Friday, November 25, 2022

eXplosive ePistle

 Famous First Words: I do solemnly swear... US Reserve Marine Corps oath

Dynamite turns 155 years old today. Know what they call dynamite that doesn't explode? TN'T / Imagine inventing dynamite. The thought blows my mind.

..........Or just chasin' after some finer day.........Carly Simon …..Anticipation

We are the women our parents warned us against, and we are proud. --Gloria Steinem

It is a sunny Friday morning...not black at all. The rising sun is streaming through the nearly nude trees with little wind to enforce the 36°F temperature. Puck is sleeping on his pillow and I am eating a piece of cheesecake for breakfast. We had shrimp Alfredo with broccoli with garlic bread and asparagus for Thanksgiving and leftovers for today. Bruno is barking at his backdoor but no birdsong makes it through the closed windows. Yesterday seemed like Sunday to me and I won't know what day it is until we get back to Monday. Add that to still know being quite sure what time it is because of Daylight Savings, and that leaves me not knowing much. Have a great day; I intend to.

Hope your weekend is dyn-o-mite, ePistliers.

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Folgers got it wrong. The best part of waking up is going back to bed after you pee. --Submitted by ff of ks

Setting off a stick of dynamite in the corner of the east-south wall creates a wrecked angle. / Boomer Humor is a stand up comic stick of dynamite saying, I'm so stuffed I feel like I could explode.

..........This isn't exactly what we had planned.........Carly Simon …..Legend In Your Own Time

Trivia Questions: Happy Hat Day

  • ^ In Fargo, ND, it is illegal to wear a hat while doing what?
  • ^^ What profession wears a tall hat called a toque?
  • ^^^ Who makes and/or sells men's hats?
  • ^^^^ Who makes and/or sells women's hats?
  • ^^^^^ What hat is named for a character in a George du Maurier novel?

Big Hello: Nyob zoo- Hmong (white) {China, Vietnam, Laos} Live Well!

Second Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I feel like we just collectively, as a society, need to watch Musk and Zuckerberg fistfight in the parking lot of a Waffle House. --Joseph Carro

Image of the Week: Puck being thankful in his own way

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 77% of what annoys a librarian can only be understood by other librarians.

Alfred Nobel got rich by selling dynamite. Growth was explosive. / Is a vegan with explosive diarrhea a salad shooter?

..........and breathed secrets without words.........Carly Simon …..Our First Night Together

Moonbeam: Men are nicotine soaked, beer besmirched, whiskey greased, red-eyed devils. --Carrie Nation

Meditation of the Week: Are human beings obligated to better themselves?

Puzzle of the Week: This challenge was sent independently by two listeners — Steve Baggish and Neville Fogarty — credit them both. Think of two well-known companies with two-syllable names starting with J and D, respectively whose names rhyme. One of these companies was founded in the last 10 years. What companies are these?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I love to dismiss my horrible decisions by saying “yeah that was a weird time in my life” as if the rest of my existence hasn't been absolute clown shoes. --Roy --Submitted by INRITH

If your brain was dynamite, there wouldn't be enough to blow off your hat. / I feel like people with explosive tempers often vacation in Grenada.

^ In Fargo, North Dakota, it is illegal to dance with a hat on or even wear a hat to a function where dancing is taking place. Violation of the ban on hats while dancing is actually a criminal offense and could result in jail time.

Almanac: It is Friday, November 25. 2022. The moon was new on Wednesday (11/23) and is in Sagittarius. The United Nations has declared this International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (A/RES/54/134). It is also Blasé Day and International Hat Day. In Surinam they celebrate Independence Day (1975).

Among those born on this day were Lope Felix de Vega (1562), Andrew Carnegie (1835), Carry Nation (1846), Sergei Taneyev (1856), Robert Ripley (1893), Virgil Thomson (1896), Joe DiMaggio (1914), Ricardo Montalban (1920), Jeffrey Hunter (1925), Katheryn Grant Crosby (1933), Gloria Steinem (1935), Charles Starkwether (1938), John Larroquette 91947), Amy Grant (1960), John F Kennedy, Jr (1960), and Christine Applegate (1971).

