Tuesday, March 4, 2025

ePistle eTouffee 2025

Famous First Words: Laissez le bon temps rouler! Let the good times roll.

Blessed Mardi Gras to you. When my friend, Kim, was in New Orlean for her first Mardi Gras, she asked a local what he thought the beads cost. “A week's sleep and my dignity,” was his reply.

..........let's get together and have a good time.........The Neville Brothers ….Fire On The Bayou

If you board the wrong train, it's no use running along the corridor in the other direction. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

It is a rainy Tuesday morning. I can hear drops on the roof and the patio table outside. I can hear the splash of water running off the roof into little puddles. Puck hurried through his business and returned inside to sleep on his number 2 pillow. The birds and their songs of earlier are gone now, seeking shelter from the gentle rain. Even the hawk who was quiet has flown away. The world looks wet and ready for spring. Perhaps the rain will subside before the Mardi Gras parade downtown. At any rate, let the good times roll.

Hope your week throws you something great, Krewe

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm doing a reverse Lent where I pick a new vice to get hooked on for the next 40 days. --Submitted by SarcasticMama

A family was having a big Mardi Gras party and the highlight was the king cake. Everyone was eagerly taking a slice, hoping to find the baby figurine inside. After the cake was gone, they still couldn’t find the baby. Later that night, their cat walked in wearing the tiny plastic baby as a crown, looking like the smallest king of Mardi Gras!

..........But I'm having such a good time..........Dr John …..Right Place Wrong Time

Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to Pre-Idaho!

  1. What range of the Rockies along the Idaho-Montana border is named after a small pink flower that is the state flower of Idaho?

  2. What Idaho town was founded as the home of a ski resort and was created largely by Union Pacific railway in order to sell more tickets to the American west?

  3. What 1,000 mile long river slithered between Oregon and Idaho?

  4. Which Canadian province lies across the northern border of Idaho?

  5. What is the population of Idaho – more or less?

Big Hello: Ciao – Romansh (Switzerland) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: With no Park Rangers, the Buffalo petting season is gonna be wild this year. --Submitted by Pow Wow Nation

Image of the Week: Mardi Puck --From his younger, party days

Coffee Joke of the Week: You know you're from New Orleans when you judge coffee shops by their beignets and not their wifi.

The first time Tye was in Nah'lens for Mardi Gras she got lost on her way to the Druids and Nyx parade. Tye stopped a local who was decked out in full Mardi Gras attire and asked, “How can I find the parade?” The gentleman tipped his tophat and said, “My friend, in New Orleans, the parade finds you.”

..........feel so good it's fright'ning.........Allen Toussaint …..Southern Nights

Moonbeam: Bridge is a game of communication, both in the bidding and the play. --Charles Goren

Blasphemy of the Week: I've always loved a Christian reason to have a pagan party.

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you're having a bad day, just remember, Vienna airport has a desk for those who arrived in Austria instead of Australia.

Two friends decided to dress up for a Mardi Gras party. One said, “I’ll go as a jester, and you go as a king!” At the party, they bumped into each other, but one was dressed as a king and the other as a queen. The queen looked at the jester and laughed, “Looks like we both wanted to rule the Mardi Gras ball!”

..........Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou..........Fats Domino …..Jambalaya

  1. The bitterroot mountains are named after the bitterroot plant.

Almanac: It is Tuesday, March 4, 2025. The moon will enter the first quarter on Thursday (3/6) and is in Taurus. Today is Paczki Day, Benjamin Harrison Day, Courageous Follower Day, Holy Experiment Day, International Scrapbooking Industry Day, March Forth-Do Something Day, National Grammar Day, Old Inauguration Day, Peace Corp Day, and Toy Soldier Day.

Among those born on this day were Prince Henry the Navigator (1394), Antonio Vivaldi (1678), Benjamin Waterhouse (1754), Wijnand J J Nuijen (1813), Giovanni Schiaparelli (1835), Knute Rockne (1888), Charles Goren (1901), Miriam Makeba (1932), Billy Gibbons (1948), Emilio Estefan (1950), and Catherine O'Hara (1954).

On March fourth Orion's nebula was first sighted (1774), the first US congress declared the US constitution to be "in effect" (1789), Vermont was admitted as the 14th state (1791), the first US railroad was chartered (1826), the city of Chicago was incorporated (1837), the territory of Idaho was established (1863), Victor Berger became the first socialist congressional representative (WI, 1911), Jeannette Rankin became the first female member of Congress (1917), Hot Springs National Park was created in Arkansas (1921), Charles Curtis became the first native American Vice President (1929), and the EPA banned leaded gas (1985).

