Friday, May 27, 2016

eDucational ePistle

Famous First Words:  What hath God wrought?  --first telegraph message
May is Homeschooling Awareness Month. --You can tell if people are home schooled if you ask them what grade they are in and they aren't sure ... if they call their pajamas school uniforms.
..........Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist.........Bob Dylan  .....Blowin' in the Wind
Diversity is the magic.  It is the first manifestation, the first beginning of the differentiation of a thing and of simple identity.  The greater the diversity, the greater the perfection.  --Thomas Berry
It is a cloudy Friday morning.  The sky is completed covered with a thick layer of gray without seam or texture.  The sidewalk is streaked with twigs and straw and small decorative gravel that was left by water thickly and rapidly answering gravity's call to the wetlands.  Each tree and clump of grass hides diamond raindrops at the tip of each leaf and the underside of each branch. The air is filled with the feel ...humidity and a need for extra power to take in enough oxygen... and smell of dampness ... soaked soil, damp cement, tattered flowers.  Puck loudly stops 2 rabbits in their tracks; rabbits, no doubt, headed for the grounds beneath the feeders or the neighbor's garden.  But we are safe from them for now and only have to endure Puck's sharp, angry voice in return.**  Birds are out in surround-sound greeting the sunless dawn and assessing last night's storms.  There is no wind left over but the cool (61°F) still begins to seep into the body and we retreat to warmth and light and sweetened, creamy Moose Munch.  What a morning, huh?
** The joys of dog ownership; he should watch it, it Hug Your Cat Day. 
Hope your weekend passes all the standard tests, ePistliers.
The worst thing about homeschooling - made fun of the teacher, grounded for life.  The best thing about homeschooling - everyone made the cheerleading squad.
..........Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline.........Bob Dylan  .....Girl of the North Country
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Dashiell !
^ Any idea where Dashiell Hammett was born?
^^ What do you know about Hammett's wife and children?
^^^ Do you know where he's buried?
^^^^ Hammett wrote 4 screenplays, how many can you name?
^^^^^ He wrote 5 novels, how many can you name?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: 82% of libraries use pages ripped out of #50shades instead of paper towels in the break room.
Moonbeam: The past resembles the future more than one drop of water resembles another.  --Ibn Khaldun
Sending your child to public school to learn about socialization is like sending them to the candy store to learn about nutrition.  --Brenda Rufener
..........I've stepped in the middle of seven sad forests.........Bob Dylan  .....A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
Something to Think About of the Week: The design of the mandala is supposed to be visually appealing so as to absorb the mind in such a way that irritating thoughts are unable to get through and a spiritual essence surrounds the individual observing the mandala, which in turn allows the individual a higher consciousness or awareness, almost as though being hypnotized.

