, so maybe loyalty has layers. --Elizabeth Hackett
...........Where you just have to wish to make it so.........Carole King …..Up on the Roof
^^^^ In regular tournament play, teams end a volleyball match by winning two out of three sets. A set is won by the first team to score 25 points.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Submerge – cause to be under water Anthony and Cleopatra Act II, Scene V Cleopatra: So half my Egypt were submerged and made a cistern for scaled snakes!
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: GalaxyFest 2018 (February 9-11, Colorado Springs, CO) --preeminent around-the-clock multi-genre, pop culture comic con across the region
Actual Science Convention of the Week: 2018 Australian Citizen Science Conference (February 7-8, Adelaide) The Australian Citizen Science Association invites you to join us as we bring together citizen science practitioners, participants, thought leaders, and decision makers for the Australian Citizen Science Conference 2018 #CitSciOz18
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck disguised as R2D2 in the case of the robot rottaf.
There are two kinds of people in the world: people who love pizza and liars. / I just hate it when I'm trying to eat a salad and it accidentally falls into the trash and then I have to eat pizza instead.
..........But if you don't go in for far-off places..........Carole King …..Spaceship Races
^^^^^ The first World Volleyball Championships were held in 1949 for men and 1952 for women.
Month of the Week: February is Sweet Potato Month –What did the cucumber say to the sweet potato? Stop your yammering
Most Beautiful Thing in the State: Norman Bird Sanctuary, Middletown, Rhode Island. Hiking and native birds are a great combination. Norman Bird Sanctuary is arguably the best place to go for bird watching in state and its located in charming, coastal Middletown.
Today's Peace of History, February 9, 2002: 10,000 people, organized by Gush Shalom (peace bloc in Hebrew), a coalition of Israeli peace groups, marched in Tel Aviv against the Ariel Sharon government's increasingly brutal attacks on Palestinian civilians during the continuing occupation of territory beyond Israel’s recognized 1967 borders.
I can't turn water into wine, but I can turn pizza into breakfast. / Unless you are a pizza, the answer is yes, I can live without you.
..........It would be so fine to see your face at my door...........Carole King ….. So Far Away
Masthead of the Week: fRiday ePistle February 9, 2018, dEep dIsh ePistle. Online at: All this and pizza too. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS 66046
Moonbeam: To insure peace of mind ignore the rules and regulations. --George Ade
Cost of War: Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 2/8/17: $797,612,518,097.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 2/1/17: $796,902,932,532.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/8/17: $821,243,275,577.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 2/1/17: $821,222,537,410.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/8/17: $1,815,486,798,706.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 2/1/17: $1,814,006,318,592.
50 Ways to Promote Peace #33: Have a plan for dangerous situations of all types (being mugged, house fire, etc.)
..........Oh, let it rain, let it snow.........Ernest Tubb ….I'll Get Along Somehow
The one thing I learned about pizza's all in the delivery.
Famous Last Words: La risata final. --Verdi Falstaff
May Peace brew your sauce
And Joy grace your toppings
prairie mama

Last Laugh