Night Sky, 3/4: Uranus stands near the border of Aries and Taurus. The waxing crescent moon stands nearby. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/

Fraternal Picture of the Week: Mardi Gras Surfer Dudes with beaded dog

This Week: Wednesday, March 5 – Mars Day & Discover What Your Name Means & Ash Wednesday

Thursday, March 6 – Nametag Day & National Hospitalist Day & Slam the Scam Day

Friday, March 7 – Employee Appreciation Day & Middle Name Pride Day & National Flapjacks Day

Saturday, March 8 – Volunteers of America Day & National Proofreading Day & Genealogy Day

Night Sky, 3/8: Mercury will reach its highest altitude in the evening sky, providing an excellent opportunity to observe the elusive planet. Typically difficult to spot due to its proximity to the Sun, Mercury will be visible low on the western horizon just after sunrise; near its peak, it will be as far as 16° from the Sun. This event marks one of the best times to see Mercury as it shines brightly against the dusk, making it a spectacular sight for dedicated skywatchers.

Sunday, March 9 – Get Over it Day & Check Your Batteries Day & Panic Day

NOTE: Daylight Savings time begins: 2 am CDT

Monday, March 10 – International Bagpipe Day & Napping Day

Tuesday, March 11 – COVID- Pandemic Day & Johnny Appleseed Day & World Plumbing Day

Wednesday, March 12 – National Equal Pay Day & Sterile Packaging Day & Working Moms Day

Thursday, March 13 – Donald Duck Day & National Jewelry Day & Purim

Night Sky, 3/13: Total Lunar Eclipse: CDT begins 12:09 am, Totality start 1:26 am, Totality end 2:31 am Eclipse end 3:47 am https://www.adlerplanetarium.org/blog/how-to-see-total-lunar-eclipse-2025/

Lucy decided to participate in her first Mardi Gras parade. She showed up with a pool float! When people looked at her oddly, she said, “What? Isn’t this a float parade?” Everyone laughed as she proudly marched down the street wearing her inflatable flamingo.

..........where all good friend always meet..........Pete Fountain …..Basin Street Blues

2. Sun Valley ...experience 250 sunny days a years and boundless, uncrowded runs for everyone

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Vogons invented a new element named Bureaucrazium. It slows down all processes by 80%. --Submitted by 42 Collective

Moonbeam: It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself.

Protest Sign of the Week: I Could Shit A Better President

Fun Fact of the Week: The Idaho territory was established 03/4/1963. It has the distinction of being one of only 2 states in the US with NO Dollar General Store. Montana is the other state.

Mardi Gras Cams of the Week: Featured is the Cat's Meow balcony camera. Other cameras are at https://www.earthcam.com/events/mardigras/?cam=catsmeow2

The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Two old friends attended a Mardi Gras ball, each wearing elaborate masks. They spent the night talking and having a great time, thinking they were making new friends. At the end of the night, they removed their masks and realized they had been talking to each other all along!

..........Let them say what they want.........Buckwheat Zydeco ..Let The Good Times Roll

3. The Snake River is a major tributary of the Columbia river.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm just saying it feels like this level of sustained anxiety should be burning more calories than this. https://www.facebook.com/poetryofmonsters

Weird Cajun Word of the Week: Boudé (Boo Day) – to pout https://973thedawg.com/top-5-cajun-wordphrases/

Dragon of the Week:

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Clean grease from clothes. Rub a dollop of Cheez Whiz into the grease stain and run through a regular wAsh cycle with detergent. The enzymes in Cheez Whiz will help loosen the grease stain. https://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/cheezwhiz.html

At a Mardi Gras party, the king cake was mysteriously vanishing slice by slice. The guests were puzzled until they found the host’s dog, belly full and snoozing, with colorful icing on his nose. The host laughed and said, “Looks like we’ve got a new King of Mardi Gras – King Barkus!”