Big Hello Correction: Last week the hello was mckcm which is from the language of Efik spoken in Nigeria.  I failed to mention the language which is so like elfish.  Sorry.
Big Hello: Hej - Elfdalian (Sweden)  ~~Another actual elf language
Week of the Week: National Backyard Games Week (May 23-30) --Seriously, the Olympic badminton players were apparently trying to lose on purpose.  But really, if you trained day and night for 4 years to be in the Olympics for badminton, in a way haven't you already lost?  --Conan O'Brien
Quote of the Week: Solutions nearly always come from the direction you least expect, which means there’s no point trying to look in that direction because it won’t be coming from there.  --Douglas Adams   (For Towel Day, May 25th)
Five minutes after Mindy died trying, Brice finally understood fractions. / My grandmother wanted me to have an education, so she kept me out of school.  --Margaret Mead
..........I'm a thinking and a wonderin' walking down the road.........Bob Dylan  .....Don't Think Twice
^ Samuel Dashiell Hammett was born in St. Mary's County, Maryland, MD
Almanac: It is Friday, May 27, 2016.  The moon will be last quarter on Sunday and is in Aquarius. It is Cellophane Tape Day.  Nigeria celebrates Children's Day.  In Turkey they remember Freedom & Constitution Day (1960, 1961).  Because it is the 4th Friday it is also Heat Awareness Day and National Title Track Day.  Because it is the Friday before Memorial Day it is Don't Fry Day (see also Heat Awareness Day). Finally because it is the last Friday it is Hug Your Cat Day.
Among those born on this day were Ibn Khaldun (1332), Bonaventura Furlanetto (1738), Francis Beaufort (1774), Cornelius Vandrebilt (1794), Amelia Bloomer (1818), Julia Ward Howe (1819), Henry Wylde (1822), Josef Joachim Raff (1822), Wild Bill Hickok (James Butler, 1837), Blind Tom Bethune (1849), Arnold Bennett (1867), Louis Durey (888), Dashiell Hammett (1894), John Douglas Cockroft (1897), Hubert Humphrey and Vincent Price (1911), John Cheever (1912), Sam Snead (1912), Herman Wouk (1915), Henry Kissinger (1923), John Barth (1930), Harlan Ellison (1934), Lee Meriwether (1935), Louis Gossett Jr. (1936), Rene Koering (1940), and Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Volkov (1948).
On May twenty-seventh Denmark and Sweden signed a ceasefire (1660), McLean patented his piano (1796), Samuel Morse completed the first telegraph line (1844), the first Preakness Stakes was run (Survivor, 1873), bubonic plague broke out in San Francisco (1907), Afghanistan achieved sovereignty (1921), Austria banned the Communist Party (1933), the Federal Securities Act was signed (1933), the golden gate bridge was dedicated (1937), the US forbade racial discrimination in the war industry (1943), Huis Clos premiered (1944), the first black light was sold (1961), Kennedy announced the US goal to reach the moon (1961), Bob Dylan released Free Wheelin (1963), construction began on Disney World (1969), Trujillo became president of Colombia (1990), and Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia (1994).
Tonight's Sky: visible Planets -- Morning... Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.  Evening... Jupiter, Mercury.
This Week: Saturday, May 28 - International Jazz Day and Sierra Club Day
Sunday, May 29 - Learn About Composting Day and Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day
Monday, May 30 - Mint Julep Day and Memorial Day
Night Sky, May 30: Mars makes it closest approach to Earth for the year.
Tuesday, May 31 - World No-Tobacco Day
Wednesday, June 1 - Oscar the Grouch Day and National Go Barefoot Day
Thursday, June 2 - Leave the Office Early Day and National Bubba Day
Lecture in the car on the way to a play date with other homeschooled children: Now don't mention that we didn't get up till 9:30 or that your little brother can't read...or that we buy our bread from a store...or Disney movies...and whatever you do, try not to say the words Batman or Power Rangers...and for goodness sakes try to act SMART!!!
..........Two men died 'neath the Mississippi moon.........Bob Dylan  .....Oxford Town
^^ Hammett spent time in the Army hospital where he met Josephine Dolan, whom he married.  They had two daughters, Mary Jane and Josephine.  Health Services nurses informed Dolan that due to Hammett's TB, she and the children should not live with him full-time. Dolan rented a home in San Francisco where Hammett would visit on weekends. The marriage soon fell apart, but he continued to financially support his wife and daughters with the income he made from his writing.
