First Words:
Connecting Ships, Ports, and People … IMO World
Maritime Day Website
is Music in Our Schools Month: Teacher: What are you
going to do in the school talent show? Pupil: I'm going to sing "Old
Lady River." Teacher: Don't you mean "Old Man River?"
Pupil: No, I'm singing about a lady river - Missis Sippi!
stair are chlairsigh cheoil ….......The Chieftains …...Mo Ghile
conflict is about difference, whether the difference is race,
religion or nationality. The European visionaries decided that
difference is not a threat, difference is natural. Difference is of
the essence of humanity. Difference is an accident of birth and it
should therefore never be the source of hatred or conflict. The
answer to difference is to respect it. Therein lies a most
fundamental principle of peace - respect for diversity. --John Hume
is a warm (58°F) Friday morning. The sky is covered with white
clouds – thick in the east to hid the rising sun but thinning as
they move westward. The bird song is in surround sound coming from
every direction and coming in a range of tones and tempos. Even Puck
gave up barking his way around the perimeter to listen. The earth
smells of rain and dampness although there is no evidence of
precipitation but there is humidity hanging in the air. Now and then
a car drives by on its way to work, no doubt, given the hour; it is a
distraction from the bird concert which continues unabated. Pax and
Pepper join us in the warm morning; the Pax howl is a true contrast
to the bird cantata with its deep bass. But we return indoors. The
rooms smell of coffee and morning. Puck settles in on the bed for
his early morning nap and I prepare hot, creamy, sweetened Moose
Munch. Ahhh, sweet morning, and now I get to write to you...
your weekend sings in your ears, ePistliers.
(after singing a song horribly): How did you like my execution?
Music Teacher: I'm all in favor of it. / The teacher laughed when
I sat down at the piano with my hands tied behind my back. She
didn't know I could play by ear.
if you're glum and feeling down just feel like us and act the
clown….......The Chieftains …...Changing Your Demeanour
Questions: Happy Birthday to the Camp Fire Girls !
How many names has this organization had anyway?
Where was the organization founded?
How many girls were in the original troop?
How many of the 5 program levels can you name?
What is the manufacturing label for the camp fire uniform?
Library Statistic of the Week:
26% of librarians think that the worst part of working at the
reference desk is that no one can see your awesome socks.
When an individual is protesting society's refusal to acknowledge his
dignity as a human being, his very act of protest confers dignity on
him. --Bayard Rustin
didn't say your voice was out of this world, Johnny, I said it was
unearthly.” / Passing notes in class takes on a whole new meaning
if you teach music.
thanks for God's graces and the birth of the rebel Jesus….......The
Chieftains …...The Rebel Jesus
to Think About of the Week:
Pollock and Motherwell: Legends of Abstract Expressionism
is coming the the Nelson Museum July 8 – Oct 29. It will feature
Pollock's Mural and Motherwell's Elegy to the Spanish Republic No.
126. Whose up for a Pollock Party.
Hello: Mendvt – Kalmyk (Mongolia & Russia)
of the Week: Termite Awareness Week
(March 12-18) …
Fiction Convention of the Week:
Anomaly Con (March 17-19 / Denver) Colorado's Own Steampunk and
Alternate History Convention. https://www.anomalycon.com/
~~Alt History is what you get with an Alt President...
have a fine voice; you probably shouldn't spoil it by singing. / I
really like the song you say, Sally, one of these days you should put
it to music.
went his way homeward with one star awake..........The Chieftains
…..He Moved Through the Fair
Camp Fire, formerly Camp Fire USA and originally Camp Fire Girls of
America. In 1975 it changed its name to Camp Fire Boys and Girls.
Total of 4 names that I could track down; but I wouldn't be surprised
if I missed one or two.
It is Friday, March 17, 2017. The moon will be last quarter on
Monday and is in Scorpio. It is St.
Patrick's Day. In Boston MA
it is Evacuation Day (1776) and worldwide it is Maritime Day.
those born on this day were James IV (Scotland, 1473), Francesco
Albana (1578), Georg Osterreich (1664), Georg Ohm (1787), James
Bridger (1804), Gottlieb Daimler (1834), Kate Greenaway (1846),
Frederic Ayers (1876), Gloria Swanson (1899), Bayard Rustin (1910),
Nat King Cole (1919), Stephen Dodgson (1924), James B. Irwin (1930),
Tom Mattingly II (1936), Rudolf Nureyev (1938), Edward Harper (1941),
Paul Kantner (1942), Danny DeVito (1944), John Sebastian (1944),
William F. Gibson (1948), Patrick Duffy (1949), Kurt Russell and
Scott Gorham (1951), Gary Sinise (1955), Don Griffin (1964), Rob Lowe
(1964), and Mia Hamm (1972).