On November twenty-fifth Nobel invented dynamite (1867), evaporated milk was patented (1884), the Greenback Party was organized (1894), President Eisenhower suffered a mild stroke (1957), the first atomic reactor for research opened (WA, 1960), the Everly Brothers were inducted into the US Marine Corps Reserves (1961), the Iran Contra affair hit the news (1986), and Walesa won Poland's first popular election (1990).

Night Sky, 11/25: Now that the Pleiades and Aldebaran are shining due east after dark, can Orion be far behind? Orion's entire iconic figure, formed by its brightest seven stars, takes about an hour and a quarter to clear the eastern horizon. By roughly 8 pm, it's just about made it.

Fraternal Picture of the Week: The other siblings...granddogs

 The dachshund is Penny and the Basset is Cooper, I think. I don't know the other names. These dogs belong to Kirsten and Tom and are not siblings of Max and Ollie.

Extra Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I'm really gonna need a drag queen, preferably in Florida, to start going by the name by the name Rhonda Santis please and thank you. --Submitted by jm of ks

This Week: Saturday, November 26 – International Aura Awareness Day & National Milk Day & World Olive Tree Day

Sunday, November 27 – Artist's Sunday & Slinky Day

Night Sky, 11/27 : The bowl of the Little Dipper swings down in the evening at this time of year, left or lower left of Polaris due north. The rest of the Little Dipper is dim. By about 11 pm, this week it hangs straight down from Polaris.

Monday, November 28 – Cider Monday & Cyber Monday

Tuesday, November 29 – Catterntide & Electronic Greetings Day & Giving Tuesday

Wednesday, November 30 – Cities for Life Day & National Mason Jar Day & National Personal Space Day

Night Sky, 11/30: Two faint fuzzies: The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the Perseus Double Cluster are two of the most famous deep-sky objects. They're both cataloged as 4th magnitude, and in a fairly good sky you can see each with the unaided eye. Binoculars make them easier. They're located only 22° apart, very high toward the east early these evenings — to the right of Cassiopeia and closer below Cassiopeia, respectively.

Thursday, December 1 – Rosa Parks Day & Basketball Day & World Aids Day

Too bad France's dictator was born before dynamite. He could have been known as Napoleon Blownaparte. / Why did AC/DC name their song T.N.T.? Because Trinitrotoluene was quite as catchy.

..........You Tarzan, me Jane.........Carly Simon …..The Girl You Think You See

^^ Chefs typically wear a round, tall, pleated, white hat called a toque blanche.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Apparently, saying “maybe” to a human child is the same as making a Klingon Blood Oath.--Submitted by Heinlein Society

Moonbeam: There are nuts in this country. --John F Kennedy Jr

Audio of the Week: Sergei Taneyev's 4th Symphony: Apollo's Temple in Delphi (5:57)

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: What will we all be thankful for at next year's Thanksgiving? That the McRib is finally on its farewell tour and hopefully it doesn't come back. --Alzo Slade ,,, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 11/19/22

When unique voices are united in a common cause, they make history. --Gloria Steinem

Feeding dynamite to cattle would be a bomb in a bull. / If the dinosaurs had TNT would we call them dinomites?

..........Before you know it you've fallen in love.........Carly Simon …..Summer's Coming Around Again

^^^ A hatter makes and sells men's hats.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: If you don't like war toys...we have an identical set but the box is labeled Peacekeeper Action Figures.

Weird Word of the Week: Orthorexia – unhealthy obsession with healthy eating.

Dragon of the Week: NYC Dragon Balloon from the Macy's Parade 2017

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Prevent eyeglasses from fogging up. Rubbing a small dab of Barbasol Shaving Cream over both sides of the lenses prevents them from fogging up.

Alfred Nobel is considered the inventor of dynamite because none of the others could be positively identified. / The French dynamite factory that's next to the cheese kitchen blew up. There was a lot of de brie.