Moonbeam: Disarm, disarm. The sword of murder is not the balance of justice. Blood does not wipe out dishonor, nor violence indicate possession.  --Julia Ward Howe
Art Exhibit of the Week:  This week Marilyn (the Bread Ladye) and I went to the Nelson-Atkins Museum (KCMO) to see the exhibit Reflecting Class in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer.   She summed it up quite well, " Wow, those Dutch painters painted SO well!"   The exhibit is all Dutch painters, some I'd heard of some I hadn't.  I am still reflecting but I have some gossip and a few stray facts.  There are 67 dogs and 1 cat (or 66 dogs and 2 cat, with one figure it's hard to tell) total in all the pictures.  The Netherlands in the 1600s was protestant and therefore allowed women to serve in political office and in commerce.  But the famous "Dutch Masters" painting of a bunch of men sitting around a table is because the women had their pictures painted separately from the men.  So the city council portrait is two - one for the men and one for the women. 
I loved all of it...even the table cloths.  Gossip:  The exhibit opened in Boston and KC is the only other museum to display it.  Boston had a second Vermeer but the Louvre wouldn't let it be gone that long and Boston had a third Rembrandt which the Queen Elizabeth wanted back.  It was the director (or curator or some other title) who suggested the exhibit to the woman in Boston and that's why KC got it, we think.  Sunday is the last day.
Late Night Snacks: The Wall Street Journal just reported that America has a surplus of cheese and that every person in the country would have to eat an extra three pounds of cheese this year to get rid of it. So the next time the pizza guy judges you for ordering extra cheese, just say, "I'm doing this for America."  --Jimmy Fallon / Now, some car companies might focus on making cars that don't hit people. Not Google. No way. So if one of these cars hits you, you will be spread-eagled, stuck to the hood as the car slowly rolls to a halt, because that was the problem with getting hit by a car before: It just wasn't embarrassing enough.  --James Corden / The National Parks Service is so desperate for cash that they just announced that, for the first time, they are going to solicit corporate sponsorship. Pretty soon, those sequoias could be brought to you by Viagra. Remember, if your redwood lasts more than 2,000 years, call your lumberjack!  --Stephen Colbert / American Express is suing Charlie Sheen for an unpaid credit card balance of over $200,000. How did he blow that much money? Oh, right. Answered my own question.  --Seth Meyers
We live now in a global village and we are in one single family.  It's our responsibility to bring friendship and love from all different places around the world and to live together in peace. --Jackie Chan
There's no such thing as an atheist homeschooler...after a week, students,  teachers and the family cat are crying out to God.
..........Please don't take away my highway shoes.........Bob Dylan  .....Down the Highway
^^^ As a veteran of two wars, Hammett was buried at Arlington National Cemetery (Section 12 Site 508).
Worthless Fact of the Week: Approximately 1.3 million cats are adopted from shelters each year.  Hug Your Cat Day !!
Weird Word of the Week: Jafaikan - a new multicultural dialect in London.  It is a blend of Jamacian and African.
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Polish Furniture. Spam purportedly makes good furniture polish, according to the New York Times Magazine.
...because I have seen the village and I don't want it raising my children. / I am not talking to myself; I'm having a parent teacher conference.
...........Is just lookin' for a needle that is lost in the sand.........Bob Dylan  .....Honey Just Allow Me One More Chance
^^^^ Screenplays by Hammett include After the Thin Man, Shadow of the Thin Man, The Glass Key, and Watch on the Rhine.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Advertising - the action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by paid announcements.  Measure for Measure Act V Scene I  (Duke Vincentio)
 Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck scanning the skies in the case of Yossarian's Yoranian.