...........And everybody's having fun.........The Hawkettes …..Mardi Gras Mambo

4. British Columbia is Idaho's northern border. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/home

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: My brain just logged me out due to inactivity and now I can't remember my password. --Submitted by UUHS

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: CapriCon (6-9, Chicago, IL) Come celebrate your Geekness... https://capricon.org/

Actual Science Conference of the Week: Port Technology Summit North America (2/4, Norfork, VA) ...Container Terminal Automation Conference... https://pts-north-america.ptievents.com/

Protest of the Week: Pink Slip Protest/The Ides of Trump 3/15/25 On this day, send a postcard telling 47 he's fired. We're done. Get your friends. Send a dozen. Share widely. Address to: Former President Donald J Trump, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500. https://www.snopes.com/news/2017/03/14/ides-trump-postcard-campaign/

A jester at Mardi Gras was wandering around with a map. Someone asked her what she was looking for. She replied, “I’m trying to find where I left my sense of responsibility, but it seems to have disappeared for the entire carnival!”

..........I would wear my feathers anywhere I go.........The Wild Magnolias …..All On A Mardi Gras Day

5. In 2024 the population of Idaho was 2, 001,619. It is one of the fastest growing states in the US.

Quote of the Week: Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error. --Linus Pauling

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: What if there were no hypothetical questions? --Submitted by UUHS

Today's Peace of History: March 4, 1933: Frances Perkins became United States Secretary of Labor, the first female member of the United States Cabinet.

A Mardi Gras enthusiast was showing off his bead collection. His friend asked, “What are you going to do with all these beads?” He replied, “I’m thinking of starting a new currency system – one where fun is the standard exchange rate!”

..........The diamond morn where peace was born.........The Meters …..Soul Island

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, March 4, 2025, ePistle eTouffee 25. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.

Moonbeam: One man practicing sportsmanship is better than a hundred teaching it. --Knute Rockne

Cost of War:

As of 03/04/25 State Department Costs: $259,349,814,646

As of 02/27/25 State Department Costs: $258,964,119,312

As of 03/04/25 Homeland Security: $1,193,414,497,021

As of 02/27/25 Homeland Security: $1,192,995,556,925

As of 03/04/25 Interest on War Debt: $1,283,494,515,825

As of 02/27/25 Interest on War Debt: $1,282,417,219,740

As of 03/04/25 Military Costs: $3,134,190,351,661

As of 02/27/25 Military Costs: $3,133,372,413,971

As of 03/04/25 Veterans Care:$4,154,478,435,028

As of 02/27/25 Veterans Care: $4,146,315,675,490

As of 03/04/25 Total Cost of Wars: $10,024,929,318,078

As of 02/27/25 Total Cost of Wars: $10,014,067,392,409


We must learn to regard people less in light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer. --Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Famous Last Words: When I am buried, carry my winding-sheet on the point of a spear, and say these words: Behold the spoils which Saladin carries with him! Of all his victories, realms, and riches, nothing remains to him but this. --Saladin who died 3/4/1193

..........See that man all dressed in green..........The Dixie Cups …..Iko Iko

A man dressed in 1800s attire showed up at a modern Mardi Gras celebration. When someone asked about his costume, he joked, “I’m a Mardi Gras time traveler – just checking if the party has always been this great!”

May Peace serve your food

And Joy pour your drink

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

Friday, February 28, 2025

575 ePistle

Famous First Words: Porgy lived in the golden age. Porgy by Du Bose Heyward on which the operetta is based.

February is National Haiku Writing Month: You think you're big With your fancy little words. This is not so hard ф How much can I fit Into a haiku format Oh no I'm out of

..........Me here at last on the ground.........Bernadette Peters …..Send In The Clowns

A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. --Michel de Montaigne

It is a gorgeous Friday morning. The sun is shining, the temperature is already 45°F, birds are chirping, little hollyhock plants are green and growing. Weather.com is predicting 70 degrees this afternoon. What a change from last Friday's one degree morning. Puck has been out and is back in, sleeping on my sweater which he dragged off the chair. His light snorts accompany the bird song and morning dog barking. A southern breeze is making the bare willow branches dance but the mulberry trees are resisting the urge. Since I am able to walk around the yard and do stuff, I'm particularly happy to see spring come blooming.

Hope for your weekend; Endless fun and many games With my love, dear poets.

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Only you can prevent forest fires. Really, just you. They laid everybody else off. https://www.facebook.com/feministnews.us

Cat haiku: At stairway's summit Furry dragon awaits prey Ankles are not safe ф No thumbs, yet she plays Music: a cat concerto For Color Printer

..........There's gotta be trust in this world.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..Good Times, Bad Times

Trivia Questions: Happy US Snowshoe Day !!