...........They'll set your mind at ease.........Carly Simon …..The Garden

^^^^ A milliner sells or makes women's hats.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: One of the cruel parts of growing up is how sitting peacefully reading a new book went from “well behaved, quiet child” to “rude and antisocial” adult. --Submitted by Heinlein Society

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: ChamBanaCon: Quinquagenarian+1 (15-27, Normal, IL) The fannish Family Reunion

Actual Science Conference of the Week: International Conference on Science & Technology Research (24-26, Kuala Lumpur) Vernacular Session, e.g., European Languages, Arabic, Thai, Chinese, Turkish, Japanese, Russian, will be organized for a minimum of 5 or more participants of a particular language)

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Jordache and DoorDash

What's that in your bag? A knife, a book of matches, some gasoline, and a few sticks of dynamite. No, that other thing there? Oh, just a pack of wafers. I'm sorry, you can't bring that into the theater. / I thought I saw tiny sticks of dynamite in the drug store the other day but it turned out to be an spilled package of tampons

..........You came smilin' softly, shyly movin'.........Carly Simon …..I've Got To Have You

^^^^^ The Trilby hat is named for the novel Trilby by George du Maurier. A trilby is a narrow-brimmed type of hat. The classic trilby has a shorter brim which is angled down at the front and slightly turned up at the back versus the fedora's wider brim, which is more level.

My Own Writing of the Week: The Unicorn made animal noises during love. Her favorite was a kind of pig grunt. The affair didn't last long enough, really, for me to find out whether this was some mystic totem thing or an affectation. She wrote really good science fiction really badly. She had wonderful ideas and alien worlds of great detail and texture which she wrote about in cumbersome narrative sprinkled with stilted conversation.

The man in the suit who drank Cutty Sark had, I surmised, read somewhere that women liked it when men called them by name during sex, especially in moments when remembering that people even have names is problematic. He never got the name wrong, but I did get tired of hearing it so much. It began to be creepy. Fortunately, it was destined to be short-lived. For one thing, there is way better Scotch out there. I find it pleasantly ironic that I don't remember his name. I'd bet he doesn't remember mine either.

I never was able to talk any of the Young Apollos into costuming (now renamed cosplay by the Steam Punks) as the great god Apollo for a convention. I was willing to dress up as Daphne. I had this cool idea for branches growing from my hands.

I love banjo players, they have an impeccable sense of timing.

Sweetwater was another tall drink of water, definitely an Apollo. He was dark and he liked starting in a standing position. His favorite was when we were both standing. He would stand behind me and run his face through my hair to find the back of my neck and he would kiss it and lick it and kiss it. And while he was doing that he ran his fingers over my breasts and sometimes made noises near my ear. It was a very pleasant way to begin an evening of fun and games, but it was very frustrating to not be able to kiss him – somewhere - anywhere - from that position. His mouth kisses were very sweet, but that's not what got him the nickname.

He had a strange superstition. If we undressed each other before sex, then we had to dress each other afterwards. Even if all you took off was his shirt and his briefs, you still had to dress him completely. It could be a very erotic experience unfolding his stocking over his foot or sliding his jeans up his long legs. Most often we just undressed ourselves; it could take a while to dress each other and some days there was lots of starting over.

From Always Surrender by Christine Smith

Quote of the Week: To become a better you, remember to be grateful to people who have contributed to making you who you are today. --Israelmore Ayivor ~~Christine's Ten Universal Theorems #9: Who draws water must adorn the well +++ An Old Alchemy Law … This list is one of my adornments to the well of those who have influenced me

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I've always wondered why lemonade is made from artificial flavors but furniture polish is made from real lemons. --Submitted by INRITH

Today's Peace of History, November 25,1988: 2,000 marched in New York city to protest the sale of animal fur for clothing. Over 50 other cities held similar demonstrations.

I never miss the Dynamite Convention. It's always a blast. / The invention of dynamite was certainly ground-breaking.