For homeschooled families you can call your family reunions high school reunions on odd numbered years.

..........Gal, where you been so long.........Bob Dylan  .....Corrina, Corrina
^^^^^ Hammett's novels are Red Harvest, The Dain Curse, The Maltese Falcon, The Glass Key and The Thin Man.
Month of the Week: May is National Barbeque Month --Experience is simply the name we give our barbeque mistakes.  --Oscar Wilde
Famous Kansans: Samuel Wendell Williston was born in Boston (1851) but raised in the Kansas territory.  He was the first to propose that birds developed flight cursorially (by running), rather than arboreally (by leaping from tree to tree).
Today's Peace of History May 27, 1940:  The US Supreme Court ruled a sit-down strike was not a violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act even if it interfered with interstate commerce.  The Court said that if the strike were found to be a restraint of trade, then “practically every strike in modern industry would be brought within the jurisdiction of the federal courts under the Sherman Act.”
When Johnny misbehaved at home school, his mother sent him to Public School for a 3 day suspension.
..........Like Judas of old,  you lie and deceive.........Bob Dylan  ......Masters of War
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: 47: ConQuest Prime - May 27-29, KCMO Sheraton KC Hotel at Crown Center.   ~~Where The Bull  Really Flies !

Week of the Week Too: Old Fashioned Player Piano Weekend (May 27-29) --He would make a good lamp post if he'd weather better and didn't have to eat.  --Kurt Vonnegut      Player Piano
Moonbeam: It will not do to say that it is out of woman's sphere to assist in making laws, for it that were so, then it should be also out of her sphere to submit to them.  --Amelia Bloomer
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/26/16: $737,690,673,879.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/19/16: $737,012,219,977.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/26/16: $819,491,988,384.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/19/16: $819,472,157,518.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/26/16: $9,758,740,289.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/19/16: $9,654,461,708.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/26/16: $120,493,873,983.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/12/16: $119,913,597,604.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/26/16: $1,690,348,362,810.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/19/16: $1,688,931,333,101.
Let us have but one end in view, the welfare of humanity; and let us put aside all selfishness in consideration of language, nationality, or religion.  --John Comenius
..........Oh, there ain't no use in me workin' alla time.........Bob Dylan  .....I Shall Be Free
The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.  --Albert Einstein .  / Warning!!  Unsocialized Homeschooler  Communicate at your own risk!
Famous Last Words: 15 F.R. 3175, 64 Stat. 1265.  --Securities Act of 1933
May Peace be your curriculum
And Joy your text book
prairie mama

Friday, May 20, 2016

ePistle eNscarfment

Famous First Words: What do you want? --Henrik Ibsen Ghosts
May 16-20 is National Bike to Work Week: Studies have shown that riding a bicycle everyday makes you more awesome than the general population.
..........What do you see when you turn out the light.........Joe Cocker .....With a Little Help From My Friends
Even if a unity of faith is not possible, a unity of love is. --Hans Urs von Balthasar
It is a damp Friday morning.  The 55°F is lovely especially with little wind to make it angry.  The birds have long ago ended their jubilance for morning song and settled into a rainy day soundtrack.  Rabbits are everywhere, to the delight of Puck and the deafening of every other creature with ears.  All of Puck's barking cannot keep the rabbits from enjoying the garden of the lady next door.  The world's background color has changed from brown to green but the flicks and flags of top color now includes so many yellows and reds and pinks.  The scent of honeysuckle momentarily replaces the aroma of damp soil and pavement.  The little unseen dog, behind the privacy fence, makes his morning rabbit purge with such uproar that Pepper and Penny come out into the yard barking and puffing.  I decide it is time to retreat to quiet and to rich creamy moose munch and, of course, to you.
Hope your weekend is an upshift, ePistliers.
I don't know if it's illegal to be as sexy as me and ride a bike at the same time but whatever, I live dangerously. /  It's really easy for me to ride a bike to work, I'm retired.
..........Truer than the red, white, and blue.........Cowsills .....Love, American Style
 Epistle At Home: The ePistle has found a new online home.  The two great things about this blog site is that it accepts my formatting and I don't have to reformat the letter after I copy it. AND It will accept a bunch of entries so more than one ePistle will be available.
Trivia Questions: Happy Birthday, Ronnie.
^ With what derogatory term did Reagan's vice president, G.H.W. Bush, describe Reagan's economic proposals?
^^ How much did the national debt increase under Reagan?
^^^ How many children did Reagan have?
^^^^ Who was the gunman that hit but did not serious wound Regan in 1981?
^^^^^ How many individuals from the Reagan administration were indicted?
Fake Library Statistic of the Week: Simply by removing all the books from their trunk the average librarian would improve their car's fuel efficiency 47%.
Moonbeam: Behind every great fortune there is a crime.  --Honoré de Balzac
I cycle therefore I am. / Fred's bicycle is so old Yoda used it when he was a kid. / An enscarfment is a food break by a cliff.
..........There are concrete mountains in the city...........Joe Cocker .....Delta Lady
Something to Think about This Week: Circles are a symbol of wholeness, circles flow and have no hard edges or angels, and circles help focus us inward.