  1. What are snowshoes?

  2. What is a traditional snowshoe?

  3. What is a modern snowshoe?

  4. What are the three types of snowshoes?

  5. How many people snowshoe for pleasure these days?

Big Hello: Selam – Romanian Tatar (Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey) https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I don't know if Facebook has ever caused the lame to walk, but it sure has caused the dumb to speak. --Lexi & Ocean & Rick

Coffee Joke of the Week: Ahhhh! Coffee – nature's little kiss of goodness.

Two cups of coffee Is enough to ask Did I have coffee? Ф I don't know about April fools, but I recall Some from November.

..........You'll never break it, darling.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..Heart of Stone

Moonbeam: Science is the search for truth, that is the effort to understand the world: it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality. --Linus Pauling

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: A joke is often the hole through which truth whistles. --Japanese Proverb

Blasphemy of the Week: Every time a Christian defends Trump, an angel loses its lunch. --Submitted by SDS

Image of the Week: May this Ramadan bring joy, health, and wealth to you.

Cat haiku: Out of reach, alas Winged prey alights, sings, soars and Escapes untasted. Ф Kittens in my bed Two-thirty in the morning Friendship is timeless

..........Hey hey hey, that's what I'll say.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..Satisfaction

  • 1. A snowshoe is a platform designed to support or “float” your bodyweight and backpack when walking or running over snow. This activity is best practiced over deep, powdery snow unless you are running or climbing?

Almanac: It is Friday, February 28, 2025. The moon was new yesterday (2/27) and is in Pisces. Today is National Public Sleeping Day, Floral Design Day, National Tooth Fairy Day, Rare Disease Day, and US Snowshoe Day. It is also the first day of the month of Ramadan 2025 (2/28-3/29). Because it is the fourth Friday it is also Skip The Straw Day.

Among those born on this day were Montaigne (1533), Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632), Augustus Callcott (1779), John Tenniel (1820), Ben Hecht (1893), Linus Pauling (1901), Bugsy Siegel (1906), Vincente Minnelli (1910), Zero Mostel (Samuel Joel Mostel, 1915), Smokey the Bear (1928), John Fahey (1939), Tommy Tune (1939), Mario Andretti (1940), Brian Jones (Lewis Hopkin-Jones, 1942), Bernadette Peters (1948), John Turturro (1957), and Rae Dawn Chong (1962).

On February twenty-eighth Westminster Abbey opened (1570), the Salem witch hunts began (1662), the Methodist Church was chartered (1784), the Republican Party formally organized (1854), the Arkansas legislature required free blacks to choose exile or slavery (1859), the first college coop store opened (1882), the first Vaudeville theater opened (1883), nylon was discovered (1935), Native Son published (1940), Porgy and Bess opened on Broadway (1943), Discoverer 1 was launched (1959),

Chamberlain sank the NBA record 35th consecutive field goal (1967), Nixon returned from China (1972), and MASH aired its last episode (1983).

Night Sky, 2/28: While twilight is fading 20 or 30 minutes after sunset, look 16° below Venus (about a fist and a half at arm's length) for Mercury and, even lower, a very thin crescent Moon. Saturn is so dim and low that it's probably out of reach even with binoculars. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/

Fraternal Picture of the Week: Puzzle vs The Boys

This Week: Saturday, March 1 – Black Women's Day & Horse Protection Day & National Play Outside Day & Pig Day & Zero Discrimination Day

Sunday, March 2 – Academy Awards Day & Namesake Day & World Teen Mental Illness Day

Night Sky, 3/2: February was Orion's month to stand at his highest in the south early evening. Now March pushes him westward and spotlights his dog, Canis Major with Sirius on his chest, standing center stage on the meridian. Sirius is not only the brightest star in our sky after the Sun, it's also the closest naked-eye star after the Sun, at 8.6 light-years, for those of us living at mid-northern latitudes.

Monday, March 3 – National Anthem Day & National Mulled Wine Day & Simplify Your Life Day & World Wildlife Day

My bed is so warm. My alarm clock is so cold. I think I'll sleep in. ф I wake, reluctant; Too cold to get out of bed, But I need to pee.

..........So love me, hold me.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..I'm Free

  • 2. The traditional snowshoe is constructed of a wooden frame, usually Ash, with decking made of interlaced rawhide. Everyone would have worn them for hunting, trapping, and getting around.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Protest Sign: How Many Teslas Should We Throw Into The Boston Harbor. --Submitted by SDS

Moonbeam: The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. --Linus Pauling

Fun Fact of the Week: On February 28, 1919 Mohandas Gandhi launched his campaign of non-cooperation with Imperial British control of India. He called his overall method of nonviolent action Satyagraha, formed from satya (truth) and agraha, used to describe an effort or endeavor. This translates roughly as "Truth-force." A fuller rendering, though, would be "the force that is generated through adherence to Truth."