..........And the memory of your last look.........Carly Simon …..Three Days

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle November 25, 2022, eXplosive ePistle Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith Lawrence, KS

Moonbeam: Do I think all contemporary Christian music is good? No. --Amy Grant

Cost of War:

  • As of 11/24/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $193,361,091,811.
  • As of 11/24/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $193,361,091,811.
  • As of 11/17/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $192,781,212,487.
  • As of 11/24/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1.099,181,163,669.
  • As of 11/17/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,097,561,416,530.
  • As of 11/24/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,121,737,182,769.
  • As of 11/17/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,121,107,057,424.
  • As of 11/24/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $2,757,338,675,814.
  • As of 11/17/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $2,745,055,959,279.
  • As of 11/24/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,994,249,097,807.
  • As of 11/17/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,991,833,691,527.
  • As of 11/24/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,165,873,540,391.
  • As of 11/17/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,133,783,794,823.

Empathy is the most radical of human emotions. --Gloria Steinem

Famous Last Words: to raise public awareness of the problem of violence against women. --United Nations Resolution A/RES/54/134

..........To watch the world go up in flames.........Carly Simon …..Share The End

The most dynamite drink is tea 'n tea/ I run a small mom and pop dynamite store. Business is booming.

May Peace sooth your mind

And Joy refresh your heart

prairie mama


Last Laugh:

Friday, November 18, 2022

eDified ePistle

 Famous First Words: The National Assembly, consisting of delegates from all parts of Albania ...Albanian Declaration of Independence

Happy American Education Week (14-18) Is it indicative of American Education that their week is only 4 days long? / How could I be failing when I haven't turned anything in?

..........The falling leaves drift by my window.........Johnny Mercer …..Autumn Leaves

The universe sings no less because time and space wear us thin. The music calls us to recognize our limitations, to recognize that the song is best sung with others. Manish Mishra-Marzetti

It is a cold (18°F) Friday morning. The early morning clouds that covered the sky are melting in the light of the sun leaving the sky bright blue above but shadowy looking at the horizon. Below freezing is normal for November but not this far below. Lawns and flower beds are frozen and crinkled up. The birds come to eat at the feeders in the front yard then come to the back of the house to discuss what to do next. The roof of the shed is a favorite stopping stop. It's a hopping-ening place. It is too cold to go for a walk. Puck is sleeping on his pillow; now and then his snores intrude into the air like tiny donkey snorts. Veronica is sleeping on her tree in the other room. I light a stick of sandalwood incense and stretch. With my souped up decaf in hand, I sit down to write to you. Happy Hygge!**

Hope your weekend has no homework, ePistliers

** Hygge - a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture). Pronounced hooga

First Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: St Peter: Says here you should go to hell but since you have a PhD we'll count that as time served. --Submitted by MMS

I was born intelligent – education ruined me. / Which king loved fractions? Henry 1/8. / The Department of Education is canceling $150 million in student loans. Those are 4 lucky people.

..........When Salome danced and had the boys entranced.........Johnny Mercer ….. Personality

Trivia Questions: Mickey Mouse turns 94 years old today.

  • ^ Did Walt Disney ever draw Mickey Mouse while he still lived in Kansas City?
  • ^^ Who was the true creator of Mickey Mouse?
  • ^^^ How did Walt help with Mickey's success?
  • ^^^^ What do you know about Disney's first successful cartoon character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit?
  • ^^^^^ Do you know where Disney's Kansas City Studio was?

Big Hello: Namaste - Hindi

Important Worthless Message of the Week: The 7th edition of the Official Scrabble Dictionary came out this week. Merriam-Webster, 2022 ...over 500 new words including Spork, Zonkey, and Hygge.

Image of the Week:

Fake Library Statistics of the Week: 98% of librarians won't date anyone named Marc.

High school is like a free trial on education. Once you've graduated they say, “now if you wanna continue, pay $50,000 a year, / Teacher: What is the tense in the sentence: Some day politics will be corruption free. Student: Future Impossible Tense.