March seventeenth Patrick was carried off to Ireland (432), Magellan
landed on the Philippines (1521), France invaded Flanders (1537), the
first St. Patrick's Day parade was held in NYC (1762), the Britain
repealed the Stamp Act (1766), Texas abolsihed slavery (1836), the
rubber band was patented (1845), the National Association of
Professional Base-Ball players was organized (1871), Eleanor married
Franklin Roosevelt (1905), the Camp Fire Girls organized (1912), Tsar
Nicolas II abdicated (1917), O'Neill's Welded
premiered (1924), the US failed to sign the League of Nations
disarmament treaty (1927), the National Gallery of Art opened (1941),
Element 98 was announced (Californium, 1950), Elvis bought Graceland
(1957), the Dalai Lama fled Tibet (1959), Bill Cousy played his last
NBA game (1963), and Golda Meir became Israel's fourth prime minster
Sky (3/17):
On the divide between the winter and spring sky is the dim
constellation Cancer. It lies between Gemini to its west and Leo to
its east. Dim maybe, but Cancer holds something unique: the Beehive
Star Cluster, M44, in its middle. The Beehive shows dimly to the
naked eye if you have little or no light pollution. With binoculars,
it's a snap even from fairly polluted areas.
Week: Saturday, March 18 –
Forgive Mom and Dad Day & Worldwide Quilting Day
March 19 – National Poultry Day & Goddess of Fertility
Sky (3/19) – A good night to observe the Appenine
mountain chain on the moon if you have a small telescope. The big
black spot is the crater Plato.
March 20 – Great American Meat Out & Atheist Pride Day
Sky (3/20) – Jupiter in due south at an elevation of 34°.
With a small telescope you can see the equatorial bands and sometimes
the Great Red Spot.
March 21 – National Agriculture Day & Common Courtesy
Sky (3/21) - Saturn rises well after midnight
and will be high in the pre-dawn sky. Mercury becomes visible about
March 22 – As Young As You Feel Day & National Goof-Off
Sky (3/22) - Mars gets dimmer and recedes from
Venus which is in the lower right sky at twilight.
March 23 – OK Day, National Tamale Day, & World
Meteorological Day
little cubby all stuffed with fluff..........The Chieftains …..Winnie
the Pooh
Camp Fire Girls was founded in Sebago Lake, Maine by Mrs Charles
Farnsworth and Luther & Charlotte Gulick.
thing I read of the Week: We're Feminists, We're Old, We're
Back ...a protest sign outside the state house in Albany, NY.
Thing I Heard of the Week: Steven Bannon
looks like AIDS that came down with a person.
A woman once said to me, “Any religion that is to be any good to
one must be one they make for themselves.” and it is so. She,
curiously, was a clergyman's wife. --Kate Greenaway
Night Snacks: The GOP’s new healthcare bill
cleared its first hurdle early this morning, when it was passed by
the House Ways and Means Committee, after roughly 18 hours of debate.
And anyone who’s spent 18 hours trying to pass something knows what
you get at the end. --Stephen Colbert / New research says that
Neanderthals used to relieve pain by chewing on a plant containing
the main ingredient in aspirin. Or as that’s now being called, “the
Republican healthcare plan.” --Conan O'Brien / The people are
really excited about Huntsman's appointment. There is even going to
be a movie about Jon Huntsman joining the Drumpf administration. It’s
called “So White and the Huntsman,” coming soon to an Imax near
you. --James Corden / But it’s a serious thing, and the Centers
for Disease Control reminds you, still the best way to avoid
contracting an STD is to get really into Dungeons and Dragons in high
school. --Jimmy Kimmel
is a rule of international law that weapons and methods of warfare
which do not discriminate between combatants and civilians should
never be used. Aerial bombings from balloons were outlawed; the use
of "dum-dum" bullets was outlawed and made a crime, on the
grounds that they inflict unnecessary suffering. The bombing of
hospitals and civilian targets was outlawed. All these principles and
standards have suddenly vanished. They are not even mentioned by
those whose responsibility it is to uphold them. The use of the most
cruel, terrible and indiscriminate weapon of all time, the nuclear
weapons, is not even outlawed. --Sean MacBride
course your voice is pure; you strain it every time you sing. / Music
teachers write music in a notebook.
white as the milk........The Chieftains …..O the Holly She Bears a
There were 17 maidens at the first Camp Fire Girls summer camp.
