Friday, June 17, 2016

eNgrossed ePistle

Famous First Words: Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame... Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus
June is National Candy Month.  What is the chemical formula for the molecules in candy? Carbon-Holmium-Cobalt-Lanthanum-Tellurium or CHoCoLaTe
..........He's a great big bundle o'joy.........Red Foley  .....Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy
“To replace the old paradigm of war with a new paradigm of waging peace, we must be pioneers who can push the boundaries of human understanding.  We must be doctors who can cure the virus of violence.  We must be soldiers of peace who can do more than preach to the choir.  And we must be artists who will make the world our masterpiece.”   --Paul Chappell
It is a steamy Friday morning.  The 75°F temperature is boosted by a 92% humidity. The sky is white and has no hint of cloud to shade the rising sun. Birds are up early complaining and explaining and rabbits, as always, are everywhere.  All other wildlife is hold up in whatever cool spot they can find.  A breeze saunters by now and again.  It bears scents of floral and growth and pollen but no relief.  At 92% humidity  I expect it to splash water on my face, but it doesn't do that either.  Puck and I watch the cute little white dog that has moved in across the street and then we return to our rooms, the cool, dry air of indoors.  I exchange the humidity of Kansas with the steam of decaf, sweetened and creamed.  Ahhhh,  coffee and you - a great combination.
Hope your weekend is sweet, ePistliers.
Engross: In panning, to build up layers of sugar and chocolate coating.
A man found a magic lamp on the beach. He rubbed it and out popped a genie, who gave the man three wishes. The man wished for a million dollars, and poof! There was a million dollars. Then he wished for a convertible, and poof! There was a convertible. And then, he wished he could be irresistible to all women... Poof! He turned into a box of chocolates.
..........My home lies deep within you.........Barry Manilow  .....I Write the Songs
Trivia Questions: Happy Eat Your Vegetables Day
^ How much of your meal should consists of fruits and vegetables?
^^ About what percentage of a cucumber is water?
^^^ Washington, Victoria, Santa Rosa and Bokhara are varieties of which vegetable?
^^^^ Can we count peas and beans as vegetables?
^^^^^ How many of the 5 types of lettuce can you name?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: A recent Pew survey found that 78% of patrons are secretly eating & drinking in the library despite 'No food or drink' policies.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Return of ConTamination 2016 (June 17-19). St. Louis' Horror, Sci-Fi, Pop Culture Convention...

Moonbeam: An ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge.  --John Wesley
A study says that chocolate may lower your chances of a stroke. That is, a swimming stroke, a golf stroke, a tennis stroke...
..........I gotta move that tells me what to do.........James Brown .....Super Bad
Something to Think About of the Week: Keep Calm and Never Stop Dreaming.
Big Hello: Ola - Extremaduran (Salamanca, Spain)
Week of the Week: Worldwide Knit (and crochet) in Public Week (June 11-19) -

Quote of the Week: Mass shootings are not uniquely American.  What is uniquely American is the determination not to do anything to prevent them.  --David Frum
Careful, too much candy can make you thick to your stomach. / Those Russell Stover candies are so good, Gov. Brownback is trying to outlaw them.
..........Faded feathers in her hair.........Barry Manilow  .....Copacabana
^ “Make half your plate fruits and vegetables” is a part of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Almanac: It is Friday, June 17, 2016.  The moon will be full (Strawberry) on Monday and is in Scorpio.  The UN has declared this World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.  In addition it is Eat Your Vegetables Day, Stewarts Root Beer Day, Work@Home Father's Day.  In Iceland it is Republic Day (1944) and in Japan it is the Lily Festival.  Because it is the third Friday it is also Ugliest Dog Day and National Flip Flop Day ( Shoes).
Among those born on this day were Edward I (1239), John Wesley (1703), Jon Sigurdsson (1811), John Robert Gregg (1867), Igor Stravinsky (1882), Ralph Bellamy (1904), Red Foley (1910), Stringbean (1915), Crazylegs Hirsch (1923), James Brown (1928), Barry Manilow (1946), David Concepcion (1948), Joe Piscopo (1951), and Michael Gross (1964).
On June seventeenth Drake (Francis, not the rapper) landed in California (1579), Goodyear obtained his first patent (1837), the Republican Party opened its first convention (1856), the Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC (1885), the Barney Google cartoon strip debuted (1909), the first kidney was transplanted (1950), Julius and Ethel Rosenberg received a stay of execution (1953), Blacks began boycotting city stores in Tuskegee (1957), Brazil won the 7th World Cup (1962), Bible reading and prayer in public schools was outlawed (1963), and 5 people were arrested burglarizing Democratic Party Headquarters at Watergate (1972).
Tonight's Sky:  With the Moon at apex, Mars and Saturn make a wide, flattish triangle at dusk.  A 3-inch telescope will show Saturn's biggest and brightest moon, Titan.
This Week: Saturday, June 18 - World Juggling Day and Polar Bear Swim Day
Sunday, June 19 - Father's Day, Juneteenth, and World Sauntering Day
Tonight's Sky: The new moon of the Solstice
Monday, June 20 - American Eagle Day and Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day
Tuesday, June 21 - Atheists Solidarity Day and Global Orgasm Day
Wednesday, June 22 - Let it Go Day and Global Smurfs Day
Thursday, June 23 - Pink Flamingo Day and Typing Day
Don't eat too much fudge, or else you will have so much pudge you won't be able to budge.  --Daniel Worona
..........I've been trying to get the funky job done.........James Brown  .....Gravity
^^ 90% of cucumber is water.
Funniest thing I read of the Week: Oh, I can't go back to Kansas; it just up and blew away.  --John Stewart You Can't Go Back to Kansas
Moonbeam: Hollywood made a movie of my life; the film had me proposing to my wife on the football field...I would never misuse a football field that way.  --Elroy "Crazylegs" Hirsch
Late Night Snacks: President Barack Obama is here tonight, which means even he can’t score tickets to “Hamilton.”  --Jimmy Fallon / Officials in San Diego recently discovered a large stash of marijuana hidden in a chemical tanker. Officials first became suspicious after noticing a chemical tanker in their 15-year-old son's bedroom.  --Seth Meyers / Police were investigating a crime scene in Vancouver, when a crow flew down, grabbed a knife in its beak, and flew away with a key piece of evidence. I've got to say, the marketing for this "Angry Birds" movie is getting out of control. --James Corden / Last week, a 90-year-old letter to Santa Claus was found in a chimney. On the bright side, the 96-year-old who wrote the letter is still alive and finally got that tricycle.  --Conan O'Brien / These high capacity penis substitutes are a shitty for choice for hunting and for home defense. --Samantha Bee / Canada is changing the lyrics to its national anthem. Apparently, Canadians felt the original anthem didn't have enough apologies in it. This is true. A bill to make the change passed in Canada's congress, or whatever they call it up there — parliament or "law igloo." I'm not entirely sure.  --Stephen Colbert
“Love is the vital essence that pervades and permeates, from the center to the circumference, the graduating circles of all thought and action. Love is the talisman of human weal and woe –the open sesame to every soul.”   --Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Forget love, I'd rather fall in chocolate. / What country did candy come from? Sweeten
..........No more lame excuses..........Barry Manilow  .....Come Monday
^^^ Washington, Victoria, Santa Rosa and Bokhara are varieties of potato.
Worthless Fact of the Week: Flip flops have been around for at least six thousand years. As a point of comparison, primitive shoes are shown in rock paintings dating from the late Paleolithic (Stone Age) period some 15,000 years ago. There are depictions of flip flops in ancient Egyptian murals on tombs and temples from about 4,000 B.C.
Weird Word of the Week: Macilent - excessively thin, shriveled, or lean.  From the Latin macilentus, lean.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Shine leather shoes or boots.  Rub a block of Spam over leather shoes or boots and then buff.  The animal oils in Spam polish leather, as demonstrated by Leeza Gibbons on Extra.
Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don't need an appointment. / What do you get when you eat sweets on the beach? Sandy candy.
...........I feel nice, like sugar and spice.........James Brown  ...., I Feel Good
^^^^ Technically, peapods and beans are fruits, however, they can be counted as vegetable in a nutrition chart.  ~~Strawberries are berries either...I've never trusted biologists.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Assassination - to murder a usually important person by a surprise of secret attack.  Macbeth Act 1 Scene 7 --Macbeth
'Nother Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Indy PopCon 2016.  (June 17-19) Indianapolis'  Check out the Bloody PopCon Drive and the Geeky Spelling Bee...
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck watching the Tower of Power prevail against Paraguay in the  2016 Copa America Centenario.  

I've never met a candy bar I didn't like. / The Zombie died choking on a life saver.

..........a lots of kisses on the bottom..........Barry Manilow  .....I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter
^^^^^ The 5 types of lettuce are loose-leaf, Cos or romaine, crisphead, butterhead, and stem.
Month of the Week: June is Georgia Blueberry Month - What's the difference between a Georgia blueberry and an elephant?  They're both blue except the elephant.
Famous Kansans: Hilda Clark, the first woman to appear in a Coca-Cola advertisement was born in Leavenworth in 1872. 

Today's Peace of History June 17, 1972:  In the early morning five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. They had been hired by President Richard Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP) to install bugging devices and copy documents.
The Kansas legislature just passed a bill declaring candy corn a vegetable. / I have pills in my medicine cabinet that are bigger than these "fun-size" candy bars.
..........Come here mama and dig this crazy scene.........James Brown  .....Papa's Got a Brand New Bag
Masthead of the Week:   fRiday ePistle June 17, 2016.  Online at:  None of the news that fit to read. Exclusive editor: Christine Smith.  1800 Goodell Ct. Lawrence, KS  66046
Moonbeam: Diphthongs are indicated by combinations of hooks and circles.  -- John Robert Gregg   ~~Much like Gallifrayan
Cost of War: Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 6/16/16: $739,704,076,299.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 6/9/16: $739,032,071,776.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 6/16/16: $819,550,830,407.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 6/9/16: $819,531,190,337.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 6/16/16: $10,068,199,271.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 6/9/16: $9,964,910,056.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 6/16/16: $122,215,725,038.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 6/9/16: $121,640,998,212.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 6/16/16: $1,694,552,984,907.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 6/9/16: $1,693,149,531,407.
“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness”   --Robert Muller
..........Oh, well, the bear will be gentle and the wolf will be tame.........Red Foley  .....Peace in the Valley
A company is now selling "Breaking Bad" rock candy that looks just like crystal meth.  The company says the candy is a fun way for kids to pretend they're a terminally ill chemistry teacher who's gone insane.  --Conan O'Brien
Famous Last Words: with the goo-goo-goo-ga-ly eyes.  --Spike Jones  Barney Google
May your Peace taste spicy
And your Joy taste sweet
prairie mama

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