..........latch on to the affirmative.........Johnny Mercer …..Accentuate The Positive

Moonbeam: Reason is the servant of instinct. --Clarence Day

Meditation of the Week: Is wisdom or intelligence more important?

Puzzle of the Week: From Simeon Seigel, of Brooklyn. Name a punctuation mark found on a computer keyboard. Somewhere inside this insert a word for what this punctuation mark may be part of or what it may represent. The result will be a 10-letter word associated with painting. What words are these?

Next Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Adult happiness is discovering that the next load of laundry to fold is just 8 bath towels and not 46 pieces of small human clothes. --Submitted by INRITH

We're doing our math lesson on the floor because the teacher told us not to use tables. / I'm a special ed teacher. What's your excuse?

..........If you're ever in a jam, here I am..........Johnny Mercer …..Friendship

^ Kansas City takes a lot of pride in being the place where Walt Disney started his first animation studio and created his first cartoon characters. But here's the thing: Walt Disney didn't design Mickey Mouse. And the stories he told for years about how the iconic character came to be aren't true.

Almanac: It is Friday, November 18, 2022. The moon was in the last quarter on Wednesday (11/16) and is in Virgo. It is European Antibiotic Awareness Day, Married To A Scorpio Support Day, Mickey Mouse Day, National Apple Cider Day, and Push-button Phone Day. Albania and Morocco both celebrate Independence Day and it is World Fellowship Day around the world.

Among those born on this day were Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre (1789), William Schwenck Gilbert (1836), Clarence Day (1874), Howard Thurman (1900), George Gallup (1901), Imogene Coca (1908), Johnny Mercer (1909), Alan B. Shepard, Jr. (1923), Mickey Mouse (1928), Don Cherry (1936), Brena Vaccaro (1939), David Hemmings (1941), Linda Evans (1942), and Elizabeth Perkins (1950).

On November eighteenth William Tell shot an apple off of his son's head (1307), the first Unitarian minister in the US was ordained (1787), the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized (WCTU, 1874), times zones were established by the railroads (US & Canada, 1883), comics were first printed in color (NY World, 1894), the US invaded Nicaragua (1909), Albania declared independence from Turkey (1912), and Mickey Mouse debuted (1928).

Night Sky, 11/18: The Leonids meteor shower. Visible after 11:30 pm in Lawrence, KS. Here's the skinny.

Fraternal Picture of the Week: Facing winter with mom

~~I think this is what hygge looks like

This Week: Saturday, November 19 – Equal Opportunity Day aka Gettysburg Address Day & International Men's Day & Rocky and Bullwinkle Day

Sunday, November 20 – Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day (GO HARD) & Stir Up Sunday & Universal Children's Day

Night Sky, 11/19: Whenever Fomalhaut is "southing" (crossing the meridian due south, which it does around 7pm this week), the Pointers of the Big Dipper stand upright low due north, straight below Polaris. Also at that time, the first stars of Orion soon rise above the east horizon (for skywatchers in the world's mid-northern latitudes). Starting with the rise of Betelgeuse, it takes Orion's main figure about an hour to completely clear the horizon.

Monday, November 21 – World Hello Day & World Television Day

Tuesday, November 22 – Humane Society Day

Wednesday, November 23 – Doctor Who Day & Fibonacci Day & Old Clem's Night

Night Sky, 11/23 : Neptune, magnitude 7.9 at the Aquarius-Pisces border, is high in the evening 6° west of Jupiter. It's just 2.3 arcseconds wide, again non-stellar in a telescope but requiring more effort than Uranus. It's slightly bluish gray.

Thursday, November 24 – Thanksgiving

What do you call an educated tube? A graduated cylinder. / We had to read The Prince for Political Science 210. It was so cold, I put a book jacket on it.