Fact of the Week: The rubber band, also known
as an elastic band, laggy band, gum band, or elastic, is usually ring
shaped and commonly used to hold multiple objects together. The
rubber band was patented in England on March 17, 1845, by Stephen
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Ponder:
Every corpse on Everest was once an extremely motivated person.
--Submitted by ma of oh
Word of the Week:
Zoochosis – the degrading effect of zoos on the animals they
contain. From the 1990s.
Uses for Common Products:
Relieve a toothache. Apply a dab of Tabasco Pepper Sauce to the gum.
Made from a variety of pepper called Capsicum frutescens, Tabasco
Pepper Sauce contains an alkaloid called capsaicin that has been
proven to numb pain when applied topically.
the music teacher asked Johnny about his favorite songs he said he
had 5 of them, 3 Blind Mice and Tea for 2. / When a music teacher
needs to repair an orchestra, he used a band aid.
ramble through old Ireland and travel Scotland o'er..........The
Chieftains …..The Lily of the West
The 5 program levels are Little Stars (3-5 years), Starflight (k-2nd
grade), Adventure (3-5 grades), Discover (6-8 grades), and Horizon
(high school).
Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Flawed – blemished,
damaged, or imperfect is some way. King Lear Act V Scene III
Edgar: but his flaw'd heart, Alacks, too weak the conflict to
Thing on the Internet of the Week:
The Cray Machine paints abstract pictures triggered by lower case
letter that you type. It's a lot of fun.
the Brave
Episode of the Week:
Here's our fearless Puck trying on outfits for the March for Science
(4/22) in the case of the Physicist Pharaoh
brought a ladder to choir practice because the music teacher asked
her to sing higher. / What did the teacher call the short drummer
with good rhythm? The metro gnome.
love and whiskey make her old and gray.........The Chieftains
…..Love Is Teasin'
Camp Fire outfits and accessories were marketed by WoHeLo which was
the name of the first camp created by the organization.
of the Week: March is Paws to Read month
for Reading is
a program that allows children to read aloud to a therapy dog (or
cat, or bunny!) in order to improve reading and communication
skills. Children read individually to trained therapy pets (and their
handlers) in schools, libraries, or other settings where they
can feel comfortable and confident — and have fun! After all,
a dog will not correct them or make them feel awkward if they
stumble. http://www.pawsforpeople.org/paws-for-reading/
Major Astro – Wichita children's television character played by Tom
Leahy in 1960. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Astro
Peace of History, March
17, 1966: Cesar Chavez and the National
Farm Workers Association left Delano for Sacramento, the capital of
California, a 340-mile march which would take three weeks.
high school band played Beethoven yesterday. Really, who won? /
You're a natural musician. Your tongue is sharp and your head is
fair and square I surrendered there….......The Chieftains …...Star
of County Down
of the Week:
fRiday ePistle March X17, 2017, ePistle eTude. Online at:
news; you're obsessed with news.
Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. 1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS
The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet. --William
of War:
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 3/16/17: $765,975,573,307.
dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 3/9/17: $765,282,072,910.
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 316/17:
dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 3/9/17:
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 3/16/17: $14,106,096,224.
dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 3/9/17: $13,999,487,926.
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 3/16/17:
dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 3/9/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 3/16/17:
dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 3/9/17:
we want to reap the harvest of peace and justice in the future, we
will have to sow seeds of nonviolence, here and now, in the present.
--Mairead Corrigan Maguire. For St. Patrick's Day, all three of
today's peace quotes are from Irish Nobel Peace Winners
fare thee well….......The Chieftains …...Paddy's Green Shamrock
Shore ~~The Chieftains for St. Patrick's Day
how gracefully that girl eats her corn on the cob,” my mother said
at the local barbecue restaurant. Well, she does play flute in the
school band.
Last Words: May the Lord God help Russia! --Tsar Nicholas II
From his abdication proclamation.
Peace shine warm upon your face
Joy fall soft upon your life.
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