The Big Hello: Mɔkɔm (Nigeria)

Week of the Week: National Transportation Week (May 15-21) --Cassie was taking two of her grandsons on their very first train ride from Dayton, Ohio to Washington, DC.  A vendor came down the corridor selling Pop Rocks, something neither had ever seen before.  Cassie bought each one a bag.  The first one eagerly tore open the bag and popped one into his mouth just as the train went into a tunnel.  When the train emerged from the tunnel, he looked across to his brother and said: "I wouldn't eat that if I were you."  "Why not?" replied the curious brother.  "I took one bite and went blind for half a minute."
Quote of the Week: History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction.  --Bill Watterson  Calvin & Hobbes
What do you call an artist who sculpts with bicycle parts? Cycleangelo / What do you call a bicycle built by a chemist? Bikecarbonate of soda.
..........Flowers in her hair, flowers everywhere.........Cowsills .....The Rain, the Park, and Other Things
^ Papa Bush called Reagan's economic plans, "voodoo economics".
Almanac: It is Friday, May 20, 2016.  The moon will be full (flower) tomorrow and is in Scorpio.  The United Nations has declared this Vesak, the Day of the Full Moon.  It is also Eliza Doolittle Day and Weights & Measures Day.  In addition it is Botev Day in Bulgaria, Constitution Day in Cameroon and both Cuba (1902) and Saudi Arabia (2917) celebrate Independence Day.  Massachusetts commemorates Lafayette and in Zaire it is Revolution Day.   Because it is the third Friday we also celebrate Endangered Species Day, International Virtual Assistants Day, NASCAR Day, National Bike to Work Day, National Defense Transportation Day and National Pizza Party Day. 
Among those born on this day were Henry Percy (Harry Hotspur, 1364), Melchior Bischoff (1547), Paulo Bellasio (1554), Jacob Jordaens (1593), Hans Gram (1754), William Thornton (1759), Dolley Dandridge Payne Madison (1768), William Congreve (1772), Honoré de Balzac (1799), John Stuart Mill (1806), William George Fargo (1818), Frédéric Passy (1822), Antoinette Brown Blackwell (1825), Henri E Cross (Delacroix, 1856), John Owen Jones (1876), Sigrid Undset (1882), Paul Arntzenius (1883), James Maitland Stewart (Jimmy, 1908), Gardner F Fox (1911), William Hewlett (1913), Moshe Dayan (1915), George Gobel (1919), David Frederick Barlow (1927), Danny Aiello (1933), Shorty Long (1940), Joe Cocker (1944), Nikolai Nikolayevich Fefelov (1945), Cher (Cherilyn Sarkisian LaPierre, 1946), Dave Thomas (1949), James Henderson (1954), Ronald Prescot Reagan (1958), and Susan Cowsill (1960).  
On May twentieth shoes were first made for left and right feet (1310), Vasco da Gama arrived in Calcutta (1498), the first public school opened in the new world (1639), Elias Neau formed a school for slaves in New York (1704), the daily railroad timetable was first published in the newspaper (1830), the cornerstone for the University of Washington was laid in Seattle (1861), the Homestead Act was passed (1862), the foundation for the Royal Albert Hall was laid (1867), Levi Strauss first marketed his blue jeans ($13.50/dozen, 1874), the International Bureau of Weights & Measures was established by treaty (1875), Ibsen's Ghosts (Gengangere) premiered (1882), the clothes dryer was patented (1892), the Saturday Evening Post featured its first Norman Rockwell painting (1916), the University of California dedicated $1,500 to research on prevention and cure of athlete's foot (1930), Amelia Earhart left Newfoundland on her solo flight across the Atlantic (1932), the helicopter was unveiled (1940), the US Communist Party dissolved (1944), Japanese-Americans regained their citizenship (1959), mobs attacked Freedom Riders in Montgomery, LA (1961), Criss quit Kiss (1980), Toonces the Cat debuted on SNL (1989), the Hubble telescope sent its first photographs from space (1990), the final episode of Cheers aired (1993), and CBS fired Connie Chung (1995).
This Week: Saturday, May 21 - Do Dah Day and National Wait Staff Day
Night Sky, May 21 - Full Moon.  Since this is the 3rd of 4 full moons in this quarter (season), it is known as a blue moon. This rare calendar event only happens once every 2.7 years, giving rise to the term, “once in a blue moon.” Since full moons occur every 29.53 days, occasionally a season will contain 4 full moons.  Mars will appear to blaze almost directly below the moon.
Sunday, May 22 - Harvey Milk Day and World Goth Day
Night Sky, May 22 – Mars is at opposition to the sun. It will rise at sunset, peak in the south at midnight, and set at sunup on the 23rd
Monday, May 23 - World Turtle Day  ~~We have a new turtle household member
Tuesday, May 24 - Brothers Day and International Tiara Day
Wednesday, May 25 - Cookie Monster's Birthday and Nerd Pride Day
Thursday, May 26 - Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day and Red Nose Day
Jack and Jill have just climbed Le Alp de Huez on a tandem: "Phew that was a tough climb" said Jack "Thought I was going to bonk". "Yeah good job I kept the brakes on" said Jill "or we'd have slid all the way back down!"
..........This lovely planet caught my eye..........Joe Cocker .....Space Captain
^^ Under Reagan, the national debt almost tripled, from $907 billion in 1980 to $2.6 trillion in 1988.
Moonbeam: In all intellectual debates, both sides tend to be correct in what they affirm and wrong in what they deny.  --John Stuart Mill
Late Night Snacks: British researchers are warning that one-fifth of the world's plant species are at risk of extinction. Even worse, kale is expected to survive. --Jimmy Fallon / Google has created several new emojis aimed at empowering women. So congratulations women, you asked for equal pay and you got five new emojis. --Conan O'Brien / "60 Minutes" correspondent Morley Safer will formally retire this week after 46 seasons with the show. Safer made his name as a young reporter covering the landmark case of "Asteroid v. Dinosaurs." --Seth Meyers / A baby was born in India to what is believed to be the world's oldest mother. She's 72 years old, and her husband is 79 years old. They said they've wanted a baby for many years but they wanted to all be in diapers at the same time. --Jimmy Kimmel / This weekend, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne said that they're getting a divorce. Ozzy announced the separation by biting the head off their lawyer. It's sad news. They were married for 33 years, six of which Ozzy remembers.  --Stephen Colbert / I'm sorry, but saying Donald Trump could be a capable leader is not very reassuring. If you are about to have an operation and they tell you that your doctor could be a capable surgeon, you would be like, “You know what? It was a minor heart attack. I'm good. Don't worry.” --James Corden / Last week we bade a tearful farewell to doughy dominionist and dog whistler Ted Cruz.  --Samantha Bee
Be a hero for a better world ... Every act of kindness makes a difference!
My granny started cycling at 97 years old. She has been doing ten miles per day - and now we don't know where the heck she is!
..........Isn't it groovy in a daydream? Dreamin' today.........Cowsills .....We Can Fly
^^^ Ronnie had five children: Maureen, Christine, Michael, Patti, and Ron.
Worthless Fact of the Week: The first Rockwell illustration on a Saturday Evening Post cover was titled Boy With Baby Carriage.  Click here to see it.
Weird Word of the Week: Infandous - unspeakable or too odious to be expressed or mentioned.  ~~Unfortunately, nothing was too infandous to be a subject of this year's Republican debates~~
Wacky Uses for Common Products: Remove the glue left behind by a bumper sticker.  Rub the glue with a soft, clean cloth soaked in Smirnoff Vodka.
Where's your bicycle Vicar" I said, (because it was the first time I had seen him walking in 10 years!). "Don't know, I think it might have been stolen, but I will get it back on Sunday" he replied. "At my next sermon I will go through the ten commandments. When I get to 'thou shalt not steal' God will sort it out, I've got faith" The following week, sure enough he was riding the bike again. So I asked him if the ten commandments thing had worked as planned: "I got as far as thou shall not commit adultery.......then I suddenly remembered where I left the bike...
...........Three o'clock and I'm dreaming...........Joe Cocker .....High Time We Went
^^^^John Hinckley opened fire on Reagan and his entourage as they left a Washington hotel.
Science Fiction Convention of the Week: Intergalactic Expo ...  Celebrating out-of-this-world fan favorites Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, Farscape, and Doctor Who.  May 22nd at the West Sacramento Civic Center. West Sacrament, CA.
Word Shakespeare Made Up of the Week: Addiction - enthusiastic devotion to a specific thing or activity.  Othello Act 2: Scene II (Herald)
Puck the Brave Episode of the Week: Here's our fearless Puck doing the twist in the case of Checker's Chihuahua.   
Three cyclist's went for a meal. When the waiter appeared with the bill, the first cyclist said "The meals on me lads, I’ll pay": The headlines the following day read "cycling ventriloquist found dead in a ditch".
..........Or a honey lovin' mama bear.........Cowsills .....Indian Lake
^^^^^ By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations
Month of the Week: May is National Egg Month --Bacon and Eggs walk into a bar.  The bartender looks them up and down and says, "We don't serve breakfast here".
Famous Kansans: Clyde Tombaugh was raised in Burdett.  Tombaugh discovered Pluto.
This Week's Peace of History, May 20, 1971: A delegation of pacifists from the US traveled to Cuba to exchange children's art.

A tired cyclist stuck his thumb out for a lift: After 3 hours, hadn't got anyone to stop. Finally, a guy in a sports car pulled over and offered him a ride. But the bike wouldn't fit in the car. The driver got some rope out of the trunk and tied it to his bumper. He tied the other end to the bike and told the rider: "If I go too fast, ring your bell and I'll slow down." Everything went well until another sports car blew past them. The driver forgot all about the cyclist and put his foot down. A short distance down the road, they hammered through a speed trap. The cop with the radar gun and radioed ahead that he had 2 sports cars heading his way at over 150 mph. He then relayed, "and you're not going to believe this, but there's a cyclist behind them ringing his bell to pass!".
..........She's hard to call your own..........Joe Cocker .....The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Funniest Thing I Read of the Week:

Week of the Week Too: National Heritage Breeds Week --One beautiful autumn day, a Park Ranger discovered a man sitting in the woods chewing away on a dead Bald Eagle. "Hey mister, the Bald Eagle is a protected species, and killing one is punishable offence", said the Park Ranger.  The man was swiftly arrested, and ushered before the judge.  In court, he pleaded innocent to the charges against him, claiming that if he didn't eat the bald eagle, he may not find any more food for many days.  "I was so hungry" complained the defensive camper, "the Bald Eagle was the only food I could find!"  To everyone's amazement, the judge ruled in his favor.  In the judge's closing statement he asked the man, "I would like you to tell me something before I let you go. I have never eaten a bald eagle nor ever plan on it. But I'd like to know: What did it taste like?"  The man answered, "Well, it tasted like a cross between a Whooping Crane and a Spotted Owl."
Moonbeam:  Slavery is malignantly aristocratic. -- Antoinette Brown Blackwell
Cost of War:
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/19/16: $737,012,219,977.
Tax dollars spent in Afghanistan: as of 5/12/16: $736,343,240,303.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/19/16: $819,472,157,518.
Tax dollars spent on the Iraq war since 2001 as of 5/12/16: $819,452,605,016.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/19/16: $9,654,461,708.
Tax dollars spent on Daesh conflict as of 5/12/16: $9,551,639,559.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/19/16: $119,913,597,604.
Tax dollars spent on the Pentagon Slush Fund as of 5/12/16: $119,341,493,067.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/19/16: $1,688,931,333,101.
Tax dollars spent on all wars since 2001 as of 5/12/16: $1,687,534,298,436.
Who is wise? One who learns from all people.
..........Come on, let me show you the way.........Cowsills .....The Path of Love
Encyclopedia : n. a fetish for very small bicycles. / Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. --Mark Twain
Famous Last Words: ...granting preemption rights. --Homestead Act 1862
May Peace set our cadence
And Joy surround your jaunt
prairie mama