..........My mama done told me, hon.........Johnny Mercer …..Blues In The Night

^^ To know the truth about Mickey Mouse and the secret to many of Walt Disney’s successes, you have to know the story of Disney's best friend: Kansas City animator Ub Iwerks. It was Iwerks, not Disney, who in 1928 designed Mickey Mouse and single-handedly animated the first Mickey cartoon in Hollywood.

Preantepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries. --AnneHerbert (with thanks to Gilbert Sheldon)

Moonbeam: Whatever may be the tensions and the stresses of a particular day, there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace. --Howard Thurman

Video of the Week: Steamboat Willie – the very first Mickey Mouse Cartoon (:53)

Not So Late Night Snacks of the Week: One thing Mr Musk might very well do is actually lay off as many as half of Twitter's employees. Hopefully, he will keep the guy that made it impossible for me to edit my tweet after I wrote how proud I was to work in pubic radio. --Peter Sagal Wait Wait Don't Tell Me 11/5/22

Old life recomposes into new life, and we are not separate from this grand, inclusive, regenerative scheme. Jaco Ten Hove

Have you noticed, it's always teach 'er it's never teach 'im. / I made it through math by pretending x was the mark on a pirate's map. That made it way more interesting to find. / The difference between herpes and student loans is that you generally have a little fun before you get herpes.

..........But there aren't any magic adjectives.........Johnny Mercer ….Too Marvelous For Words

^^^ It’s not like Walt Disney wasn’t integral to the success of Mickey Mouse. He certainly was. In addition to defining Mickey’s personality, he literally voiced the character for years. But that doesn’t erase the fact that for decades, the collaboration between Iwerks and Disney was mostly kept a secret.

Antepenultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: Stop calling children “old souls” when you mean “weird”. Spent my whole life thinking I was mature for my age when I was actually a little creepy. --Solomon Georgio --Submitted by INRITH

Weird Word of the Week: Nipperkin – a drinking vessel somewhat less than a quarter pint. (sounds like a shot glass to me) Amusing rif on the word:

Dragons of the Week: This is a video of the Glastonbury Dragon March from this year's Samhain celebration. The video is 3:33 long, but the dragons aren't really on camera until about 1:15. It's fun.

Wacky Uses for Common Products: Keep your bathroom mirror from fogging up. Spread Barbasol Shaving Cream on and wipe off. Can last two or three weeks.

You should know before you walk into that adult computer class that the computers are as afraid of you as you are of them. / Teacher: You missed school yesterday. Student: No, I didn't miss it at all.

...........Do ya hear that whistle down the line.........Johnny Mercer …..On The Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe

^^^^ The truth is that Mickey was born out of an extremely tense, stressful moment. Walt Disney had just lost the rights to his first hit character, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and all of his animators had abandoned him. Everyone except Oswald co-creator Ub Iwerks. So while the departing animators finished up the final Oswald cartoon, Disney and Iwerks worked behind a locked door to hastily sketch out a new character. In all honesty, Mickey could have just as easily been a frog. Or a cow.

Penultimate Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: How thoughtful of god to arrange matters so that, wherever you happen to be born, the local religion always turns out to be the true one. --Richard Dawkins

Science Fiction Convention of the Week: L I Who (19-20, Long Island, NY) up close and personal Doctor Who event on Long Island

Actual Science Conference of the Week: CIO & CISO Perspectives (11/18, NYC) advancing conversations among tech leadership

Answer to Puzzle of the Week: Colon, ratio --> colo(ratio)n --> coloration

If you cross a teacher with a calculator you get someone you can always count on. / The math teacher was late for school because she took the rhom-bus. / I'm thankful for student loans for getting me through the university. I don't think I could ever repay you.

..........I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice.........Johnny Mercer …..Baby, It's Cold Outside

^^^^^ Laugh-O-Gram Studio at 1127 E. 31st St. 64109, which is currently being renovated by a Kansas City nonprofit.

My Own Writing of the Week: Science fiction conventions are sexy gatherings. I have enjoyed a variety of things during them and after them and because of them. I have written several short stories about women seducing various convention guests of honor. I have never done this myself.