Video of the Week: Roberta Cleopatra Flack: Killing Me Softly With His Song (4:34) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrudT410TAI She will be missed.

The truth of these days is not that which really is, but what every man persuades another man to believe. --Michel de Montaigne

Cat haiku: At the summit she waits; A guru with life advice: Purrs cure everything. Ф Dog Haiku: A terrier's job Chase ball again and again. There is no stopping

..........What a drag it is getting old.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..Mother's Little Helper

  • 3. Today's snowshoe is a very technical “snow-platform” made of an aluminum (sometimes 6061) or plastic frame, complete with synthetic decking material such as neoprene or nytex. These materials are designed to resist cracking and breaking in extremely cold temperatures.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: No one who pays as much for sex as these dorks (Trump & Musk) should be judging anyone's efficiency. --Submitted by Middle Age Riot

Weird Word of the Week: Absquatulate – to leave abruptly https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/absquatulate

Dragon Poem of the Week: Green Dragon: Guarding your forests, Waiting, observing, taking Down lurking hunters. --jess@dragonsinn

Dragons of the Week:

If this puddle could Talk, I think it would tell me To splash my sister. Ф A haiku for horses? Are you serious? no way, They can't even read.

...........Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..Sympathy For The Devil

  • 4. Snowshoes are classified for 1) Trail Use i.e. general use 2) Mountain Use, and 3) Running. Two important factors to consider when choosing your snowshoes are 1) the terrain over which you will be travelling, and 2) your level of experience. If you aren't sure, go with the trail shoe.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: When the trainer asked me what kind of squats I'm used to doing, I said Diddly. --Submitted by UUHS

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Stingray Con 2025 (3/1, Jacksonville, FL) Comic Convention with Anime, Fantasy, Gaming... https://animecons.com/events/info/24762/stingraycon-2025

Actual Science Conference of the Week: Virtual International Academic Conference on Global Education and E-learning. (28, online) Czech Institute of Academic Education. https://conferencesdaily.com/eventdetails.php?id=1633288

Inconceivable Rambling of the Week: Some facebook thread was talking about Melanie's Brand New Key . I thought it was a silly song and I couldn't sustain the metaphor. Anyway, someone mentioned that she was at Woodstock. Inconceivable! I researched. There were a couple of videos – which I did not watch Birthday of the Sun was the main one. Her set began at 11 pm Friday, August 15, 1969. She sang 7 songs; none of them was New Key. She did sing Animal Crackers followed immediately by Mr Tambourine Man. Still inconceivable.

Dog Haiku: A dog considers The promise of rustling leave Squirrel, chipmunk, or wind ф Snow, like life, offers Delight and difficulties Sticks to fur and snout

..........She comes in colors everywhere.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..She's A Rainbow

Late Night Joke of the Week: President Trump said on Friday he has spoken to Russian president Vladimir Putin on the phone to try to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine and added that the invasion never would have happened if he had been in office. Because if Trump was president, we would have invaded Ukraine. --Seth Meyers

Quote of the Week: If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity. --Albert Einstein

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Believe it or not, a fulfilling and meaningful life is possible without owning an AR-15. --Submitted by 98%

Today's Peace of History: February 28, 1940: Actress Hattie McDaniel was the first African-American to win an Academy Award. She won the award as Best Supporting Actress for her role of Mammy in Gone with the Wind.

First rule of bite club: Silence. Remove the squeaker From the plush dog toy. Ф Shall I compare Trump To a Summer's Eve? he is The biglier douche.

..........I've realized it's time to leave.........Rolling Stones with Brian Jones …..Yesterday's Papers

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, February 28, 2025, 575 ePistle. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.

Moonbeam: If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough. -Mario Andretti

Cost of War:

  • As of 02/27/25 State Department Costs: $258,964,119,312

  • As of 02/20/25 State Department Costs: $258,403,386,762

  • As of 02/27/25 Homeland Security: $1,192,995,556,925

  • As of 02/20/25 Homeland Security: $1,192,386,539,315

  • As of 02/27/25 Interest on War Debt: $1,282,417,219,740

  • As of 02/20/25 Interest on War Debt: $1,280,851,297,294

  • As of 02/27/25 Military Costs: $3,133,372,413,971

  • As of 02/20/25 Military Costs: $3,132,183,498,709

  • As of 02/27/25 Veterans Care: $4,146,315,675,490

  • As of 02/20/25 Veterans Care:$4,134,442,762,994

  • As of 02/27/25 Total Cost of Wars: $10,014,067,392,409

  • As of 02/20/25 Total Cost of Wars: $9,998,270,462,573


Not being able to govern events, I govern myself. --Michel de Montaigne

Famous Last Words: ...and now you know the rest of the story. --Paul Harvey who died 2/28/09

..........Just remember when a dream appears.........Bernadette Peters …..You Belong To Me

Advice for those in A difficult position. First, be flexible. ф Five syllables here Seven more syllables there Are you happy now?

May Peace bide with you

And Joy be your companion

from prairie mama


Last Laugh


Friday, February 21, 2025

oLd fArmer's ePistle

 Famous First Words: I had a farm in Africa... Karen Blixen

It's Future Farmers of America (FFA) week. Why aren't you more excited? Did you know that the FFA has the most field trips but the worst drivers. Ψ A group of farmers in Kansas is teaching milk cow to laugh. They've had a little success. They call their association Laughing Stock.

..........Farmer Joe, I'm the meanest ol' woman.........Laura Nyro …..Once It Was Alright Now

We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. --Ursula Le Guin

It is another very cold (1°F) Friday morning. Fortunately, the wind has only made it up to 1 mph and is from the southwest. Still, melting and refreezing is not a problem, at least not yet. I spent a winter in New England one year and swore I would never again complain about the cold in Kansas (the heat, yes, but not the cold). However, climate change has rendered my vow unkeepable. It was -11 yesterday morning and that is a damned cold day. Unlike New England we are not counting on a February thaw to refill the wells, only our souls. Stay warm and hang in there – warmer weather is bound to get here eventually.

Hope your weekend is green and leafy, agri-nauts.

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Compost the Oligarchy! https://www.facebook.com/EarthyHerbsWI

Quote of the Week: They (Fascists) have no clue how powerful joy and community and self-expression can be. --D L Mayfield

You know you're an FFA member when your favorite chapter isn't in the book. Ψ I was going to tell a farmer joke here, but it's too corny.

..........She talks to all the servants about man and God and law.........Bob Dylan …..Maggie's Farm

Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday to the Washington Monument

  1. How tall is the Washington Monument anyway?

  2. Here's a funny one, how much does the Washington Monument weigh?

  3. About how many tourists visit the monument each year?

  4. How much did the Washington Monument cost?

  5. How much damage did the 2011 Virginia earthquake do to the monument?

Big Hello: Salut – Romanian https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/hello.htm

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: It's over for Canada! No way the USA buys oil from a “trans” mountain pipeline. --Submitted by LaughingInDisbelief

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week:

Gulf formerly known as Gulf of Mexico

Coffee Joke of the Week: If your eyes hurt after you drink coffee, take the spoon out of the cup.

You know you're an FFA member when boys in official dress melt your heart. ψ I'm a farmer. What's a weekend?

..........The farm grew to be a moneymaker.........Garth Brooks …..Alabama Clay

Moonbeam: We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. --Anaïs Nin

Blasphemy of the Week: I want nothing to do with Jesus-less Christianity. --John Pavlovitz

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week: Gulf of the Great Ojibwe Nation

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: When God came and took all the dinosaurs to heaven that was called the Velocirapture. --Submitted by UUHS

At least Ag students can always find work in their field. ψ Jack wouldn't trade his cow for just any magic beans; they had to be organic magic beans.

..........A twelve acre farm on a ridge in southern Tennessee.........Dolly Parton …..Where Grass Won't Grow

  1. The Washington Monument is 169 meters which is 554.5 feet tall.

Almanac: It is Friday, February 21, 2025. The moon entered the last quarter yesterday (2/20) and is in Sagittarius. UNESCO has declared this International Mother Language Day. Today is Hockey Jersey Day, National Grain Free Day, and World Kombucha Day. Because it is the third Friday it is also National Caregivers Day and No One Eats Alone Day.

Among those born on this day were Peter II (1728), Charles Scribner (1821), Andres Segovia (1893), Anais Nin (1903), W. H. Auden (1904), Murry the K (1922), Erma Bombeck (1927), Nina Simone (1933), David Geffen (1943), Alan Rickman (1946), Tyne Daly (1946), William Petersen (1953), and Mary-Chapin Carpenter (1958).

On February twenty-first Thomas a Becket was canonized (1173), the trial of Joan of Arc began (1431), Boris Godunov became tsar (1584), Michael Romanov became tsar (1613), the Presidential Succession Act passed (1792), the first native American newspaper was published (Cherokee Phoenix, 1828), Lucy Hobbs became the first US female dentist (1866), the Washington Monument was dedicated (1885), the National Ski Association formed (1904), New Yorker was first published (1925), Alka Seltzer was introduced (1931), Elizabeth Taylor married Micahel Wilding (1952) and Richard Nixon visited China (1972)

Night Sky, 2/21: After dinner time at this time of year, five carnivore constellations are rising upright in a row from the northeast to south. They're all presented in profile with their noses pointed up and their feet (if any) to the right. These are Ursa Major the Big Bear in the northeast (with the Big Dipper as its brightest part), Leo the Lion in the east, Hydra the Sea Serpent in the southeast, Canis Minor the Little Dog higher in the south-southeast, and bright Canis Major the Big Dog in the south. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/observing/sky-at-a-glance/

Fraternal Picture of the Week: Max and Mom and Ollie

New Name for Brussels Sprouts of the Week: Biloxi Sprouts

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week: Gulf of Weasel-dicked Fascist Chuds

This Week: Saturday, February 22 – Bus Driver Appreciation Day & National Margarita Day & World Thinking Day

Sunday, February 23 – Curling Is Cool Day & National Dog Biscuit Day & Tootsie Roll Day & Hockey Day

Night Sky, 2/13: Also called Bode’s Galaxy, Messier 81 (M81) is a beautiful “grand design” spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years from Earth. It’s located in the constellation Ursa Major (The Big Dipper/Plough) and requires a telescope to see – but it’s worth it on this night when it’s high in the sky around midnight local time https://spacetourismguide.com/february-night-sky/

Monday, February 24 – Museum Advocacy Day & National Dance Day & World Bartender Day

Tuesday, February 25 – Digital Learning Day & Rubber Ducky Day

Wednesday, February 26 – Letter To An Elder Day & Pink Shirt Day & World Pistachio Day

Night Sky, 2/26: Uranus, magnitude 5.7 at the Taurus-Aries border, is still high toward the southwest right after dark, 18° west of Jupiter along the ecliptic. You'll need a good finder chart to tell it from the similar-looking surrounding stars.

Thursday, February 27 – International Polar Bear Day & Journey Day & National Kahlua Day

Running that combine isn't nearly as complicated as running in high heels...a skirt...and a blue jacket. ψ Yeah, I know you race your SUVs down by the river. Farmers race the rain in a combine.

..........Hey farmer, farmer, put away that DDT now.........Joni Mitchell …..Big Yellow Taxi

2. The monument weighs 82,422 tons (You should count your answer correct if it was within 80,000 tons)

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I suppose I better clean out the fridge, something just closed the door from the inside. https://www.facebook.com/MHAPM

Moonbeam: Good can imagine Evil; but Evil cannot imagine Good. --W H Auden

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week: Gulf of Cheaper Eggs

New Name for the Chicken Kiev of the Week: Chicken Kansas

Fun Fact of the Week: The Indigenous People of North America have decided to go back to calling the Gulf of Mexico, “Chalchiuhticueyecatl”. It is what the Nahuatl People originally called it as it is the domain of the goddess, Chalchiuhtlicue, who is associated with bodies of water, including the Gulf of Mexico

Video of the Week: Nixon shakes hands with Mao (:32) https://www.tiktok.com/@likechina2021/video/7067790278198938881

There are no nations! There is only humanity. And if we don't come to understand that right soon, there will be no nations, because there will be no humanity. --Isaac Asimov

Seriously, a degree in agriculture allows you to work in many fields. ψ I once tried to make a living as a hay farmer, but found it wasn't for me. Weather problems, labor problems, and when the harvester finally broke, it was the last straw, so I baled.

..........Hard times in the country..........Bently Boys …..Down On Penny's Farm

3. In the neighborhood of 800,000 people visit the monument every year

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The hardest part of bee keeping is thinking up all the names. --Submitted by UUHS

Weird Word of the Week: Salopettes – high waisted ski pants with shoulder straps. https://parade.com/1195613/marynliles/funny-words/

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week: Oil Rigs Gulf

New Name for the Lima Beans the Week: Liberty Beans

Dragon of the Week:

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Feed the fish in your aquarium. All out of fish food? In a pinch, you can feed your fish a few Cheerios. Made from oats, Cheerios double as nourishing fish food. https://www.wackyuses.com/wacky/cheerios.html

Eddy Murphy gave up comedy and went back to school. He got a degree in agriculture and a job at the funny farm. ψ Franny Farmer drove her machinery nude. She would not tolerate a farmer's tan.

...........I'm the son of a third generation farmer.........Craig Morgan …..International Harvester

4. The monument cost $1.41 million in the 19th century which would be about $30 million today.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Are Medusa's leg hairs tiny snakes? --Submitted by UUHS

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Con Nooga 2025 (21-23, Chattanooga, TN) It's Your Con http://www.connooga.com/

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week: Hurricane Alley

New Name for Swiss Cheese of the Week: Holy White American Cheese

Actual Science Conference of the Week: 9th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (21-23, Chengdu, China) Machine learning and statistical signal processing https://www.iconf.org/conference/icdsp2025

I swear, that FFA blue jacket makes the heat hotter and the cold colder. ψ Fred Farmer mated his angry ram with his moody cow. He got an animal that's always in a baaaaaaaaaad moooooooooood.

..........The cheese stands alone........Burl Ives …..Farmer In The Dell

5. The earthquake was magnitude 5.1. After the quake engineers found 150 cracks in the structure. Enough stone fell off to create a debris field. The monument was closed for three years during repairs and opened again in 2014.

Late Night Joke of the Week: I mean, fix it yourself, Oklahoma. You had plenty of warning from the song. “Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain” --Seth Meyers

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week: Gulf For Sale – contact US White House

New Name for Belgium Waffles of the Week: Florida Faffles

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: The last time I had faith in the news was when it was with Huey Lewis. https://www.facebook.com/SarcasticMama

Today's Peace of History: February 21, 1866: Lucy B Hobbs (Taylor) became the first US woman to earn a DDS degree. Taylor and her husband, who was also a dentist, moved to Lawrence, KS, where they had successful practice until James Taylor died in 1886. After her husband's death, Lucy Taylor ceased to be an active dentist, but became more active in politics, campaigning for greater women's rights until her own death on October 3, 1910. Their home was at 809 Vermont. The building is still there and in use. https://www.explorelawrence.com/blog/post/lucy-hobbs-taylor/

Frida had a terrible time in tomato growing 101. She kept eating her homework. ψ Frida Farmer got herself a hot tub to relax after a hard day's work. And out of nowhere, her chickens started laying hard boiled eggs.

..........Turned down, sold out, put out to graze..........Charlie Daniels …..American Farmer

New Name for the Gulf of Mexico of the Week: Gator Gulf

New Name for the Bermuda Triangle of the Week: The American Triangle

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle, February 21, 2025, oLd fArmer's ePistle. Online at: http://fridayepistle.blogspot.com/ Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS.

Moonbeam: Housework – if you do it right – will kill you. --Erma Bombeck

Cost of War:

  • As of 02/20/25 State Department Costs: $258, 403,386,762

  • As of 02/13/25 State Department Costs: $257,848,910,397

  • As of 02/20/25 Homeland Security: $1,192,386,539,315

  • As of 02/13/25 Homeland Security: $1,191,784,242,460

  • As of 02/20/25 Interest on War Debt: $1,280,851,297,294

  • As of 02/13/25 Interest on War Debt: $1,279,302,559,455

  • As of 02/20/25 Military Costs: $3,132,183,498,709

  • As of 02/13/25 Military Costs: $3,131,007,556,228

  • As of 02/20/25 Veterans Care:$4,134,442,762,994

  • As of 02/13/25 Veterans Care: $4,122,702,198,333

  • As of 02/20/25 Total Cost of Wars: $9,998,270,462,573

  • As of 02/13/25 Total Cost of Wars: $9,982,647,245,792


As civilization advances, so does indifference. It is a disease. Immunize yourself with art. And love. --Matt Haig

Famous Last Words: This is a house of peace. --Malcolm X who was murdered 2/21/65

..........I'm staying with the farm til I die.........Woody Guthrie …..Tom Joad

Agriculture education is not just about learning how to grow crops; it's about understanding the complex system that sustains life on our planet. ψ I just got a job as senior director at Old MacDonald's farm. I'm the CIEIO.

Plant Peace

And harvest Joy

prairie mama


Last Laugh:  Duck Duck Go and Blogspot will not print my last laugh.   Sorry.  It was a pen and ink drawing from Finding Nemo  called Picture of Dory in gray