I love aliens, they are so curious.

By the way, it is not true that nerds are naive and sheltered. At least not all of them. There was the dental technician from Wichita who had a perfect set of vampire fangs and a long, thin cock that he used with great skill on any warm blooded woman. And there was the hobbit who made his pocket handkerchief part of the sex act; I remember it (silky and red) on my breasts more vividly than I remember his face. At the other end of the spectrum, there was the fan from Oklahoma who never understood sex as anything but score keeping.

But it is the writers and aspiring writers that interested me most. The ones still rewriting seem to have the most potential energy. They are the most open to new methods and new results. Nowadays they are often too young, and I must leave them to swim and grow for someone else to appreciate later.

I have had a fair few to my bed. I like writers. I like to draw parallels between their pillow noises and their creative technique, their face of bliss and their finished products. They write great letters and emails. I like our shared fascination with words and how they cling to one another. I like metaphor fights and hyperbole flights. Most are still writing - as far as I know.

The Fry and I hung out for a while before we had sex. In fact, it was our fourth or fifth date when I finally said something to him. As the evening was coming to a close I said, "I'll warn you, if you kiss me I'll kiss you back", I said. "Is that a threat?" he asked. "No, It's a dare". He took it.

Fry liked to talk during sex. It wasn't that he was one of those people who talked all the time including during sex. He seemed pretty normal, otherwise. He didn't talk dirty; that would have made some sense. They weren't quite conversations and sometimes it was hard to tell who was on the other end of the communication. Once while I was teetering on that edge where you can almost stop thinking and just drift in that pleasure for as long as you can, he thrust deep into me, became very still and whispered, "My manuscript is due Tuesday". I laughed so much it took 15 minutes to get back to the edge.

From Always Surrender by Christine Smith

Final Funniest Thing I Read of the Week: I will never understand people's fascination with their ancestry, isn't knowing your current family bad enough. --Submitted by jm r ks

Today's Peace of History, November 18, 1993: South Africa's ruling National Party, and leaders of 20 other parties representing both blacks and whites, approved a new national constitution that provided fundamental rights to blacks and other non-whites, ending the apartheid system.

Due tomorrow. Do tomorrow. / The middle school teacher's three favorite words are June, July, and August.

..........She never shares a kiss, she lets our lips unite.........Johnny Mercer ….. My Sugar Is So Refined

Masthead of the Week: Friday ePistle November 18, 2022, eDified ePistle. Online at: Exclusive editor: Christine Smith. Lawrence, KS

Moonbeam: The trouble with most comedians who try to do satire is that they are essentially brash, noisy and indelicate people who have to use a sledge hammer to smash a butterfly. --Imogene Coca

Cost of War:

  • As of 11/17/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $192,781,212,487.
  • As of 11/10/22 State Department War Costs since 2001: $192,222,171,193.
  • As of 11/17/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,097,561,416,530.
  • As of 11/10/22 Interest on War Debt since 2001: $1,096,089,528,493.
  • As of 11/17/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,121,107,057,424.
  • As of 11/10/22 Homeland Security since 2001: $1,120,500,094,414.
  • As of 11/17/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $2,745,055,959,279.
  • As of 11/10/22 Veterans Care since 2001: $2,733,224,847,062.
  • As of 11/17/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,993,018,705,684.
  • As of 11/10/22 Military Costs since 2001: $2,991,833,691,527.
  • As of 11/17/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,149,527,086,962.
  • As of 11/10/22 Total Cost of Wars since 2001: $8,133,783,794,823.

We need not think alike to love alike.

Famous Last Words: ...Federal law ended the disorder. On a Brief History of Time Zones

..........and one more for the road...............Johnny Mercer …..One For My Baby

Remember, the teacher's jokes are ALWAYS funny. / Due to the size of the student loans for my PhD, I have debts no honest man could pay.....Luckily I'm a statistician.

May Knowledge bring you Peace

And wisdom fill you with Joy

prairie mama


Last Laugh: